Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1493865-so-close-yet-so-far-tough-love-ch-2
by alison
Rated: 18+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1493865
Things start to get steamy...
Sam slammed the door behind her, and sank onto the floor. What was she thinking, reacting like that, all the poor man did was kiss her. I mean honestly! She shook her head and placed it in her hands. Though, she thought he was quite good looking. He was tall, at least 6ft and broad, he certainly had that manly look. It was shame that she hadn't seen his face properly, though what she had glanced was sharp cheek bones and amazingly skin like porcelain. Sam signed, she would take a shower, that should do her some good. She pulled herself up from the floor and made her way to the bath room.

Un known to sam a storm was brewing outside, and its was heading her way... fast.

After a short stop at his flat to replenish his system and change his clothes jay made his way to her flat. God, he thought, as he looked at the overcast sky, the storm was really coming in. He just made it inside her building as the first thunder rumbled and lightning took to the sky. By the time he reached her floor it was pouring, slamming the wetness against the walls of the flats. Finally he stumbled upon her door. He was nervous. Of all people he was nervous. He, jay, ladies man had been around for years, many women had passed him by, in clubs and his bed. He'd met high strung, loud, tall, small, blondes, red's and never in his lifetime had he had this knot well inside him. He raised his hand to her door to knock. Calm he thought, just stay calm.

She heard a knock at the door, followed by a flash and a rumble. Shit! She hated thunder, so noisy and sudden and.... she didn't get to finish as when she opened the door she was greeted by him. Standing before her, he was better looking that she remembered, gorgeous even. His dark hair was like liquorish, his eyes bright green, staring as if he was ready to pounce. For some reason this didn't make sam want to run, but reach forward and pull those tempting lips onto hers. She shook her head and spoke, 'Can i help you?'
'Erm can i come in, just to talk i promise, just to er talk' the man before her seemed nervous. HA! that would be the day, a man nervous around her.
'Yer sure, i spose go on in, im sam btw, can i get you something to drink?' she asked as she indicated the way to the living room. She closed the door behind her.
'I know, Im jacob, a friend of your manager' he spoke softly, his voice was like a unheard melody, it beckoned her to him. Dam she would not let a mer man get through her walls no way in hell.

She was stunning. He aurban hair falling past her shoulder,bouncing in her wake, her curves, God how he wished he could just grab her and run his hands all over... He stopped as she entered the room with his tea.
'There you go, so you wanted to talk?' she said bluntly.
'Oh yes, i wanted to apologies, for earlier, i really am i was worried you saw..' he bit back, geez she was making ramble, at this rate she was going to think he was the most annoying person.
'I saw what jacob?' her voice spoke as if they were on familiar terms.
'Look you know about things that are not, erm well of this world so to speak, I mean you yourself aren't of this world well part of you anyway... and' he stopped to look at her face, shock swept across it, followed by confusion, pain then anger.
'Look i didnt mean to, i was just, it's not joes fault, he had to, i...' he did't know what to say, and when her tears began to fall, and her body to shake.
'It's not, it's not... your... fault... it's just i...' she stammered through her tears.
All he could do was pull her into his arms and hold her there, he made calm shh-ing noises to try and calm her down, he couldn't help think how right she felt in his arms.

She couldn't stop, everything she had kept locked away inside was flowing from her, all because this stranger, no that didn't feel right, all because of jacob. As much as she hated to admit it , being with jacob, like this was nice, too nice despite her tears, sam was craving for jacob to kiss her. She was already begging to melt in his embrace when she mangaed to choke out 'Who are you, how can you do this, make me feel like i want you to...?'
'Would you belive your life mate?' he asweared in a hushed tone.
Life mate but that meant..
'Thats means your a....' she gasped and pulled away from him, he couldn't be, a.. a.. 'vampire...' she whispered.
Jacob didn't say anything he just gazed at her, his face looked like it was in pain. What did he expect for her to jump right in his lap, to say: Oh jacob that's wonderful, come let me be your life mate iv never trusted a man in my life and iv only just met you and i hate company but hey! What the heck sure!
Sam retreated, backing up against the wall. 'You cant expect me to... iv never even.. i just..' she didn't know what to say, and with the storm as well, she was beginning to get jumpy, her breathing was quickening with each second, the room was starting to spin, her vision became blurry and them she heard screaming, the screams of her parents tearing through her mind.

He knew something wasn't right, the room was shaking, and sam was calling out, screaming for someone to help.
'Sam, please, sam it's going to be o.k, sam i wont hurt you, God sam i love you' But still she wouldn't calm. she didn't seem herself, maybe this was the power jacob had mentioned.
'Sam i know it sounds, silly, i know we just met but we can work on that please sam i will not loose you damn it' She wasn't going listen, that or she couldn't hear him. He started towards her just before he could grab her there was an almighty explostion, as the wall behind sam caved in, All jacob saw was red, all he felt was emptyness as he pulled sam into his arms and covered her.

There was to much noise, to much! She couldn't see or think. There was a bang some where in the distance of her mind. She was falling, darkness was suffocating her, covering her, some one was calling her name and she was trying to find that calming voice, his name flashed in her mind 'jacob' she tried to call out 'jaco..' but the darkness was drowning her, until there was nothing.

To be continued.

© Copyright 2008 alison (karexdarkxkiss at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1493865-so-close-yet-so-far-tough-love-ch-2