Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1579265-it-can-only-get-better-from-here
by 123996
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1579265
5 kids stay with there dad for the summer & meet there new Step-Mom and siblings
"Mama why do we have to go?""Luc he's our dad & I'm your sister moms driving" I corrected my youngest brother "come on Ash you know what he means your more like a mom then a sister" Jose said defending our little brother "what is that supost to mean" our real mom gaby yelled over her sholder "nothing mother Jr's just being stupid" I say befor she has time to stop the car and slap him "thanks Ma" Jr mouths to me "no prob." I mouth back [ASH JR'S RIGHT I'D CALL YOU MA BEFORE I'D EVER CALL HER MY MOM] Angel sent in a text 2 minutes after mom got mad "Gel, Luc, Jr, Xavier do you want me to come with you or would you rather go alone?" I asked "no m-ash please come with us" xavi begged "k hon I'll come" I said and he smiled "bye see yall later" mom said as we grabed our stuff and put it in dads truck "daddy" Lucio and Xavier yelled as soon as he got out of his truck "hey boys" he says gettingon his knees to hug them "hey Jr, Gel, Ash" he said to us we put on fake smiles and said "Hi dad" then we got in his truck and got ready for the 5 hour drive to dads house in houston "so what have you been up to dad?" Jr asked "um how would yall feel about a step-mom" dad asked "how many kids?" I ask "2 Angel and Jake" he answered "2 more boys alsome" "actually-" dad started but Gel cut him off by yelling "he took my name! My names Angel" "I know Gel she is 16 and Jake is 10" dad said "what the F***! Why the H*** dose he have to be 10 I hate him already" Jr yelled "Jr not in front of Lucio" I yelled "but Ma the girl with Gels name is your age you should be just as mad if not madder" he yelled "a f***ing girl has my name how the h*** did that happen s*** do I have a girls name!" Gel yelled "boys not in front of your brothers!" I yelled "Ma!" Both Luc and Xavi cryed at the same time "oh its ok boys your brothers arn't mad then sent them both messages saying [SHUT UP INFRONT OF YOUR BROTHERS WE'LL DISCUSS THIS LATER] "Fine Ma" they both said "Ash why are they calling you there mom?" Dad asked "because she's better at being a Mama then Mom is" Gel answered and dad laughed about an hour later both Xavi & Luc were sleeping "when do we meet them?"I asked "in a few hours they live at the house with me" dad said "you only have 3 rooms who has to share?" Jr asked "you Ash Jake and the girl Angel then the 3 little boys in the other room" he said "No!" Gel & Jr yelled I should have seen it comming "they got to share a room or Gel will freak out at night" I explained "k so the 5 of yall get the master bedroom" "alsome" Jr said probally remembering its huge the boys didn't wake up till we were pulling up to dads house there was a girl cring in the drive way and a boy making her cry "that's Angel and that's Jake" dad said pointing them out "dad please don't tell me the girl that stole my name is a big baby" "she crys but not a lot" dad says definding her "Ash had a black eye a broken nose and 3 fractured ribs and didn't shead a tear" Jr said "how'd you get that hurt?" Dad asked shocked "she got in a fight with her ex right before she dumped him she was in the hospital for 2 days" Gel said "we took care of him though nobody messes with our sister and gets away with it" Jr said "yall know I'm older then yall and I can handle things by myself not to mention talk for myself" I said geting anoyed "what ever" they laughed & we got out of the car the girl had long blond hair perfectly curled probaly has a curling iron and blue eyes red around the edges from crying the boy had spikey hair the same color as the girl and greenish blue eyes "there white?" Jr wispered "I see that don't judge them you don't know them" I hissed and we walked up to them "hi I'm Angel" the girl said coming up to us "hi I'm Ashley and these are my brothers Jr, Gel, Xavi and Luc" I said and she smiled "sadly this is the idot they says my brother his names Jake" she said and he punched her "hey leave her alone!" I said and his eyes got wide "are you gana stop me?" He laughed "no I don't hurt little kids but Jr here is your age so he will" I say and he laughs "Jr no broken bones no head damage and no major problems just make him apologies to her" I tell him and he nods & punched Jake 2 times befor Jake was begging him to stop and he did tell his sister he was sorry "thanks Ash" "no problem sis" I said and she smiled all of a sudden a lady came running out "oh man I thought yall all would be little kids from the wey your dad talks about yall I guess not I'm Barbie" she said I smiled and introduced eveyone "come in come in yall must be starving dinners on the table" she said and we went to eat Angel and Jake we're about to eat "excuse me" I said and all eyes were on me "Gel Xavi can yall please pray tonight?" I asked "yes ma'm" they both said and prayed "mama do I get my own room?" Xavi asked me and Barbies head snaped up because he called me mama "no hon you share with Luc" I said "but he talks in his sleep" he wined "would you rather share a room with Gel?" I asked already knowing the answer "no! Luc is fine" he said and I laphed after we ate we went to our room it was huge with 5 beds at about 8:30 I put the little ones in the bath "Jr, Gel yall have till 10 to be in and out of the shower" I told the at around 10:30 I went in and read Luc and Xavi a book and they fell asleep "Gel Jr bush your teeth wash your face then you can do what ever you want" I said "k were on it Ma" they said "um Ashley?" Angel said "ya" I asked "how do you do that?" She asked "do what?" "Get your brothers to do what ever you say when you say it? How do you do it and why do they listen?" She asked "oh since dad left us with mom 5 years ago she's been home like once a week Lucio started the whole Mommy Mama thing but the others picked it up listening to me is habit like you listening to your mom" I explained "ha listening to her aint habit I just don't wana get slaped" she laughed and I started shakeing "Ashley? Ashley? Are you ok?" Angel asked panicing "Daddy help Ash is freaking out and she won't quit shakeing" she yelled and next thing I know my brothers were there "what did you say to her?" Jr asked "nothing it was a joke" she answered crying "Jr we got to get her to a hospital I haven't seen her like this since Gaby pushed you into that wall and you went out cold" Gel said "Babys I'm fine she just cought me off gard" "thank god your ok what did Angle say?" Jr asked "nothing really just that she didn't listen to her mom out of habit she just didn't wana get slaped" I said "oh she's gana get slapd now" barbie said "no Ash will freak mom beat us after her and dad split Ash will fight no problem but she dosn't belive in spanking or beating because it can emotionly scar someone" Jr said "your mom what?!?" Dad yelled madder then I've ever seen him we showed him some of our scars and he took us to the hospital called the cops and got mom put in jail maybe thingd will turn good again maybe we can finly be happy after 5 years of sadness and maybe just maybe we will get useto Barbie as our mom
© Copyright 2009 123996 (ash996 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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