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Rated: · Other · Emotional · #1426456
To my girlfriend and everyone else.
I'm not half the man i use to be
You've changed me for the better and it wasn't easy
We were in love at first sight
Matter of fact i can still remember that night
You're so faithful to me and i to you.
Girl i don't not know what I'd do without you
I know some people saying "Well you went something odd years without her!"
"But they don't know how i feel now that i actually have her"
My heart beats day and night and i get mad at myself if i miss any calls
I stay up at night thinking about you hanging your poems up over my bed on the wall
I keep you very close to my heart and i hope you realize that
They couldn't make me leave you even if they beat me with a baseball bat
But thats besides the point this is the dedication from me to my baby
I want to prove that I'm as loyal and dedicated as my lady
When we were at the game yeah i was sitting behind the drill team but they wasn't there
I was looking cross and passed them looking for your hair
To me those girls don't even exist so you won't have no problem here
Every time I'm home without you i look at myself and see a tear
But not to many because you're not far
You know just who you are
You are my future wife so never doubt that you're the only woman in my life
I love your mother and your sister all of you are my life
I carry y'all over the world and on my shoulders
I won't allow no one to mess with you or knock you down and over
The love i have for you is real and thats why this is a celebration
Baby girl I'm missing you and i leave to you this Dedication.

To my girlfriends father

We only met one time and i know you may seem strange
I appreciate everything you've done for her all the way down to the change
You made sure she had everything she wanted and everything she needed
Even when your vision was being depleated you can tell that you're needed
Though out the years and many tears ya'll shred it can only get better
I want to be there for your daughter through the good and stormy weather
Wherever she needs me to be she wants me to do
I'ma do it to my best ability and thats why i'm telling you
Please trust me with your intuition and put a little faith in me
I'll earn the rest i promise and i won't let you frown on me
Just keep that smile up and i see she gets it from you
That beautiful smile that can make anyone do what you want them do to
But back to my main focus your little angel that was sent from above
Latrice Lawson, the only female i want to marry and love
Every word in all these poems that you're reading are true
I respect all of your decisions and i want to say that i love you too

Two in the morning(two poems i wrote in one morning lol. both to my girlfriend)


Sometimes affection is shown sometimes it's not...
Maybe you don't show yours vividly because i haven't found the right spot
When you smile i smile back but your eyes tell me something differently
Are you truely happy with me or do you want someone who looks and acts differently?
Seperated by physical exteriors i'm reaching my hands out at your love
But the only way i can do that is if you give this little shell you're in up
I'm not sure if you do that on purpose or if you truely feel like that
But when i'm talking to you and when i'm around you i can't even act like that
I can't do anything but be happy when i'm thinking about you
I'ma be truthful and say i dont think i can carry on without you
People in the past may counter your judgement about me
And the things i've done may encourge them a little more
But don't think badly about me baby because you know i'm not a whore
You know i don't talk to other females and don't look at them anymore
I can't let you go that easily and i'll fight till i have no mo breath or fight in me left
Hopefully you'll do the same since yo "first" husband was working for that championship belt
Tell mama and Leondra that you're taken care of and i hope that they begin to see it
Because if they don't im just going to continue until they actually begin to see it
You have to believe in me as i do in you
Some of my friends call us the magical duo because we're the perfect 2
I'm perfect for you and you know your past perfect for me
But sometimes you act as though you don't see that I wish you could see what i see
I see a young lady that wanted to be loved conforted and who wanted a special companion
Though i think i'm just a moving target that Le Le "Could Cop a pan on"
I believe she dispises me deeply and i dont even know why
But it doesn't matter because i'm flyer than the sky
You know i'm rawer than the rawest baby you already saw this
I'm here for you and you can tell that i really love you
I spend most of my time thinking about you and writing poetry
I try my best but my best doesn't seem good enough for my baby
You saved me from a disaster
God is my only master
Thank God, Jesus and i'll even through in your paster
You were raised real well and tell mama and dad they did a good job
not many people know how to do what they did "nah not at all"
But just remember this statement and i'll leave you with this
You're special someone in my eyes, my future beautiful young M.i.......................s.......s.......e.........s


Sometimes i may act out of character
And for that baby i appologize
Though i act crazy most of the time, we both know that love is the prime factor
I'm not sure how you felt last night...and i hope that you forgive me
For all the things that happened in the light, and for the things that are within me

I'm here for you 100% and more
Baby I love you so much that my heart is sore
I'm still gon be here for you till my dying day baby
Because you're the reason why i act so crazy
Never has a female in my life made me think the way you do
Made me change my ways the way you did
Made me think about having kids(in the future)
But then you came along and changed my aspect of life
You showed me that theres more to life than just living shife
Though SOME people get annoyed by the way i talk about you and feel about you.

Never mind that because i'm gon always love you
Never will i say good bye
Because even thinking about that thought makes me want to cry
When i'm not talking to you i think about you
When i'm thinking about you harder i'm talking to you
Baby you just don't know do you?
The way you make me feel and how you made me fall in love with you
You don't realize how STRONG my feelings are for you
I'll literally risk everything in my arsenal to protect and make sure you're happy

But baby i have one question for you at the moment and one only
Will you love me with all your heart and trust me just as much as you trusted Santa with that pony

Cause i don't know what i'd do without you
Though i've lived some odd years in my life without knowning you
That doesn't change how i feel about you
Now that i have you in my life i don't want to let go
Le-le says she wants to stab me but i'll take that and let it go
For you anything physical or mental people do to me will not phase the way i think and how i feel

Because you and i both know that the feelings i have for you are real
Just wish and hope that mama and le-le would realize that also....
Because i do not want to be walking solo
I want to be with you and make this a happy duo
Though you may not know it, i look up to you like a kid does a hero
Many different factors play different roles in life
But you are the main one in my life that keeps me on track, thats why i love my wife

I cannot sleep nor can i have a good day without hearing your voice
And i know its not your choice
Just stay with me so we can make this thing work
And i'll forget about all the stuff like "whistle while you twerk"
Baby thats not important to me and i want to make that known
I'm making a STRONG and solid commitment today
Tell everyone in your family that i'm not going to lead you astray

Let all those fake people in your life dismay and vanish
And keep me by your side i promise you won't need to panic
Motivated by your feelings that i embrace everday
I never thought i would feel this way
Please baby keep me near you at all times
And please please say you will stay.

They hating on us(to my girlfriend)

The streets are watching
They hating on us
The people watching
They peeping on us
But they won't catch me slipping
We talk on the phone for hours on end
I can't Pretend
This love cause this love i got for you is real
Stay thinking about you pushing myself cause you're my motivation
This ring symbolizes your love like the flag does the nation
Contemplating on how to win your heart over again
Im trying to show your mama that i'm more than just a little boyfriend
I love your family to death baby and i won't lie
I'm just a caring gentleman and thats my ALLABY
I'm so proud of you and would never heart a soul
I hope your mama doesn't trip cause i'm 17yrs old
But on the road full of people that be hating and instigating
I rise above the rest and if someone disrespects you, i'll cave in their chest
I'll do anything to keep you happy and you know that better than the rest
You're brighter than the sun and your love is deeper than the sea
I'm still sitting here in the dark asking" WHy did she chose me?"
What did i do to deserve a person of such a caliber
To make me change in such a manner it seems like a parable
I feel like i'm in a dream and being awake isn't an option
I was selling my heart and you won it from me at an auction
Just be gentle with it because its been hurt but healing is your specialty
I'll do the same because you know you been too good to me.
Let me gon head and end this right here and tell mama and le-le don't worry
I'm a good person and i won't rush you so don't you hurry
I love you with all my heart and i promise you i won't leave you
Because if anyone deserves a good one i know for a fact that you do.

Never doubt me

Isolated and weary back in my younger days
Cupid shot me with the arrow of love and sent all the pain away
Now I'm miserable at times when we don't speak
My vision gets so blurry I can't even cross my ts
But eventually,
Things will get better for me and you
Forget the other females you know they don't even compare to you

I love you to death I put that on everything and thats the truth
Shared things with you that i wouldn't tell no one else
Because you got me running to you ducking and grabbing my belt
You know I'm so hood
I wear my pants below my waist
I never front when I'm in your face cause i am your man and I'll never be late
What ever you do baby just always stay true to you
Cause my heart beats and my blood runs through my veins just for you.
You mean so much to me and you know i wouldn't trade you for the world

Got all these people hating on me because i'm a real man that actually loves his girl

You're worth more than those diamonds and pearls
Cause you're my only girl
When the times get hard and rough you'll be there for me by my side
I know this for a fact because of how quick you were down to ride
I love you for your personality spirit and because you're a good individual

The physical characteristics i don't judge because all of that is visible
I look into the interior and dismay the exterior
When i look at myself everyday i see your spirit in the mirror
You're a mirror image of myself and when you're happy so am i
When i'm thinking about you baby I get so touched i wanna cry

You know that for a fact because you and your friends have seen that yourselves

But that doesn't make me less of a man because i cry to myself
I'm hear to tell the world, Mama, Daddy, Le-Le and everyone else
I love you all without a doubt I carry your judgment within myself

I'm trying to make you all proud and hopefully I'm doing a good job
I hope that mama lets me have some room to gain steps and fall

We all know people make mistakes but I'm the type to try to fix them
I don't let my mistakes get too critical before i work on it and get rid of them.
You know i'm trying my hardest when it comes to loving my baby
So never doubt my love because thats how i do it on the daily.

This is a poem written by my girlfriend that is directed to me

I'm sitting in class wishing you were here
This girl beside me keeps yapping in my ear
Talking about girls and boys and how she wish it could be neater
But the whole time i'm thinking about my love who is sweeter
Than any other boy i met before
I day dream about him knocking on this door
Sweeping me off my feet and carrying me away
To a play where there is no work and just play
Holding me close and rocking me steady
Awww, munchkin I'm missing you already

This is a poem i wrote on the book Night(forgot who it was about though but for those who read it ya'll know what i mean)

Many people wanted to see them all die on the ground
Accusations and contemplations were all that's holding them down
1941 the story took place in Transylvania right under the sun

Separated from his village half of the people buried under the sun
They belittled them embezzled their feelings hated not loved
The Holocaust was the reason all ended above
Or below

Refusal of Moshe's Warnings could have saved them but what's done is done
German Soldiers won their confidence but killed their sons
They lived in their homes and moved stealth fully
Reaped through the night and through the day as a smooth melody
Rarely would you find a survivor or such extermination
Elie made it through it and he's telling the nation

In death camps Prisoners were given hardly any food to eat
They worked to death and it was hard to keep themselves on their feet
They were kicked beaten and forced to suffer inhumane treatment
While being deported only one small bag was allowed with their leaving

Wiesel's village was invaded by the Nazi's in 44
Years after extermination looking back it wasn't war
So many people died in it and it was more than 44
Asking many questions like this one "Now what they do that for?"
But in the end through trials and struggles and many of the battles
The people found themselves free as a cattle
The Americans came to their aid and saved the rest that was left
Though Elie was saved he kept the experiences to himself

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