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Rated: 13+ · Other · How-To/Advice · #1581000
An article i wrote on letting go. everything in it is true...i wish it wasn't.
Letting Go

Letting go of a dearly loved one is one of the hardest things you can do. Whether your loved one has passed away or has been forced to leave you abruptly, it will take time to accept the fact and move on.

Every person will have to face this hardship at least once in their life. For some people, being forced to let go of someone, is harder to do than others. It depends on who you are, how you view life and who it is that is leaving you. I believe the reason we all find letting someone go hard, is because we care deeply for that person and when he/she leaves…It feels like there’s a whole part of you that’s missing. Nothing will ever be the same without that person in your life.

I have been forced to let go of a very close friend of mine. She was only seventeen years of age, about to graduate and prepare for college. I lost her to death. I only knew Rebecca for two short months, but in those months I grew so attached to her that when I heard the news…I just couldn’t take it in. But when I finally realized that she was gone, two emotions filled my heart…pain and sadness.  Even after months without her in my life, I still haven’t been able to completely let her go.

Now, June 17th has been a long day for me. Why? Because two of my best friends are leaving for the holidays. Yes, just for holidays, they’ll be back but I won’t be here to see them return. I won’t be here to welcome them with open arms and cheeky grins. No, today would be the last time I would have to see Saral Maharaj and Isabella De Lucey. Throughout this year, I have developed a strong bond with both of these young warm people…especially Izy. Due to unexpected events, I have been forced yet again to let go of two of my closest friends. Although I can still keep in contact with both of them, I know that it will never be the same as it has been throughout the year. It has been hard for everyone who’s been forced to leave. Life has a way of making things harsh but often there is a hidden message behind it. Maybe, I’ll see them again in the near future; I can only hope that we’ll all still be around for that opportunity to arise.

However, letting go does not mean forgetting about the person. Do not forget about him/her. Letting go means that you move on without the person in your life. You continue working, cooking and carrying on with your day-to-day routines. If you forget about the person who you are trying to let go, what was the point in having him/her in your past. You don’t forget, you move on.

A good method while trying to let go and one that I use often, is to let your emotions out freely. If you want to cry, cry. If you want to scream, scream. Do not bottle up your emotions, it has been proven to be unhealthy mentally, emotionally and physically (Trust me, it doesn’t help. I’ve been there). Express how you feel to someone whom you can trust. It does not matter who, it could be a friend, teacher, parent, as long as you open up.

Now, I don’t have my usual “How to” steps for this situation because I can honestly say, Letting Go is in my top 10 hardest things to do list. I can’t give you false pretenses and tell you that “steps” are going to make you feel better. No, I won’t because it isn’t true. You will have to find our own unique way of dealing with this and that’s all up to you.

Letting go, we all find it hard, but it is life.

Written By,

A lexxx [and] er             
June 17th, 2009
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