Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1433325-Season-of-Relationships
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Romance/Love · #1433325
There is a time for everything even in relationships...

There are times when some relationships remain quiet for a while,
and we feel alone in everything,
I wonder; what happened along the way?
Its cold like the season of winter.

We may forget the many times they were there.
In times like that we hold to a hope that whispers...
I may not see you ,
but in my heart you've been there,
Your name has not parted from my lips,
In my spirit I want you to know,
even though there was a moment of silence
and we wait to see what the other will do,
that silence has made us afraid to speak in fear of rejection,

today the silence must be broken,
my love for you has never changed,
it may have been a season,
but not even seasons last long,
because it has to bring forth something new,
new flowers have to grow ,
so we can decorate relationships and friendships.

Often, we feel forgotten,
Put on a shelf and left like a book.
Im still interested to read you,
Just when you felt love was lost,
Love came back
On you Ive never given up,
We all go through seasons,
through the storms and the rain,
through the clouds that try to hover over our lives,
somewhere within is there is a light

In that light I found faith,
Faith will ressurect the circumstances that may appear dead
Believing not in what I see
but in what i dont see,
Hoping in not what I know,
but in what I dont know,

No matter what the circumstance is
I always seen the rainbows after the storms
Love is patient and I hope and wait forever
to see you comeback into my life.
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