Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1591018-The-Perfect-Orgasm-Experiment
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1591018
Short story I wrote YEARS ago. It won "Word Pick of the Day" artconspiracy.com
I went outside. On a weekend. Amazing feat for me. I get enough of the sickening human race at my piss-ant job. So why, you say, would I want to help them? That I can't answer. All I knew is that I wished to help them with my brilliance. You see, I'm working on an experiment. I shall not divulge the details just yet. I will however say it will quite possibly improve the mind and even extend life! I hope that soon you will all know my brilliance. Soon, you will see that my selfish endeavor will provide a new quality of life for you all.

I could hear her up there. In the attic. The girl I picked up at a local bar. It was easy enough. Women these days are given to promiscuity anyway. Not a superb subject, but I suppose she would do for the time at hand. I gagged her quite well with an old rag but I could hear her trying to get loose and still struggling to get a yell out. Ha! As if someone could hear her. Did she think I was some common idiot? I planned it quite well. The neighbors were even on vacation.

"If you are a good little girl, I'll be sure they put your name somewhere in the history books along with mine!"

A hush fell over the house. I thought to myself, good, maybe she won't be as spunky as the last one. I had a sandwich. I knew I'd need it for the long night ahead. Then, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and face. It was then I realized, just at the thought of what I was about to do, that I should take care of my own "needs" beforehand so that it wouldn't interfere with the experiment.

I unzipped my pants and a sweet chill went over my whole body, as thoughts of the past experiments danced like sugarplums in my head. Only moments had passed and my concentration was lost. The failures of the past experiments were not even a concern. For a brief instance, the thought crossed my mind that I could just go up there and rape the girl. It would feel so good, I thought. It had been years since I had been with a woman. I stopped what I was doing. I became outraged with myself for even considering tainting the experiment like that. I zipped my pants up and determinedly headed upstairs to get to work. What was I thinking?!

I smiled regally as I walked into the tiny attic room. Then I waltzed over and smacked her square in the face. "Vile temptress! You almost costed me the whole experiment" She lay there staring up from the make-shift table, looking confused and stunned, but still silent. Smart girl, I thought. Maybe she realizes the importance of her role in the betterment of humanity. No, no. I suddenly remembered that I hadn't explained anything to her since we'd arrived at my home.

I removed that gag and held her by her throat.

"Do not move and do NOT scream for help or you will die."

She pitifully squeaked out the words- "Are you going to rape me?"

"You imbecile. Do I look like a rapist? You flatter yourself. I have no desire for such a disgusting creature as you."

Tears streamed down her face as she looked around for a way out or any ray of hope that her mind could fool her into believing. I glanced at the window at which her genitalia were pointed towards and giggled to myself at the thought that some passerby might see that and probably still be none the wiser. I glanced back at her, feeling a tinge of premature remorse. I decided that maybe I would give her a bit of respect, especially consider that she played a key role in something so noble and important. I pulled up a stool to tell her about the experiment. I hadn't done this with any of the others, but I thought maybe there would be less struggle once she understood. I could make her understand. She would be willing to sacrifice herself for such a noble cause. I was sure of it.

"I have brought you here as part of an ongoing experiment I am conducting. I have a well thought out theory. There is an existing formula, which, upon drinking, can improve the mind and also lengthen life itself! This elixir of life lies within the female body. However, the only pure sample can be extracted through what I shall call the 'perfect orgasm', for lack of a better word. This requires a forced stimulation and extraction of said juices. I've invented a machine that performs both the stimulation and extraction. I call it 'Machina Perfecto'. "

I motioned towards a dark corner of the room and she squinted to see what I was pointing at.

"All in good time, my dear. You'll find out all about it....And you will be remembered for your role in this most important of all projects.....So you see, young lady, what I have in store for you is virtually martyrdom."

She looked at me hesitantly and with a worried look upon her face and then she opened her mouth and screamed louder than God himself. I quickly stuffed the gag back in her mouth and wiped the sweat off my brow. I sneered down at her and thought to myself-"moron".

I rolled the gargantuan machine towards her and immediately I could tell she was disturbed by the meer sight of it. There were all sorts of wires and clamps coming out of it with what probably appeared to her like radio tuners. There were tubes spiralling downwards into what looked like a coffee maker. Best of all, there was a giant, translucent phallic-shaped object with tubing visible inside of it...and it was at level with her genitals. I smiled knowingly and began the task at hand.

I attached each seperate clamp to its proper place. One on each nipple, one on her clitoris, one on each outer lip of her vaginal wall, and one on her anus. I gently pushed the phallus over to her and put the tip of it inside her. Mmm....I shivered. I gently pushed down my developing erection and walked over to the machine. I clicked the switch and it starting humming and clunking like the sound of an old dryer. It started jabbing inside of her. I could see the pained look in her eyes as all of it hit her senses at once. She glanced at the clamps on her nipples as if just now realizing there was electricity flowing through them. A large surge hit the clamps and she cried through her muffled gag. Just then I heard a suction sound and knew that the first sample was ready. I merrily danced over to the machine and looked inside the tubing and watched it travel to the containment jar. I smiled and turned towards her with the thumbs up motion. She looked at me expectantly like I was going to stop the machine after one measley sample! Ha. Women know nothing of science.

It hummed and clicked and sucked for many hours until she finally was unconcsious from exhaustion or possibly dehydration. Perhaps both? By the time it was over, I had 7 pure samples! Unheard of compared to the other subjects! There were 2 of the later samples which were tainted by blood but I was contented. I unhooked the jar from the machine and emptied the last sample into its very own plastic container. I labeled it with a permanent marker. "P.O.E. #7"

I put it on the shelf with the others and then grabbed the first sample. I was more than eager to see the results. I opened the container and held it to my lips for a moment, savoring the sweet aroma. I gulped down every drop. I looked upwards in thought, waiting for something to happen. Silly me. I knew better than that. It will take at least 12-24 hours for it to take effect. Good things come to those who wait. I glanced at the girl and decided to deal with that later. I trotted downstairs and grabbed a pen and paper out of the kitchen drawer and sat down at the table. I paused for a moment, pondering what to write.

Dear Tabby,

How's my favorite sister? I'm hoping that this letter will find you well. I also hope that my attractive young nephew is in good health also. Tell him that he'll be seeing his uncle in the news soon! How is the weather there in Maine? I know it has been a long time since I've written to you my dear sister, but I now realize the error of my ways and wish to come visit you in the near future. My apologies for the length of the note, but as I now feel a bit nauseous, I will go now and mail this. Please keep in touch.

Your loving brother,
Victor Winbree

I decided to hold off on mailing the note until after disposing of the subject. Can't let her ruin things for me. I whistled softly and walked upstairs. I looked away while I stabbed her. I'm not completely heartless, you know. I grabbed some garbage bags and started cutting her into small pieces and throwing them into the bags. This continued well into the morning, and when it was finished I carried the bags carefully downstairs and bit by bit put her into the garbage disposal. When all the pieces were gone, I put in the bags too. I yawned and looked up at the clock. 9:48 am. My only thought was rest and decided it would be best to continue the clean-up and chart the results of the first sample when I awoke. I washed my hands thoroughly and took off my clothes. I walked zombie-like to the bedroom and practically passed out. In the moment I drifted beyond into the world of dreams, my head swimmed of the beautiful imagery from the day. The blood, the machine, the perfect orgasm....
© Copyright 2009 mangledfairy (mangledfairy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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