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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1430975
a love story, boy on boy 18+ (do not read if that stuff offends you)
ellie and del used to be friends, but every tiem del brings up hot girls, ellie changes the subject.
del eventually tihnks that ellie lvoes the girl HES in lvoewith, and leaves the friendship hanging.
ellie over the years develops a sincere love for his odl best friend, and finally on the last week on senior year gets a ntoe from del saying that he would like to come over and swim in ellies new pool one day.
ellie and his friend clara discuss this at lunch, and she tlels him to maek the msot of the oppurtunity to devlop some sort of relationship again.
he decides to follow his heart and agrees.
its a beutiful day otuside, and del has jsut arrived at the door.


the doorbell rang.
my heart was in my throat.
i had black swim trunks on.
i wasnt muscular, really.
i wasnt anythign special.
i was just ellie.
pale, thin, ellie.
i opened the door and there he stood.
not tan, but not pale. muscular.
in only dark green swim trunks, holding a black towel.
i swallowed. "uhh...the pools around back."
i led him throguh my hosue into the backyard, where otu huge ingroudn pool sat.

he looked at me. "Sweet man, you gonna get i nfirst or do i have to?"
he ran and cannonballed into the cold water, surfacign a secodn alter, smiling.
his hair drippign and running into his eyes.
"cmon, ellie, get in, im not gonan swim alone, then id feel liek i was using you jsut for your pool!"
i jumped in.
the cold water definitely woke me up.
when i tried to come up, he pushed me back down.
of corus.e
he had an aggressive personality.
btu i didnt mind.
i spluttered, treadign water.
he laughed, a sound that made my mind swim.
i swam over to the wall, latching onto the rim of the pool.
he came over and joined me.
"okay, so i knwo the question thats on both of our minds. where have you been over the last few years,elllie? life treatign you good?"
i thoguht for a second.
i couldt tell hi mthe truth.
"yeah its fine." i lied, nodding.
"what about you?"
"amzing." he smiled.
"you single?" he asked.
i looked down at the sparkling water and nodded. "yeah. i need to focus on my grades and graduation and stuff."
"im right there with you!" he said, smiling.
he dove under the surface and popped back up, swimmign back over.
"dude, thsi water is fuckign freezing. you still into manga?"
ten mineuts later we were sitting on my bedroom floor.
"you moved your room into your parents room?" he asked, lookign around.
i had a dusty box layed out in frotn of us, full of manga that i had put in the attic years ago.
"they died."
he looked up at me with wide eyes.
"dude, youre kidding right?"
i shook my head.
"they elft me plenty of money, my dads company pays for the house. the neighbors had me build a pool to entertain myself, because they say im not getting out enough, and im going to kill myself if i stay in this house any longer."
del laughed.
"well , they probably dotn knwo theres plenty of ways to entertain yourself when youre home alone..."
he made jackign off motion with his hands.
i looked dow nat the carpet.
he laughed.
"ellie, im really sorry..."
"its oaky." i said. "i udnerstnad. what can you sy, righT? nothing. thats how it goes. im good now, anyways, they neevr relaly did much for me anyway."
he smiled.
"sorry for bringign it up?"
i smield weakly. "no problem."
somehow we ended up with beer.
he opened a budweiser and looked at me. "cheers to freedom?"
i laughed slighlly, and lcicked mine open, clanking mine agaisnt his and tkaign a huge sip.
i never really was fond of alcohol, but he seemed to like it, even thoguh we were both underage.
i sat down on the edge of my bed, he plopped down beside me, holding a beer in one hand , and an xbox controler in the other.
"so.....who did you date last?" he asked.
"i always see you sittign withthat one girl at lunch..."
"oh, me and clara are just friends."
"shes hot though, you should tap that. " he laughed.
i sighd, leanign forward slightly.
"shes liek my sister...."
helaughed. "ha, im jsut messign with you, i understand. i was mainly jokign anyways. buit seriousl;y.....no girls?"
i looekd down. "um...no. its pitiful, i know."
he laughed again. "no, not that pitiful. ive only had liek two girlfirends.....they both didnt last long."
i looekd up. "why not?"
he shurgged. "i dont know. i jsut didnt really connect with them much, and the other girls are all taken or lesbians."
he laughed.
i didnt want to bring it up, but i knew we couldnt avoid it the whoel time. "what about you and kandice?"
he looekd at me sideways.
"nothing really happened...i never got enoguh coruage to talk to her, so she didnt really knwo i existed..."
"Sorry." i said quietly.
"yeah.." he nodded.
"ive felt kind of bad about gettign angry and jsut leaving for a while, after i foudn out you two had nothing....it was obvious to me the next year that you had never liked her in the first palce...but by that time, we were older and i jsut figured you had forgotten bout me..."
i looed at him surprised. "you reallty think i would forgert about you??"
he shrugged. "i dont know...i guess."
"i thoguht about you every day."
there was a moment of awkward silence.
shit, why had i said that? had that seriously jsut slipped out of my mouth?
fuck, i was such an idiot.
"Ellie......are you.....you know.."
i looekd down, setting my beer down.
"gay." i said quietly, staring intently at my caprpet.
he trialed off, looking at me.
"you are, arent you? thats hwy........i asked the wrogn question earlier...how many BOYFRIENDS have you had?"
i shrugged. "only one. he wasnt worth anything. he as a jerk anyways, that left me for a girl."
del looked uneasy.
i knew this would happen.
clara was an idiot for telling me this could go smoothly.
"well........how does that work.....you just......foudn each other, and told each other you were gay, then jsut dated and stuff?"
i nodded. "basically."
"what would you do if i said i was gay?"
i looked up at him.
was he jokign with me to be mean?
he was probably homophobic.
i should have known.
"um...i dont know."
silence for a minuet.
his vocie was weak.
"you love ME, dont you?"
i didnt respond.
"i get it now..." he said softly.
suddenly there was a hand on my jaw, pushing my face up.
he looked me in the eyes.
"can i trust you?"
i raised an eyebrow. "what?"
"can i trust you?"
"of coruse...."
"well..." he said softly.
"for the past year, i have only been able to jerk off to pictures of MEN naked....and every time i would picture myself with a girl, i never could quite fit the peices together right....and for about a month.....ive been noticing guys more, their shapes....the way we walk....different guys smells..."
i looked at him curiosuly.
he was obviouslly fightign within himself while tlelign me this.
"do you tihnk im gay?"
he asked quietly.
i shrugged. "im nto sure...but you sound...like..."
i swlalowed.
"you could be."
there was silence again.
"you smell nice." he said softly, almsot a whisper.
i took in a breath.
he looekd up at me. "you smell nice..."
and that was it.
his lips clasped mine.
he shoved me backwards onto my bed.
i was shocked.
i felt still and awkward, having a guy on me liek that...
my dick throbbed.
he was kissing me???
he was...kissing..me??
he was kissign me! "kiss him back!!" my mind screamed.
i pushed my lips upward into his, so he wasnt doing all the work.
his hands wrapped aroudn my neck.
i could feel him hard against me.
he broke off a second later.
"this feels differnet.," eh said quietly.
"are you enjoying it?"
"i think so.."
he threw himself back into the kiss.
slowly, his tounge prodded at my bottom lip.
i parted my lips and he entered my mouth, his tounge grazign along mine, sendign shivers down my spine.
i was getting hard, now, too.
his hands pushed my shorts hem slightly, wlling me to move so he could work them off.
i roleld aside. "what do you plan we are going to do?"
"what do you want to do?" he growled at me.
he ran his hands up my stoamche and across my chest, all the way up to my neck, where he took hold and pulled me back into the kiss.
his tounge lapped at my bottom lip, inviting me to get mroe into it.
he hooked his fingers into the hem of my shorts, pulling down.
soon we were naked.
he was totally erect, jsut the same as me.
we took in each opthers length, half- embarassed and half passionate.
he ran a kiss across my neck and i dug my figners into his back.
his lips grazed the side of my neck slowly, brushing as light as a feather.
his dick rubbed across mine.
i shivered.
"are you cold?" he whispered into my skin.
i smiled.
"of course not. its your touch."
i couldnt beileive i was brave enoguh ot say something liek that,m but it pleased him.
how was this happened?
in one day everyhtign changed...?
did he know this would happen?
did he plan this?
i rolled slighlt over and he pressed himself agaisnt me, kissing me from behind.
i knew what was coming.
i should have expected the pain, but of coruse i couldnt have.
is this what girls went through when they had sex?
he slipped inside of me fro mbehind, thrusting at first heavily, but then slowly when he heard my paiend moaning.
i gasped out.
he continued faster.
he pulled out of me a second alter, bowing over to enclose my own shaft in his mouth.
his tougne licked at the tip of me.
i shuddered, leanign backwards, moaning slightly.
he bobbed up and down.
suddenly he pulled back and slipped back into my , all the whiel reachign around with his hands and rubbing up and down my dick.
i was i nheaven, absolute heaven.
i scrambled out of bed quickly, rushign downstiard adn returnign with a bottle of whipped cream.
he smield sexily.
"ah, ellie, you have a daring side?"
i smiled and squirted it into my hand, rushign up to him and latehring his dick in hit.
then i bowed over and he went back inside of me, whipped cream and everyhting.
eh swuirted it ionto me while he awas busy, then worked at lickign whipped cream off my neck.
i was gettign otu of beaht, and he was reaching his limit.
my dick felt swollen, from his racing fingers.
"i cant....hold out...much lnoger..."
he panted in ym ear.
suddenly he pulled back and i fell to the floor, landign in front of him.
he came all over my fac.e
i licked my lips and he leaned forward to kiss me, then lowered himself to my dick, lickign at the remainign whipepd cream.
"you have waited long enough. was this everyhtign you could ahve dreamed of?"i nodded right before i came all over him, it mixed with the whipped cream and he licked his figners before pushing me backwards and kissing my lips once more.

fro mthat day on, i was no logner a high school senior.
i was a new born human.

i was a man, but not any man.

i was ellie, i had ALOT to tell clara, and i would never look at whipped cream again.
"how bout tommaro we go for chocoalte syrup?"
he said as we rinsed off together in ym shower.
i nodded my head.
"on my kitchen table."
he smiled his dazzling smile, and i kissed those lips that i had waited 7 years to kiss.

my life was whole.

© Copyright 2008 -yunichi- (yunichi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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