Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1418248-The-Road-to-Find-Purpose
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Fanfiction · #1418248
Klingon Boy meets Klingon Girl. It'll warm your little Klingon heart!
The Road To Find Purpose

There once was a Klingon named Klunk.
Whose self-esteem and dignity stunk.
After all, his name was Klunk.
His parents, being not too swift of wit
considered not the stigma of it.
At their whim
bestowed this name 'pon him.

Of course, as he grew,
he lived up to his name.
He'd trip over his Bat'leth and Klunk!
And run into walls,
the resulting sound was the same.

Miss his targets as if they'd sprouted wings.
Knock out his entire team during
Close Order Drill,
With misguided swings.
Clearly, he couldn't fight
even if he stood still.

It was said Klunk had neither the heart
nor love for the battle or fight.
All he wanted was peace
so he could read, create and write.

"Not meaning offence. . . " whispered
one of his trainers, to he.
". . . . Klutz, instead of Klunk
your name should be."

Needless to say, that one
paid dearly for his err.
He was sent to the Black Fleet,
before his own Bat'leth could stir.
As Klunk found grace and skill,
to avenge his name.
Anger sparked instantly to flame,
by a rash trainer who thought
him harmless and tame.

His parents when informed,
hung their heads in shame.
Disowned him,
leaving him lineless, clanless
and without a name.
Cast out with little more than,
armor 'pon his back.

Disgusted with his lot.
He set 'pon a quest.
Surely, there was more to life,
than a name.
Was there not?

On his quest, a sojourner, he met.
Traveling the same path he'd set.
Only this was a she.
Bearing herself with grace and dignity.
Bringing to mind Empresses,
and Lady Warriors of old.

"Why then, was she seeking purpose?"
wondered he, 'till he was told.
Unlike he, she had no interest,
in letters or words
Her true passions lay within,
the cold blades of the Mek'leth and Bat'leth.

When she was born,
her parent found she had a peculiar gift.
They, being cautious and wise.
Hid her "way from whispering lips,
and prying eyes.

Drilling her in all manner of defense,
from the trice of her first step.
Warned her against using the gift,
unless she truly needed it.

This warning she still obeyed,
'tho it's curse pursued her 'till this day.
Not only faught she, flawlessly.
But knew when one plotted to kill her,
thus would slay them first.

This provoked fellow cohorts,
to fear her more than,
the bite of her blade.
Believing her cursed by demons or worse,
away from her, stayed they in droves.

As, he strove to tell his own
She smiled, and gazed at him
"We shall travel together. . . "  said she,
". . . . to me it's already been shown.
Let those who fear, riddicule
and scorn persist!

They will never learn, in their ignorance,
this wisdom they will spurn.
From each other, we can learn.
Thus, the talents of two can be combined,
to form an even greater one!"

So, the two turned from,
The Road to Find Purpose.
As One.
© Copyright 2008 Shaharazod (dminuszero at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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