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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1580758
One boys brief encounter with temptation. :D
There was a boy, his name is not really that important. So we will just call him "Boy". Well boy was about 5 years old when he discovered the world ouside of hos own house and yard. A world filled with things to love and hate. Until this point Boy had not experienced anything beyond a few bumps and bruises in his own back yard. To Boy it was both the greatest and scariest thing his young body and mind had experienced. Until his early 20's and love and sex.....

This day started out like just another typical day. He woke himself up. Took his morning piss, jumped in the shower, brushed his tetth, and kissed his mom........? Only problem he could not find his mom. He thought that she was playing a game with him.

He checked under her bed, under his. Checked all of the closets. Still no mom. He looked through the pantry. Still no mom. He looked in the crawl space where the extra toys were kept. Still no mom. He yelled out for her and asked her to stop hiding. Still no mom.

He thought to himself maybe she went to the store quick for something. I mean come on he is 5 years old and it did not seem weird to him at all.

He was hungry and what do hungry boys eat when the parents are not looking? Well candy and chocolates of course! And boy did boy eat the shit out of those candies. So much so that the candy dishes themselves were bare except fot those nasty hard candies nobody but his grandparents liked.

Well his candy craving was far from over. He decided it was time to go look for his moms stash in the kitchen cupboards. He struggled to push a chair close enough. So he could check the only two cupboards where he knew his mom hid the sweet glorious candy.

Cupboard number one was a disappointment. He found only spices, the colored sugar for the Christmas cookies looked tampting. But would not satisfy this craving. He was down to this one cupboard. he hoped with all his heart there was something good in there. He opened it a crack and then ripped the door open and yelled, "Jackpot!" Boy had heard his mother say that a thousand times or so. But he had no idea what it really meant. Well other then she was very excited when she said it. It just brought him to one that he remembers quite good. Because it only happened just a few nights ago. And she sounded so excited she must have found something really good.

He remembers being put to bed, but he could not sleep that night. He was laying there and then he heard voices and his door close. He kept it open a crack because for some reason, unknown to him, he did not like it closed all the way. When it closed he grew a little angry, but he could fix that with one turn of the knob. he crept up to the door and opened it slightly. And to his surprise he seen his neighbor Jack go into his mothers room. He figured Jack must have had a big problem if he was there this late. he never came over this late and never in his mom' s room. He could here giggling and excited voices. Then He distinctly heard his mother say she could fix his problem. A few minutes later he heard her yell, "Jackpot, right there!" He had not heard he so excited since she yelled it after the divorce to his father 3 months ago. Since then he has not seen his drunken father. But that is another story for another time. Now back to Boys morning out.

"Jackpot!" he yelled like only a kid in a candy story could yell after he was the 1,000,000th customer and was let go for five minutes alone in the store. This was his excitment. There were candy bars, lollipops, licorice, chocolate mints, and hard candy......? Well of course he shoved that aside and went for the good stuff, And plenty of that there was. He did not load up his arms and cafefully bring the bags down. No he flung them over his shoulder into a pile on the floor. He tossed so many bags he stopped a few times to rest. After about 20 minutes of tossing bags on the floor. He turned around and there for his eyes to feast on and soon his belly was a pile no smaller then to his waist and no wider then a Buick.

When he seen this he nearly wept with joy. For he, not even on the greatest Halloweens, had he seen this much candy. It all sat the waiting for him, no calling for him, to go and eat all of it in its wonderous sugar filled glory!

And with that he did just as expected. He did not just open on bag he opened them all! And he did not eat all the candy he bit into. He would take one bite out of each, for now. He was then about to reach for another unopened bag. but much to his chagrin there were no more.

He did however have all of these opened bags and the half eaten candies laying all over. He thought about not wasting any and eat the hald eaten ones. He just laughed and went after the unopened ones. He figured he had enough to last forever. He ate with such a fury, that Shaggy and Scooby had nothing on him even when they were at the all you can eat buffet. Wrappers flying this way and that way. Then just as quickly as it hard started he was done.

He sat there for a moment and thought about where more could be. But for some reason even after he found there were still the hard candies or the colored sugar. he could not move a inch in any direction. Just as he was doing this there was a sharp twinge in his belly and all at once the candy that was just sitting in his belly had come to rest in another pile infront of him.Only problem it was not edible to him. Maybe for neighbor Jack's prized poodle, but not for Boy.

He tried to calm himself and stop his stomach from rolling. Another burp and another outburst of candy. All he could do now was roll around on the floor moaning from the pain of this experience. It was then he started to see funny colors all around him and then the little people started talking to him. Asking him where all his candy went. Then pointing and laughing at his big piles left on the floor next to him. These were not very nice little men dancing around him. Then when all seemed hopeless. One of the little men came up to him and started ringing a bell. He asked the little man to stop, but he did not say anything just kept ringing that dang bell.

He looked around and there in the background was an..... Alarm clock floating next to the wall?

The next thing he heard his mom calling to him. "Boy this is the fifth time I have been in here!" "NOW GET UP!" Boy wondering just what the hell was going on. Asked his mom, "What happened after I ate all that candy?" All his mom did was gave him the most puzzled look he had every seen. She said, "What candy/" He could not say anything, but he did make some grunting noise. His mom decided it was not too important and went about getting things ready for them to get out the door that morning. With almost everything said and done she asked him if he wanted his favorite cold cereal "Ultimate Choco Golden Honey Puffs!" It was only then his mom became worried with his answer. "You know mom I do not think I like sugar or candy anymore. Grab me a banana and Grape Nuts I could use the fiber!"
© Copyright 2009 Cameron (grofit44 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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