Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/152388-While-She-Was-Sleeping
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #152388
A Close Friend Finds Her Dormroom
Will had found out Hannah's room number
with the help of her roommate. God knows the
only reason he had asked for it was because
she had left her Psychology book in the
cafeteria. He had knocked on the door. He
listen closely hearing noone stirring from
within Will open the door and sneaked in. She
had been asleep at the time, lying on the
standard bed that was the same as the ones
in the other rooms. Hannah was locked in a
steamy dream when Will entered the room.

It had been eight o'clock and unlike other
college students she was already deep in
slumber. He was going to leave when she
moaned in her sleep, arching her back. Will,
bewildered turned around, and saw this girl
who seemed such a goody-goody, she
twisted slightly pushing the thin white cotton
sheet down revealing a pale blue nightie. Will
swallowed, and even though he wanted to
leave he could not.
Watching a supposedly buttoned-down
person become wild was something he could
not miss. Hannah felt slightly electrified filled
with like a shocking tingle everywhere one she
could not control. It took over her body like
fingers of sensation and she could not help
but respond. Will watched her become more
animated. Soft gasps and sighs shook him
but he could not dare do want he was
compelled to do.
Hannah felt even more, the feeling seemed to
drown her. And she responding to it like a
puppet moving this way and that. She looked
up and focused on who it was. Will. She woke
up, sitting up on the bed. Her dark eyes were
glazed, her mouth parted trying to breath in
some air. Her hair which was always swept
back, now falling loosely down her back in
ebony waves. Her eyes were unfocused, but
she did not try to blink away the remnants of
the dream. Hannah was only able to notice
that the room was dark empty but with a slight
difference to it but she was not able to
compute it while she was suffering from the
cravings of her rebellious body. Hannah

They had developed a habit of studying
together even though he was a softmore and
she was a freshman. They may have gone
from aquantances to just study buddies, but
that was all their was to their relationship.
Hannah waited in the huge cafeteria for Will to
arrive with his books in hand, unwilling to
devote any more than two hours helping him
study. Hannah repeatedly shook her head to
forget that godawful dream. Instead of her
dream man it had been him.
Will tried to calm his nerves, which was wierd
usually he didn't think nothing of his meetings
with her. He settled himself next to her.
To him her voice was slightly husky. Her
manner totally nervous. Will could tell she was
trying to speed up their study session, and
that was not helping him at all.
Hannah seemed to realise that and smiled
then looked him squarely in the eyes. They
both stilled and for a second a strange spell
was cast on them, until they laughed and got
back to work.
They studied longer than usual almost three
hours. She knew that to Will it may have
seemed like an eternity even though he did
not say a word. The wierd thing that happened
was that when they finished he asked if she
wanted to eat something. The problem was
she did want to eat and had a bad craving only
she out of all college girls seemed to have a
medium pizza oozing with cheese, pepperoni,
sausage, salami, peppers, mushrooms,
olives, and onions. She wanted it bad but was
unwilling to let him see her pig out.
"No, thank you." She smiled and got up. For a
second she thought he was going to do or say
something but he did not. Whether Hannah
was relieved or disappointed was something
she could not figure out. With a quick bye she
stood then walked away. Leaving that all
important Psychology book behind.

"Thank you, God, for this food I am about to
recieve." With a flourish she opened the pizza
and thanked her lucky stars her roommate
was staying overnight with her boyfriend. It had
all the toppings she wanted.
"Mmmmmmmm." That aromatic smell was so
tempting she immediately picked up one
succulent slice when the doorknod was
Damn she forgot to lock it.
The door was slowly pushed open with a long
creeky sound. Until it revealed in the shadowy
light of the hallway the tall masculine figure of
the guy she studied with.
She was statue still the Papa John slice an
inch away from her mouth.
Will was just as still.

Her mouth closed and she dropped the pizza
back in the box. Will entered the room and
closed the door. He held out her Psych book
in his hand.
She smiled shyly.
Now Will could tell why she said no to his offer
of dinner.
"Would you like a few slices?" Hannah asked.
She picked up a slice and held it out to him. It
was like Eve offering Adam an apple, but no
woman could be a greater temptation.
They sat next to each other and polished off
the pizza, just eating together ripped apart the
formality that had been between them.
A couple of times while they were eating she
looked at him from under her lashes. She
loved his short black hair and his eyes which
were gray changed shades in various moods.
Hannah struggled to remember to keep her
distance but could not. He was being
charming, smart, and completely lovable.
He told her jokes that made her actually
Hannah finally told him about her family.
Then at 10:16 pm Will helped her up. They
stood still like that for a few endless moments
before he and Hannah were able to move.
Hannah looked up and he looked down their
eyes meeting. She looked away shyly and
whispered goodbye.

The movie theater was dark, and eerily quiet.
Noone was moving and Hannah was
beginning to get creeped out. She tensed up
in apprehension, somehow deep in her gut
she knew that something was going to occur.
Then on the screen was played the small
footage about getting food from the theater
lobby. Then just as the cute commercial was
almost over a hand tapped her on her
She turned her head and looked into velvety
grey eyes. They were so close four inches
Unconsciously they moved closer together
until a hair length stood between them. Then a
blood curdling scream startled them out of
their trance. Scary Movie 2 had just begun.

She avoided him throughout the weekend but
Sunday they were supposed to study together.
Hannah in protest stayed in her room. If she
saw him the strange spell would take over
them again.
Someone knocked on the door.
"Come in."
Will open came inside then locked the door.
All his books were in his hands. "Why weren't
you in the Cafeteria?"
"Can I speak?" Hannah whispered.
"Sure." He said, slightly nervous of what she
may say.
"There is something between us, it is as if it
takes over us, isn't it?"
"Before you say anything I need to tell you
"I saw you sleeping."
"What!" She blurted out.
"You were moaning, sighing, and gasping."
"I was dreaming about you." She confessed.
"For the first time to."
Will smiled.
"Afterwards I couldn't stop dreaming about
"Me, too." Will told her.
"Did you want to kiss me yesterday?" Hannah
asked shyly.
He answered her truthfully. "Yes."
She stood up from her bed and walked to him.
When she was close enough he grabbed her
around her waist and pressed her against
Then she lifted her face up and he lowered
his and their lips met. She felt his tongue
slipping deftly between her slightly parted lips.
He tasted like a Snickers bar. Hannah loved
his taste, the feeling of him against her made
her melt inside. Her knees were weak and
shaking. Her hands trembled where she held
his forearms for support. Her eyelids grew so
heavy she had to close them.
No longer able to hold her, her legs gave way
and Will swept her up and laid her on the bed.
Slowly so slowly he broke their kiss.
"We have our whole lifetime to fullfill our
dreams." Will breathed against her lips.
Sweetly, tenderly, he gave her one kiss.
"Dream of me."
"I will, my love." Hannah said it with so much
Their world shifted and they both understood
what it meant. Will felt it too, in his heart she
was there.
"Stay tonight, please." She shifted on the bed,
to much of a temptation.
They wrapped their arms around each other.
And sometime later they began to dream.
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