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Rated: E · Poetry · Writing · #1549068
she was dealt a blow before but now can she save another from experiencing the same pain..
A young girl walks alone
Down a road untraveled
Your eyes are bewildered
What caused this fate
She walks at a pace as if she's
running away
But from what?

You take a step closer
your heart draws you nearier
why does she endure this
she looks so lost
eyes wondering, almost searching
Who is she looking for,
are the not here?

Questions raid your mind,
Answers undiciphered.
Why would someone choose to abandon
How could they not
feel the guilt plaiguing their deed
Why hurt the innocent?

She seems to stop
then you see her body shiver slightly
You fear she's sensed your presence
But that thought is excluded
as she turns
and in her eyes you see
the pain and despair

Your soul breaks a little more
as you ask your heart
why was she chosen
a victim to that fate
why did she desrve this
A poor chi;d torn from warmth
rushed to quick;y into the
unknown of ones destiny

Her gaze speaks of a tale
One you know all to well
that of a lost mother
but not to death or tragic causes
the one way that hurts a little more
and crushes a childs dreams
that of a mother knowingly chosen to leave

The child is heartbroken
and you can reckonize it by her carriage
the next movement you make
is out of pure instinct
you reach out your hand
but she only stares frightfully
She's already felt the pain of loss
and wishes to prevent it from happening again

You try to reassure her
even though you know its too late
the loss of a mother's love
creates the biggest break
this poor child
unbeknowest to her
has started down that path
the one that only ends in hurt

You have seen this one too
many times
watched as another
accepted their fate
wishing somehow this
time you tried
it wouldnt turn out the same

You hate knowing
the truth behind those eyes
for even if youll never admit it
thats how you felt
once apon a time
but for some reason when you reached out your hand
noone was their to grasp it,
you didnt understand

But now after so many years
have gone and past
and another child has
been thrust i your path
can you finally save one
relieve your past
let go of your own chains that hold you in place

The girl still stares at you
and you wonder if she can see
that if she doesnt hold on now
her minds memories will replay
her head never let free
then se does the unexpected
she lifts up her hand

But in it lays not
hope of a better future
but a mirror, battered
why have the fates turned
for upon the reflection you see
the same lost eyes
created by selfish intentions

© Copyright 2009 starlit (starlit at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1549068-A-Lost-Girl