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Rated: E · Short Story · Death · #1534564
all about vampiers
        The vampires in the meadow

        A Short Story:


BY: Cory Bennett




In the world there are two types of people those who are normal like us and those who have powers unknown. The normal people live in the daylight but when day falls and darkness takes over those who wish to live go inside their homes and lock every thing in fear of the vampires in the meadow.

Every year the same thing happens one brave soul will try to camp in the meadow on a dare or even out of stupidity, and every year they find his or her body in the tent drained of their blood. So now as I turn in for the night I am at the meadow so I can witness what others before me have seen……

                                                              CHAPTER 1

                                                 (The night)


I have now seen these vampires who will stop at nothing to find me. But luckily the old wooden cross trick works for now anyways. These vampires will not give up their scrutiny to find me. Oh crap here they are now as I run I write this account of my life these may be the worst night of my life.

I have just tripped on something oh my god now as I hold up the wooden cross I do fear for my life. Why did I have this idea in the first place I mean I am about to wait were did they go I look to the side and up their they are cowering in fear and looking strangely at me I finally understand that they are scared of the cross of my salvation, so now as I cling on this old rugged cross I fear no evil will come and get me. But that hasn’t stopped them before.

Now with my life on the line I quickly but painfully limp my way to safety I haven’t checked the condition of my leg and promptly don’t because I can not fell anything anymore. I trip again and I let out a horrible cry of pain for I have ripped off my leg and now I will have to wait until morning and survive the night if I want to ever see my family again this side of heaven.


                                                                CHAPTER 2

                                                 (The morning after)

         As I laid down after I ripped off my leg I finally fell asleep only to wake up many times at night thinking what have I done they will surly get me now. I am now being shook violently I curse the demons without opening my eyes, but then I hear it wake up please wake up so I open my eyes and their thankfully are the workers who will save me from my mess.

Now on the way to the hospital I cry to my self as I have my friend write down every thing I say for my book. As if every thing I cared seemed to go away out of fear of my cursed acts I took my last breath or so I thought for I was quickly and painfully brought back to life from the paddles I gasped and chocked on my own saliva. As I arrive at the hospital I encounter some strange phenomenal acts as if the vampires are now out to get me I look for my wooden cross, but I can not find it. I muster up all the air I can without pain and ask where is my cross. They just look at my funny and as I look out side it is very cloudy in the back of my mind I look for a peace of mind.

But all of a sudden my leg is fixed could this be the work of a monster? As I benignity thank my doctors I look in their eyes and they are an eerie red. I know I have seen these eyes some where before I think real hard oh my gosh I think these people are not my doctors, they aren’t even people. I get out of my bed but wait I cant this could be the end of my life.

                                  CHAPTER THREE                               

(The vampires)


As I lay here in this hospital gurney I will never leave this hospital as I think this is the end of my pitiful life. But I think how could they or why would they even fix my leg if they were going to kill me.

         I have hope in my heart that they will let me go but then again stranger things have happened. As I think in my head are they or are they not going to let me go. The vampires might have a kind heart.

         Well as I speak of the devil here comes the vampires ready to feast on my guts and blood I ask them before they kill me to give a note to my wife they look at me strangely, as I wonder what are they looking at my emaciated body.

         I ask them if they can speak any language as I am fluent in all the written languages, they say yes but speak in old English. While I ask them different questions as the have a complete check on my body I ask them their names and the leader as I guess he or she is says “our names have several different meanings the two girls names are Rachel and Rebecca.

And the rest of us are as we stand, I am Valator the leader of the meadow vampires, this here is Jacobe Mien Lin we found Jacobe in china, this is Rambusto, and the last and smallest one is carol. Then they all ask what is your name?” As I reply Cory they all laugh and say what a lousy name. I think yeah and you don’t but I don’t laugh, at least not out loud.


(The following night)


The vampires are now leaving, but for how long I ask my self. While they are gone I will try to sneak out. I can finally get out of this gurney for they forgot to lock the chains. I muster up all my strength and push the chains off. Finally for what seems like hours I get the last of the chains off me.

I run out of the hospital and see all the people who just happened to be their lying with their guts out of their bodies and with blood every where. I think “how sloppy are these vampires, they can’t even make the blood to their mouths.” I check my watch it is twelve thirty at night. The skies are pitch black, and there is noting I can do but try to make it home.

         Cory, Cory, Cory the vampires say I look behind me and there is Rambusto, and also Jacobe. They keep following me up to my house; I can still see the horrific scenes from the hospital in my head.

While I am stuck hiding in my mew, I pray that they will not find me for now I have really ticked the vampires off. I will be surprised if when they find me if I will live to see the light of day ever again.

With great dignity I creep out of my mew, I see that it is now day light, and safe for at least now to go home. As I suspected the vampires can not stand this nice weather we have today. So I have facile the long night with only about ten thousand to go. So with irksome speed I slowly make my way home.


    (The long day of eternity)


         The time that comes is time wasted if you don’t do anything so I actually wasted a lot of time hiding. With every breath I cant believe what is happing to me for years I went through every day with Godspeed. But with every minute passing it seems like an eternity for with my hiding I can never go to sleep with out waking up every five to six minutes thinking that the vampires will get me. But every thing will be okay for now I can breath with night begging to fall bring forth total and utterly darkness.


(Hide and seek with vampires)

         As I go back in to hiding the vampires mostly rambusto still hunt for my lustful blood, for now they have my scent they all join in on the hunt. They have found me and as they now corner me I look for their worst fear fire.

         Valator says to stop fighting, we wish not to hurt you puny human for if we wanted to we already would of. You see we need you for it is not us who want to kill you it is the vampires of the north. They can kill you with no remorse just like they did with the hospital personal, they almost got to you but we stopped them.

         Don’t get me wrong we were chasing you in the meadow, but when you pulled that stunt with the wooden cross we had to stop searching for you. The northern vampires will stop at nothing to get you but we have only one way to kill them the agrestic spike in their cold unbeating hearts.

         I have never thought of that before how could their friendliness be brought about on me. Could this be a trick just to get me away from my family, no it can`t well for now I just have to believe old au courant Valator.

         Valator what do I need to do old wise humbag. I need to know so I can be with my family for as long as I can. For you know a great deal about dying or becoming one of you. Every breath could be my last and you acknowledge that.          As I do young one for if I saith you wont die I would be lying to you. This battle will come forth tomorrow at noon come with as many towns people as you can so that we can create a diversionary attack. For you know that we will need a great number of diversions. We will not be able to beat them without the towns peoples help.


                                                 CHAPTER EIGHT

                                                      (The night before the big fight)

With that I was off to find brave towns people. There were many that I could of asked and did that would not come out of three thousand towns people only one thousand five hundred showed up to my town meeting we spent the whole night making our wooden stakes.

         Hey you, one of the towns people shouted can we go home and kiss our wives goodbye.

         Yes and your kids also I say. For I am going to.

                                                 CHAPTER NINE

                                                                  (The big fight)

         Cory, Valator said come it is time for the huge fight. Awesome I state this is going to be gruesome isn’t it. Yes young one it very well will be.

         Watch out there is a huge

© Copyright 2009 cory bennett (neverknewyou at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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