Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/crosswords/item_id/1464647-Astronomy-Crossword
Rated: E · Crossword Puzzle · Activity · #1464647
Universe, galaxies, stars, planets, comets, black holes, ...
This is a crossword about astronomy. All clues and answers are space related.
 1 The type of galaxy in which we live. (6)
 3 Closest star to the Earth. (3)
 4 Closest planet to the sun. (7)
 7 Red supergiant star in the consellation of Orion. (10)
 9 Hypothetical comet zone 1 light year from the sun. (4,5)
 11 The planets of our solar system have their mean orbit in this plane. (8)
 14 An interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen and plasma. (6)
 15 The brightest star in the night sky. (6)
 16 Fiery moon of jupiter. (2)
 17 Brightest star in the constellation of Auriga. (7)
 19 This mirrored telescope views the universe from orbit. (6)
 20 Beyond this there is no escape from a black hole's gravity. (5,7)
 24 Stellar magnitude & colour diagram. 2nd word. (7)
 25 A stellar explosion. (9)
 27 Stellar magnitude & colour diagram. 1st word. (11)
 1 Black holes at galactic centres are thought to be this. (12)
 2 Rotating neutron star; emits electromagnetic radiation. (6)
 4 Large & small satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. (10)
 5 A planet not bound to any star is said to be this. (5)
 6 Moon's closest approach to the Earth. (7)
 8 Cosmic background radiation is this type of EMR. (9)
 10 Theoretical particles which can travel faster than light. (8)
 12 Outermost layer of the sun. (6)
 13 A hypothetical short cut through space and time. (8)
 15 Stream of charged particles ejected from the sun. (5,4)
 18 The pole star. (7)
 21 Icy moon of Jupier. (6)
 22 The most abundant element in the sun. (8)
 23 Name for the Doppler effect on light of receding objects. (8)
 26 Brightest object in the sky other than sun and moon. (5)
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