Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1504594-Gone-a-Viking
Rated: E · Fiction · Folklore · #1504594
A short thought about the men who went viking and did not return.
Gone a Viking

They stole away into the cool night air, down to the beach they headed.
They spread a blanket and there embraced.
In wonder he touched her hair
and then he traced Mjollnir
in the stars far above them.
In the morning, he would go Viking.

Just as the sunlight skimmed the rim
of the far off horizon
Njord's mead offering poured ---
They stood wrapped in a coarse wool blanket
his arm about her waist,
watching Sunna lightly kiss the shore.
Today he would go a Viking.

Two low-slung drakkers pushed out to sea.
No snapping sails but wrapped, the muffled oars swept swiftly
Carrying him away for
he was a Viking.

The path to their secret place grew worn with the passing tides—
He never saw her growing form
heavy with his child,
He never saw the red haired lad
become a man.
Still she walked to that magic place---
He had gone a Viking.

Her body frail, hair gone grey, her eyes had failed
yet her feet took those measured steps down a path heart memorized,
She walked once more wrapped in a faded worn blanket and
Stretched out upon the sand.
Mists curled---
There she heard that grinding hiss of weighted wooden hull on shore—
A hand was offered
calloused, young and firm.
a long past sunrise reflected in his eyes.
No grey streaked in free red hair----
heart greeted heart

She stepped up beside him young again---
As they left to go a Viking.
© Copyright 2008 oldmansdaughter (oldmanschild at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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