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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1442437
Cade and Alize meet, destined to save or destroy their world. RR&R.

When Alize looked down at him Cade managed to not jump. He hadn’t expected her to notice him, he’d been trailing her all day, but she was so caught up in her own minuscule problems she hadn’t seen him. He hadn’t exactly wanted her to see him, but it wasn’t an issue.

After he’d passed out the night before he’d awoken a few hours later, sprawled on the floor covered with sweat. Just standing up made him dizzy but he surveyed the cut on his neck in the mirror. It was pretty deep but it had stopped bleeding, which was as much as his body could handle at the present moment. If he was in full health there wouldn’t be a scratch, at least it didn’t hurt. He’d gotten sleep then awoken early to make the semi-long walk to the city. After getting a drink in one of the taverns he’d escaped the chaos of the pre-festival setup and waited by the gate. Then Alize and her family arrived and he’d trailed them since. He hoped that by watching her he might somehow come up with a plan on how to get the necklace.

She had finally spoken the first words she’d said to her fiancee all morning, even though they hadn’t been apart once. Cade switched his gaze to Iram with strong dislike. He was watching the show but not really comprehending it. He had that dull warrior look to him, all muscles, no real feeling or strategy. But he was masking emotion and Cade could tell he was thinking long and hard about something. Something about him was wrong, he couldn’t put his finger on what but Iram definitely was dwelling on something.

Then Alize had spotted him and was now glaring with everything she had. Cade almost smiled, but managed to keep a straight face. She was lucky no one was noticing the look she was giving him. Eventually she looked away and pointedly did not look back, though he could tell she wanted to.

Suddenly the play ended and an explosion of applause rose around him. Cade hadn’t paid a bit of attention to the show, he’d had his back to it the whole time. Theater was something he’d left in his past and any like or dislike of it was to stay there. He straightened up and then swiftly made his way towards the exit before the crowd started moving. He kept his eye on Alize the whole time, waiting to see where she was headed. To his surprise he saw her say something to Iram, bow politely, say something aside to her mother and hastily make her way towards the stairs. As she descended them she was again lucky no one was watching her, the speed at which she did so could not possibly have been pronounced ladylike.

As people started streaming towards the exit he was standing in Cade stepped outside and leaned against the wall. The peasants exited first, followed closely by the towns people and merchants. Looking out of place among them was Alize, she continued forward without seeing him and Cade went to follow her.

Her blonde hair flew behind her as she looked around frantically. The blue of her dress stood out among the dirtied colors of the common people. Many of the men surveyed her with eager eyes. Cade shot an angry glare at one of them and he withdrew. Alize was approaching an alleyway that led out of the square. Cade was feet from her now and in one swift move he grabbed her arm, swung her down it, concealed them in a shadowed corner between two of the houses and put a finger to her mouth.

As soon as her feet were back on the ground she grew his wrist and threw his finger from her face. He noticed she was shaking.

“Don’t ever sneak up behind me again,” she growled in a low tone.

“Yes Ma’am,” He said and bowed mockingly. When he grinned back up at her she was only angrier than before.

“Why are you following me?” She demanded, ignoring him.

Cade pretended to look hurt, “Following you? Why would I do that? I’m here to enjoy the festival.”

Her glare didn’t waver. Cade cocked his head slightly and surveyed her, she looked different in the sunlight. Her hair caught the sun just right and flowed about her shoulders like liquid gold. Even though her eyes were probably condemning him to death there was no doubt that they were perfect eyes. Beautifully lashed, startlingly blue. Her jaw was set in anger but her face was flawless.

“What do you want from me?” She hissed.

He waited a few seconds before answering, which only upset her more, “I want nothing.” He said calmly.

Her gaze suddenly drifted to his neck and onto the cut Daemon had left there. “What happened to you?” She demanded. Cade reached up and covered the cut with his hand. “Were you in another fight? Try and kill someone else?” He started to answer but she cut him off, “You know what? I don’t care. I told you to leave my life. You’ve caused enough trouble already. If you really don’t want enemies then just leave.” She spat out the last few words with so much menace that she shuddered. Once finished, however, she seemed to calm a bit.

Cade considered her words for a moment and when he answered it was slow and precise, “I have not caused any of the problems in your life that you are referring to. It is your own fault that you do not bring the issue to light and fix it.”

Her eyes widened and her hands clenched at his words, “You-”

Cade put his finger to her lips, just as he had the night before. “I don’t know why you would even bother though, your father will never believe you now, you’ve kept it in the dark too long. And that fiancee of yours, well I wouldn’t trust him either, he’s hiding something.” Suddenly, the light caught the necklace Alize was wearing. Cade felt himself glance down and immediately regretted it. The slap came, as expected but the force was underestimated.

“Get OUT. I don’t want to see you again. You’re a murdering, manipulating criminal. Leave me alone ” Her anger was out of control now, and suddenly it set Cade off. His eyes flashed and she stepped back a few feet. Before he knew it his hand was over her mouth.

“I just came to tell you I’m leaving tomorrow at the latest,” He hissed. Then he released her roughly and turned to leave.

Her hand went to her face as she shouted after him, “But WHY, why would you need to tell me that?” But Cade was too furious to answer, and he was afraid of what he’d do if he turned around. By the time he did she was gone and he leaned against the wall, panting. He suddenly felt angry with himself. He had to get that necklace and at the rate he was going his chances were decreasing. If only he could control the strange anger he kept experiencing with her. He figured it was because of the same reason he was getting sick. He scowled, if only he could control himself this far from home.

Once he had recuperated he entered the square once more. He glanced over to where Alize was boarding her carriage, Iram leading her. She didn’t notice him so he turned and walked briskly towards the exit. Breathing heavily in frustration he began the long walk back to the tavern.

The walk took less time than it had in the morning, now that he was more awake and experiencing less of the after effects of last nights weak spell. He got there before most of the other townspeople and the tavern was virtually empty for the first time in probably months. He slapped some coins on the counter for the room and made his way down the hall. When he reached his door he noticed a letter sticking out the bottom. He unwrapped it as he let himself in and instantly recognized Daemon’s signature at the end. He read the note quickly and immediately read it again as relief flooded through him.

All it said was that the necklace was valuable and was definitely wanted the their boss. Daemon said that Cade had until the next full moon to retrieve it and have it at a certain tavern in Qiko, the capital, by nightfall. That gave him three days to get the necklace and two days to get to the city. At least he knew now that he had time. The only question now was, how to get the necklace.

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