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Rated: · Script/Play · Other · #1564122
My attempt for writing a Hollywood series, starring yours truly. (YA right)
My Life


Anne: 16 year old girl, likes to do what is right which isn't always easy because Anne gets her in trouble alot, sister of Sam

Sam: 16 year old girl, who likes to get in trouble, sister of Anne

Wiliam: Dad of anne and sam, workaholic but a family man

(Setting: at school, Sam has a crush on Kyle, who is having a party tonight)

Sam: Look its Kyle, I hope he comes over here.

Anne: Ya right, we're not invited to this party anyway, Kyle is one of the popular kids...

Sam: (Finishing Anne's sentence) and is currently single.

(Kyle is walking over toward sam and anne)

Kyle: Hey I forgot to give you girls these.

Sam: O, ok thanks

(kyle leaves)

Sam: OMG we're invited to the party,

Anne: ya but we're grounded remember,


(Anne and sam are playing soccer in the house after Dad tells them not to, sam kicks the ball and breaks a lamp)

Sam: ya but it wasn't actually my fault..

Anne: (Sarcasticlally) Ya you didn't kick the ball, with your own foot and hit the lamp.

(Back at home, at bed time, Anne is popping in a movie, Sam just walked out wearing a really nice dress)

Anne: What are you wearing, I told you we arn't going to this party.

Sam: You always do what you're told do you, I'm going to this party, Kyle will be so disappointed if i didn't show up, you saw how he looked at me.

Anne: Ya he was most likely over there on a dare.

Sam: He wasn't, get dressed we have a party to get to

Anne: And how do you suppose we do this??

Sam: Easy we sneak out the window.

Anne: What about dad??

Sam: He's sleeping, or working he won't come up here

Anne: I'm not going.

Sam: Fine you don't have to I can go by myself.

Anne: ok but don't expect me to cover for you.

Sam: Anne

Anne: Ok I'll cover.

Sam: Thanks Anne.

(Later that night, the movie's almost finished)

William: Anne, Sam are you in here...


William: I know you're not sleeping...

(William walks in)

William: I know you wanted to go to that party,

Anne: How did you??

William: Sam's been asking me for weeks, and Where's sam??

Anne: um, well

(Sam climbs through the window at this exact moment, poor planning on her part)

William: Sam what are you doing, and where were you?? At the party??

Sam: Dad I can expain,

William: Ya explain this you're both grounded,

Anne: Ok this Isn't fair, I didn't do anything, for once.

William: Anne you're right, you arn't grounded.

Anne: Thank you!!

William: go to bed

(After dad left)

Sam: What part of cover for me don't you understand??

Anne: It's not my fault that dad came in and I couldn't cover you climbed through the window, I suggest you see who's up here before you climb through the window.

(Later the next day, sam is cleaning the bacement as punishment, Anne is laughing at her)

Anne: and how was the party??

Sam: Terrible, Kyle is dating someone.

Anne: Really??

Sam: I guess I jumped to conclusions,

Anne: You guess??

© Copyright 2009 C. S. Potts (jonaslver12 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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