Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1465033-Darrick-vs-Janos
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1465033
Just a little fantasy drama
Just a little heart warming story much influenced by the Legacy of Kain videogame series, however no relations. It would be a plus if you were familiar with the Legacy of Kain series, but i think it can be picked up as a short story

Test writing
Darrick and Janos – Fantasy Drama

Janos stumbled onto the open roofed top floor of the clock-tower to see Darrick aimlessly leaning on a throne of wood, with his back turned. He suddenly sensed the presence of another and turned. “Janos…”
Janos took one heavy breath before arranging his words. “I have your sword,” There was a disturbed tone in Janos’ voice that Darrick could not pick up on. The sword was clenched firmly in his pale, cold and sweaty hands.
“Give it to me… Quickly!” Darrick shuffled forward before pausing at Janos’ strange action. He had lifted the sword and had the tip steadily pointed at Darrick. “What is this?” Darrick spoke in a calm and controlled manner.
“I…Know!” Darrick retracted back to his throne laughing in a deep and patronising way. It made Janos’ heart sink. Darrick Flipped up his sword from where it laid on the back of the throne.
“You wish to challenge me of all people?” Janos stepped into the circular room and the rain began to pour onto the stone tiles of the reckless ruin.
“I would challenge anyone who has bought death and slavery to my family.”
Janos’ stare hardened and his grip tightened. Sweat withdrew from his body and slowly slid down to his chin.
“Janos, you have to understand that I have to do everything in my power to keep this reign under my control!” Darrick was beginning to heighten his rage. The sight of the legendary sword drew a new power from him, stronger than envy. Something new.
“Your Reign? You are nothing but a ranger! My mother and father were good people…” Janos realised that he couldn’t win. But he had to try. “Do you know what heightens rage?” Janos’ tone had hardened. He could feel the power of the sword embossing him.
With an echoing cry Janos ran forward and sliced at the monster that stood before him. A sanguine liquid splattered from Darrick’s right arm. It split and spilt like liquid chocolate down his arm. Janos’ own arm fell and the sword cracked the brown stoned pavement. “How… Dare you!” Darrick slashed many times at Janos with ease with his left arm. A combination of skilled swordsmanship, blood thirst and determination. Janos un-easily dodged and blocked with the aid of the sword that he held. His strength was enough, but the sword enhanced it, making it easier to evade the enemies’ attacks.
A heavy blow came from the lifted arms of Darrick. Janos saw no way of evading it so he rolled across to the throne and ran to the far side of the room. He thought of himself as a wimp, but he needed to keep up his determination to kill Darrick. “Ha! When was the last time you felt pain the way I did?”
Darrick lowered and shook his head. Then, a slight smirk. He lifted his right arm and thrust it at his refusing rival, pointing his finger directly at Janos. “It should not have ended this way”
Darrick neared and as if time slowed, he ran and thrust his sword into the gut of Janos. There was a yelp of pain and then his breath found its way to the atmosphere. Darrick withdrew his sword and the sinister slicing sound accompanied the silence perfectly. Janos fell to the ground. The smirk that rose on one side moulded into a devilish smile. Darrick withdrew and walked towards the arched opening, the rain calming down as if it were hushed by death.
Janos’ corpse had gone cold in a matter of minutes. Darrick still stood, immune to the cold, at the arch of the opening. He had to think about the consequences of this action. No-one would dare to touch such a ranger.
There was sudden warmth on Darrick’s back. Warmth that comforted him, but also bought dread to his mind. He turned, only to see Janos’ body rising, a powerful light pulsing from the sword and into his body
“No! That’s not possible!” Darrick felt his heart sink and his throat go dry. His jaw clenched in fear and anger. Janos couldn’t be beaten if the sword brought life. Why didn’t he try to pry the sword from his fingers before? “Not Today…” And with those last words he neared the edge of the arched opening. It was a long way down around 100-150 feet. A Soft clicking disturbed him. Janos had found his way to his feet, still glowing in the glory of life. His blackened eyes opened and contrasted his overall heavenly appearance.
“Darrick,” A voice, not of Janos spoke in an irritated whisper. “I am the soul of the sword. I understand why you seek me. But to take the life of an innocent man is something I cannot forgive.”
“What! But you have taken so many fragile souls!”
“Do not raise your voice to me, vampire!” the voice was getting clearer in a more demonic tone and most definitely louder. “Listen to me…”

Blue sky suddenly turned orange and a shy glaze of clouds hummed across the horizon. The hooves of the horses were heavy and tired. So were the men that sat on them. Mortals of another realm, come to seek the help of the vampires. On the back of one horse was a small boy. Slung over on his front, but protected by a separate saddle and blankets.
“Look, up there!” One of the muscular men spoke and pointed to a clock tower, not far away. Un-natural light was bursting from the creases and openings. “A Sign!”
“Make haste! The god awaits us!” and with the leaders heavy voice, the small group steadily moved up the mountain pass.

The spirit of the sword was frightening. Those black eyes and white robes that hung like silk in the wind were almost devilish. The ghastly wound that had healed and was nothing more but a rip in material. The sharp vamparic teeth that clamped in his jaw hissed in a raged, but controlled manner.
“You really wish to do that? Where on earth will you find a boy to take his life?”
“Who said I was going to do it?” The spirit had roughened up a little familiarising itself with the language which he had stolen from Janos.
“What?” Darrick began to feel a pressure in his heart. It wasn’t like him to take lives. He only carried a weapon as a threat.
Before they could begin to speak again, the doors to the clock tower slammed open and there stood a small group of human soldiers. The distinction between vampire and man was easy to establish. Vampires were pale and sometimes had a hint of blue, green or pink in their skin.
“What is the meaning of this?” Darrick was furious. Not only because of the disturbance of the moment, but because the intruders were human, not vampires. Sure, they were at peace with each other, but this was vampire land.
“Dear God!” one of them spoke staring directly at the glowing body of Janos. The sword did not feel anger, but relief when he saw a boy, clutched in the arms of a human. The soul was smiling intently, bearing its fangs at the arms of the human. It heard muttering amongst the group of soldiers. “What is it…? How is this possible…? Is this an exorcism?”
“We seek your help.” The man clutching the young one stared desperately into Darrick’s eyes. “The boy…” He laid the boy on the floor, revealing a ghoulish and gruesome opening on one side of his face. “He is dying!” His last word echoed through the room and rung in Darrick’s ear. “We know of your power and we will be eternally grateful”
Is it I, Darrick Versallius of Kraymos that will save the humans trust in the vamparic race? Our oath had been crumbling over these past years and hope was narrow. Do I save the boy? Or do I refuse? I was born a ranger, not a lifesaver. I see those eyes of his and they gouge at my heart with malcontent and anger. What do I do?
The sword stepped forward to touch the boy.
“I will do it.” Darrick muttered under his breath loud enough for everyone to hear. The sword backed away from the boy and gestured for Darrick to work his magic. “Stay strong boy, the second life is not upon you yet.” And with those last words, Darrick laid his hand on the boys’ chest and light burst from the room, illuminating the faces of the six men that stood at the doorway. Darrick’s golden headband glew purple and sent a tailed ball of energy down the boys’ throat. And then the light vanished, staining the eyes of all those who were present. He fell to the floor, his skin a slight darker hint of green than what it had once been, grunting in pain. Electrical streams caressed his body as if recovering him.
He stood, holding his stomach and shaking his head, his hair a little late in reaction and a peak whiter than before. The boy awoke, and the human that once held him ran forward and picked up the boy, and hugged him. The youth was obviously very important for humans to seek vampires help. Darrick walked to the edge of the arched window at where he once stood. The stars peaked and the crescent moon chasing the stars to the horizon. Darrick cocked his head.
“Treasure every moment you have left with him.” he breathed softly. The man nodded and ran down the stairs towards their patient stallions. Darrick stared out at them, watching them disappear into the trees. And then he thought. Thought of what pain he had caused Janos. It was a misunderstanding. Janos’ parents were evil. Darrick had managed to save him before he had turned. Turned to the blood thirst of evil and uncontrolled state.
Behind him, a clang sounded. His pointed ears rose as he turned his head and his jaw dropped.
“Janos…” There, in the middle of the room, stood Janos, the sword thrown in front of him. He was normal, his black hair hanging loosely over his eye, green robes that were heavy on the shoulder. There was a slight smirk on his face.
“Because you took a life, and then gave one as a result of debt, I have been returned.”
“Janos, I…”
“I have seen your life through my eyes.”
“So you now know the real truth? What really happened? Why I had to send your parents to the second world?”
“I know everything Darrick. I thank you. I am here at your service, and I bring you the sword of your fathers.” Janos stood forward picking up the sword and strode to Darrick’s side. “Do me one favour, Janos… I seek a son” Janos’ head rose in a stirring surprise “…Janos?” Not knowing what to do with all these emotions running through his mind he kneeled and held the sword above his head with two hands, holding the sword that was once his fathers. Darrick closed Janos’ open hands, clutching the sword.
“Son?” Darrick looked directly into Janos’ eyes, like he had never done before
Janos rose, dropped the sword and hugged Darrick. For the first time, he felt love; his heart went cold and his breathing easier. They both laughed out loud and looked into each others eyes.
And there this Prologue to many happy years ends. The dark became light and the Stars became clouds. Darrick had a son, someone he trusted. Someone who meant the world to him.

He was happy.
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