Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1563125-A-letter-from-my-Mind-to-my-Soul
by JudyB
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Contest Entry · #1563125
Written for a contest entry
Contest Entry
Word Count: 264

A Letter to my Soul From my Mind

My Dear Soul,

Whew! I do believe you are lucky to be who you are. If you'd like to experience life in my brain, I'd be happy to trade places with you for even one day. I know we tend to be thought of as one, and I can understand that since we both reside in the same body, but I am the "thinker" while you, my precious Soul, are the "essence" of who I am.

I am the rational one, which in turn makes me the one who's mind races at all hours of the night. Thoughts flit in and out so quickly that quite often a full, rational thought cannot even be completed before others force their way in. Quite frustrating indeed! I envy your calmness and ability to slow my mind, even for the brief moments that it does occur, when I can actually stop and "smell the roses" so to speak...calmly look at my life as a whole...focus on the positives that are still so abundant, even in the midst of the negatives.

You and I go through the exact same experiences in this life, yet you possess the ability to remain calm and trusting whereas I sometimes lose sight of my faith and feel helpless. I guess God knew exactly what He was doing when we were created. A mind without a soul would be a terrible thing, just as a soul without a mind would likewise be cause for emptiness. Working together, we can do great things! *Smile*

Love you lots,
"The Mind"

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