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by diane
Rated: · Short Story · Tragedy · #1573833
A king is overthrown by his brother.
The Usurper

A crisp morning breeze filtered into the large oval-shaped valley rustling green leaves on the trees.  Tall majestic mountains circled the valley in a large wall of rock and dirt. Only a small opening on the Eastern side of the valley was the only way in and out.  A fresh cool stream flowed through the valley, through a medium sized lake and wrapping around the castle and out of the valley through a hidden entry way at the base of the mountains, completely covered by forest of trees. 
         The beauty of the morning with colours of gold, orange and pink spreading across the pallet sky was shattered as sounds of swords clashing sang across the valley starting sleeping birds and frighten wild animals.  The forest of trees that engulfed most of the valley trembled with the force of hundreds of men and horses charging towards each other determination engraved on all the knights faces.  They enemies determinate to reach the castle, and the royal heirs.  The Knights of Kambrian were bend on keeping the invaders far from the castle as possible, so the heirs had a chance to escape.
         Cillian, Lonar, Liam and Artan rushed to where the King was engrossed in his opponent.  After running his sword through, Cillian tapped him on the shoulder and had to duck or risk losing his head when King Ayden swung at him with his scimitar. Artan and Calhoun rushed to either side of their king and Artan took hold of his arm that held the scimitar and Lonar took hold his other arm, stopping any other swings, “easy my king. “ Cillian said to the King. The king’s eyes slowing came into focus as he concentrated on what Cillian was saying. King Ayden shook his head to clear away the fogginess.
         “What!” King Ayden growled.
         “My lord it is time to go.” Cillian told him quietly, not wanting the enemy around them to hear that the king was leaving the battle.
         “No!” The king shouted, as he pushed his guards away and rushed towards an enemy knight.  Cillian, Artan, Lonar and Liam dashed after their king.  Cillian and Artan tackled him before he could engage the knight in combat.  Liam and Lonar defended their comrades as they struggled to hold down their king, Slashing any enemy who got too close.
         “Sir, you need to leave,“ Cillian said with more force.  The king forced his way to his feet and tried to jump back into the skirmish but Cillian and Artan held him back again.
         “Traitors! All of you. Let me go or I will have your heads for this!” King Ayden struggled against his guards’ iron hold.  Lonar wound up his fist and swung and punched his king in desperation knowing full well that the action could get him killed.  The king’ head snapped to the right at the force of the blow.  He turned his head slowly back around, retaliation clear in his sharp blue eyes.
         “My liege. Please. The children. We need to get them to safety.” Cillian pleaded. The words children and safety finally registered in the King’s mind. Slowly he inched his way back. Never revealing his back to the swarm of men rushing to kill him from all sides. “To arms!” He yelled to the knights within shouting distance. Immediately the knights made a attempt of a semi-circle. Trying to get the enemies away from the King. So he would be able to get back to the castle to insure the royal children were safely spirited away.
         Bolting towards the castle, his men defending his back to rushed through the discarded castle. Avoiding broken chairs, tables and bits of stone that had broken off from the structure. Taking the stairs two even three at a time, he made to the highest point in the castle, were the children and a few servants were hiding. Not missing a stride he grabbed the black handle of the large, heavy, wooden door and flung it open, startled the occupants inside as it banged against the wall.
         He stopped dead, and his men had to make some fancy footwork to avoid colliding into his back. Breathing heavily to stared at his world. His six year old son and his identical three year twin girls. And his queen. Who watched over the children from her a chair beside the massive bed.
         The queen had looked up when the door burst open, grapping the gold-hilted dagger resting on her lap. When she saw it was her husband, she dropped the dagger and rushed into this arms with a cry. “Ayden!” King Ayden’s arms closed his arms around his wife and held her tightly for a few minutes. Each clinging to each other. Not wanting to part, knowing this could possibly be the last time they held each other.
         “Evelyn. My darling,” with those words Queen Evelyn knew instantly that her world was crashing down around her, even now she can still hear the battle continuing down below on the battlefield. Slowly she withdrew from her husbands embrace and with tears streaking down her dusty face, she gathered up the belongings that she and the servants and backed. Knowing that they would need a backup plan to escape. Sighing, she turned towards the bed, and called to the large black German Shepherd type dog sleeping on the bed, his head nearly covering the three pairs of legs asleep on the bed.  Slowing to stood up and inched his way of the bed, so as not to disturb the sleeping occupants.
         “Good dog, Cadwgan,” Queen Evelyn muttered to the dog while bending down to give  the giant dog his first hug ever received from the Queen. Cadwgan licked her cheek to give her comfort.  Straitening and with the dog by her side she went to a wooden chest of drawers, and taking a leather type harness she bent down and strapped it onto the dog. Small clip-on  chains, hung from a couple places. Queen Sophie clicked the children’s pack to it.  She walked quickly back to the bed and roused her sleeping children.
         Each child rubbed their sleep filled eyes. Looking up, young Devlin found his fathers gaze first, and with a cry he quickly crawled off the bed, and ran to his father, who swung him up in his arms and hugged him tight. The two identical girls crawled from the bed into their mothers arms. Each Parent held a child close, whispering a few incoherent words then each child ran to the other parent, receiving the same treatment. Finally after tearing themselves from the children, gathered them close, and with servants following they quickly made their way down the back stairway that was put in over a century ago to help escape safely in the event of an attack.  Only the future king from each generation on his coronation night was shown the secret stairway.
         The stairway led to an underground chamber, and after a few minutes they emerged in a glen several distance away from the castle and the ongoing battle.  There stood several mounts. Each tacked and ready to depart quickly. Among them was a young black stallion who fought the restrained from his leather halter, sidestepping he flung up his elegant head and snorted his disproval of being confined next to his mother. Walking quickly towards the mare, Queen Evelyn pulled the girls behind her. Two of the serving girls rushed to help her as they each lifted the girls onto the mare.  King Ayden lifted his son on to the handsome stallion. Once everyone except the king and his guards were mounted, King Ayden, told each serving girl, whom he trusted with his life, to take each child to a place where they will not be found.  Hoping they will travel fast and swiftly on the best cavalry horses in the kingdom.  Queen Evelyn cried softly as she bid her children good bye with hopes that they will quickly reach safety.  Then with a quick kiss goodbye to her husband she rode in one direction with Lonar.  The other three rode in opposite direction. Separating the children for their own protection. Each serving girl had a destination in mind, each riding hard to reach it.
         Watching his family ride away, a single tear trailed slowing down one cheek, striking a line through the dust, grim and blood that still clanged to him like molasses. Wiping it away with a equal griming hand he turned towards his men, and without a word they filed behind them, and they made their way quickly back to the chamber. Knowing the enemy king will come there for the children. To kill them.
         “Men, when he storms in here, he will kill you.  I will not hold it against you if you leave right now,” King Ayden said desperately to his men before they reached the high chamber.
         “Yes your majesty.” Artan, Cillian and Liam replied together still following their king up to the chamber.  Once inside, They bard the door with the heavy, wooden chest drawers, and then stepped further into to the room, and waited.
         They didn’t’t have to wait long. For outside the door they heard banging. Artan, Cillian and Liam took a fighting stance in a triangle shape, protecting their king. A few minutes later the door shattered under the assault of marble statue, and pushing the chest down they stormed into the room only to stop suddenly. Strolling into the room, the Enemy King smirked at the sight before him.
         “Your to late, Brother. They had gone. Fled to where you will never find them.” King Ayden of Kambrian stood proud and regal, every inch a king as he faced his traitorous brother.
         Roaring with anger, Prince Cairbre drew his sword and his knights swarmed into the room, the three royal guards rushed forward to engage in one final battle.  Minutes later, they lay in a bloody heap on the floor. King Ayden still battled his brother, but with trickery King Cairbre killed his brother with a hidden dagger. Slumping to the floor, King Ayden’s crown slowing fell and rolled away from his head.  Stepping over his brother, King Cairbre picked up the gold crown and placed it upon his own head and looked down at his lifeless brother.
         “Now who is the better one?” He laughed a haunting cackle as he and his remaining live knights walked out of the room, their heavy footsteps echoing on the empty stairwell.  Outside rejoicing was heard as the news of the victory spread like wildfire through out the battle. The knights loyal to King Ayden, fled for their lives and many more, swore loyalty to King Cairbre at sword point.
         A few minutes after the door had slammed shut behind King Cairbre, there was a slight movement of fingers in the bloody pile on the floor.
© Copyright 2009 diane (diane85 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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