Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1551787-My-Fantasy-of-Him
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1551787
Sometimes I have to write to get things out of my head, here's a fantasy of mine. Enjoy!
  I know he's coming. I know why he's coming, although I told him all I wanted was a kiss and one of his awesome hugs. God I love the way his lips feel on mine, the way his arms go around me and hold me - like I'm the most precious thing in the world to him.

  A knock. My breath catches... I want this man sooo much, but I have to play it cool... Calm... Collected.

  Door opens. There he is, all 6'-2" of dark sexiness. My hands itch to touch. I REALLY want this man, and he's looking at me like I'm a tasty morsel that he wants melting in his mouth. I feel myself getting wet, and starting to pulse - God help me!

  He enters. We chit chat, then he leans down to give me a hug "hello". His arms wrap around me and just hold me a moment before he slides his hands slowly up and down my back. Chills chase each other over my skin.

  He raises up. "I've missed you," he says in that deep voice that sends more chills chasing over my skin. I look up at him- me being 5'-3' of course I can't help that- and he kisses me, softly laying his lips into mine. Gently kissing, then slowly, oh so slowly he slides his tongue across my lips, asking me to open - my mouth, my body, my heart, my soul- entirely to him. It's such a gently request, how can I say no?

  I open my mouth to his tongue as it slides across mine, swirling, sliding, stroking -then retreat, then attack, then retreat, asking me to follow. My tongue does, swirling, sliding, stroking his in his mouth. I can't breathe and it feels so good!  He breaks the kis (Air!), and I'm breathing so hard - and that was just from one kiss. God help me I was in trouble!

  He slides his hands gently down my arms and takes my hands, tugging gently he begins to walk backwards and I follow. To my room. The one with the king size bed. Oh mercy!

  He stops on the side of my bed and gently turns me around, pulling me back to his chest. He slides my hair to the side and gently nips at my neck, then kisses, then little licks, then starts over - he knows how this particular spot gets my blood pumping, how wet it makes me. I can just feel the juices leaking out, making me ready for him. But, this was his game, his seduction.

  He takes his nails and slides them down my arms to my fingertips - chills everywhere - and this turns me on to the extreme! He draws his fingers across my stomach, sliding under my shirt he gently draws it up and over my head. The cool air hits my skin and goosebumps cause my nipples to harden even more than they already were, almost painfully.

  He starts over. Drawing my hair to the other side, nipping, kissing, sucking, licking, as he slides his nails down my arms again. Oh have mercy!

  His fingers get to my fingertips and he slides his nails inward across my stomache, just above the waist of my jeans. Then he takes both hands and draws them up the middle of my stomache, and I can't help but draw in a breathe, holding my stomach in. He stops at my bra, then slowly opens his hands to cup my very full, very heavy with desire, breasts.

  Oh! I lean my head back, closing my eyes and soaking up the feel of his hands, then they let go, sliding his nails once more around to my back, unhooking my bra. God that feels so good! I can't help but moan low in my throat. He looks over my shoulder then, his hands at my waist, and we both watch as he slides his hands around my waist and up my stomache - his dark hands sliding across my pale white skin, such contrast between us! Then his hands cup my breasts. The sight and feel almost make me cum right there!

  He sqeezes gently - I want more. I put my hands over his, sqeezing harder - as if I'm telling him, "No! I need more! Give me more! Make me FEEL you!" He does and takes my nipples between his fingers, pinching almost too hard, rolling them, sending jolts of electricity straight to a core that is screaming for it's turn to have attention. He lets go.

  "Do you trust me?", he asks, and through the fog in my mind I hear him and can't help but say yes, because I do. Totally. Completely.

  "Lean over." He says as he places my hands on the bed. My eyes widen, but I'm willing to see where he wants to go. I want to feel him between my legs so badly that I would do almost anything at that moment.

  He reaches around and unbuttons my jeans and slowly begins to peel them away. He gets down on his knees and places a kiss at the base of my spine, then another, all the way across my ass as the pants come away. The smell hits me.  I am so wet, I smell like sex, and his tongue is so close that the juices streak down the inside of my thighs making me ready to take him whatever way I can.  He steps me out of my jeans, then to my total surprise, he slides between my thighs, turning around so that he can look up at me as his head rests against the bed.

  "Tell me what you want." So soft, so low, so sexy. Looking at him between my thighs, my body screaming to be taken, my hands fisted in the bed covers; all I can say... all I can beg for, "Please Joe. Please."

  "Please what?"

  "Eat me! Oh God, please eat my pussy! I need it! I need to feel your mouth on me. Oh please!"

  "Your pussy?" He asks, so close. I can't help but smile at his question.

  "No baby, your pussy. Please make your pussy feel good." I'm all but rubbing myself on his face.

  "That's right baby, my pussy. So wet for me. All of this," he says, grabbing my ass and pulling me towards him, "All of this is for me." And he sends out his tongue, licking my lips so softly I can barely feel it. Then again, a little stronger. I catch my breath. Then, my body humming - sitting on the edge, waiting for the fall - he puts his tongue at the bottom of my pussy, as flat and wide as it will go, and slides it all the way to the top. And again. And again. Licking the juices that are pouring out of me as if he were licking a melting ice cream cone on a hot summer day. Hmmm.... I think to myself, maybe not ICE cream, but it's cream all the same, and I smile and moan as he sucks my clit into his mouth.

  He looks so good down there between my legs. His face buried in my curls, wet with the juices he created. My hands want to touch him so bad, to hold his head in place while I rub my pussy on his face, riding his tongue like I wanted to ride his dick. It had only been a few minutes, but I could feel the tension building inside me. The release I had to have, or die trying because there was NO way in HELL I wasn't cuming!

  "Please," I beg him - I hate begging. He looks at me and stops for a second - OH HELL NO!

  "Please what?" He asks, his tongue sildes in and out as if he heard my pussy crying out for him to not stop, his face wet with my pussy juice. My mouth watered. I couldn't wait to lick his face clean, and taste myself on his mouth.

  "Please let me cum. I need it SO bad."

  "Are you close?" Licking. Licking.

  "Yes, it's right there. Please." I moan as I rub myself into his face again. I need to feel him right there, working me as only he can. He pulls away, kissing me on my thighs. He looks at me and he slides a finger into my pussy - I almost go right there, but something is holding me back. He is holding me back.

  "Then cum for me. Cum all over my face. I want to feel you, taste you  as you cum. Give it to me." And with that he goes at my pussy like a man dying of thirst. He's put two fingers inside, just rubbing, almost grinding them inside. His mouth is sucking my clit. Oh God! This feels so incredible! So good! I'm right there! So close, then, in a split second he withdraws the fingers, lifts his mouth, looks me in the eye...

  "NOW!" And plunges the fingers in and out, fucking my pussy with his fingers, his mouth is locked onto my clit, sucking my very essence. I open my body to him... and explode!

  "Oh please don't stop!" I yell, "Don't you fuckin stop! I love your mouth on my pussy - your pussy - you make it feels so incredible! Please don't stop! Oh!"

  "What ya doin'? You cumming? Tell me - I want to hear you say it."

  "Oh Joe! Yes! It's cumming! I'm cumming! Oh... Oh shit!" My world falls apart,and it is so incredible...

  The tremors begin to slow as he begins to slow. He slides out from under me, and gently pushes me forward onto the bed. I just collapse, my body feels like electricity is flying this way and that. What a buzz.

  He leans over. "You OK?" With a smile on his face because - of course I'm OK.

What a smartass. All I can do is nod. He kisses me, "Taste yourself baby. Taste how good you taste to me." I sit up a little, and lick his mouth clean, enjoying the salty taste of me on him. I like having me on him, it's just so sexy to me. He lays down as we continue kissing.

  "You taste so good. I love playing with my pussy." He says. Deeper kisses. Damn, I'm getting worked up again. Round 2, here we go...
© Copyright 2009 Elyze Hall (cehall3boys at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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