Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1594368-There-are-Two-Kinds-of-People
Rated: 13+ · In & Out · Cultural · #1594368
If you had to classify all humanity into two types, what would they be?
It's simple.
How would you complete the sentence ...
'There are two types of people ...' ?

(Keep to the 13+ rating, please! And have fun, but don't offend anyone! Thank you!)

Now allowing ten posts per person ... those who have posted before can join in again.
Thanks Steev the Friction Wizurd for the suggestion!

: Steev the Friction Wizurd
: 08-27-09 @ 9:43am
: ...those who think like me and those who don't.

: Neko ♥ Away
: 08-28-09 @ 1:03am
: ...those who accept you for who you are, and those who don't even take the time to find out who you are.

: Daizy May
: 08-28-09 @ 8:08am
: ...the one who is disgusted by the trash on the sidewalk, and the one who stops to pick it up and throw it away

: Daizy May
: 08-28-09 @ 8:10am
: ...those who push the grocery cart into the corral, and those who give it a shove in the general direction.

: Diane
: 08-28-09 @ 9:11am
: those with patience and those without.

: Steev the Friction Wizurd
: 08-28-09 @ 9:18am
: ...those who can see clearly that there are two kinds of people and those who are unable to make that distinction.

: Dad
: 08-28-09 @ 10:35pm
: ....Those who think like I do, and those who are wrong.

: 08-29-09 @ 11:44am
: Those who have already added, whom I thank! AND those who are going to add, whom I thank already!

: Emilyisawesomeagain
: 08-29-09 @ 12:30pm
: those that worship me and would like to put a crown upon my head and feed me grapes (seedless of course) one by one while I smile a condescending smile, and those who don't

: ~SilverMoon~
: 08-29-09 @ 6:18pm
: Those ones who think outside the box, and ones that are stuck in it.

: Annette aka Din Djarin
: 08-30-09 @ 8:27pm
: Those who dwell on the past or talk about the future, and those who live life today.

: mARi☠StressedAtWork
: 09-01-09 @ 12:52am
: There are two types of people... The Dreamers and The Doers!! *smile*

: Humming Bird
: 09-04-09 @ 9:59pm
: Those who like helping others and those who don't

: Humming Bird
: 09-04-09 @ 10:00pm
: Those who like adding insult to injury and those who don't

: LJPC - the tortoise
: 09-14-09 @ 12:37pm
: The winners and the losers. And the wannabes and the bes! {e:smile}

: LJPC - the tortoise
: 09-14-09 @ 12:40pm
: Those who read the instructions about WritingML, and those who don't...

: Karen Lightnhart
: 09-14-09 @ 4:36pm
: ...ketchup people or mustard people

: Just an Ordinary Boo!
: 09-15-09 @ 5:39am
: Those who can eat what they please and not put on weight (Grrrrh!) and those who put on weight if they think of eating! (Guess which is me!)

: Joy, Happy 24th, WdC!
: 09-19-09 @ 10:52am
: Those who start wars and those who practice peace.

: Kate - Writing & Reading
: 09-19-09 @ 11:05pm
: Those who say, what if...; and those who just do it.

: Kate - Writing & Reading
: 09-19-09 @ 11:17pm
: Those whose cup is ever half-empty; and those whose is always half-full.

: Petra Pansky
: 09-21-09 @ 12:39am
: Those who are energized by being around other people and those who are drained by them.

: Petra Pansky
: 09-21-09 @ 11:50pm
: Those whose toilet paper tears from the back and those whose TP tears from the front.

: StaiNed-:D
: 09-22-09 @ 7:31am
: Those who can drive and those who think they can.

: ShellySunshine
: 09-22-09 @ 2:33pm
: Those that are funny and those that think they are.

: sssam-on the way back
: 09-23-09 @ 8:11am
: those that enjoy the viewing rainbows and those that only look for the pot of gold at the end.

: Pat ~ Rejoice always!
: 10-01-09 @ 1:09pm
: Those who love poetry and those who don't.

: Leaf
: 10-02-09 @ 9:01am
: givers and takers.

: Just an Ordinary Boo!
: 10-07-09 @ 9:48am
: Those who talk of doing and those who do.

: Winnie Kay
: 10-19-09 @ 9:27pm
: Those who say, "I know how you feel," and those who say, "Tell me how you feel."

: Joan
: 10-19-09 @ 9:33pm
: Those that love plants and those that love animals.

: Raven
: 10-19-09 @ 11:06pm
: Those who like football and those who like soccer.

: ~MorningStorm~
: 10-21-09 @ 3:48pm
: Those quick to answer because they're sure they know it, and those who really know the answer but are afraid to speak up in fear that they are wrong.

: Caledonia Lass
: 10-21-09 @ 5:57pm
: Those who struggle with doing the right thing every day and those who do as they please.

: Prosperous Snow celebrating
: 10-21-09 @ 10:54pm
: Those who question reality and those who don’t.

: Bakhtawar
: 11-05-09 @ 10:06am
: ... those who learn to smile out at the world while feeling miserable and those who stick to their conditions making their misery worse than it was before...

: Bakhtawar
: 11-06-09 @ 2:28pm
: ...those who dream, and those who stive to achieve them...

: Dad
: 11-08-09 @ 8:55pm
: ......those who like baseball, and those who are unhappy.

: anna
: 04-14-10 @ 7:27am
: Those who see and those who notice.

: Prosperous Snow celebrating
: 12-27-10 @ 9:33pm
: ... those who see a bright future and those who can’t see through the fog the present.

: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!
: 02-10-11 @ 4:11pm
: Those who are age 50 and younger and those who are over 50--with both of these two groups falling into so many other categories such as those also listed here (though not always in strict black-and-white fashion).

: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!
: 02-12-11 @ 11:50pm
: There are two kinds of people here in the restaurant: those who will order dessert and those who won't.

: ~ Aqua ~
: 09-04-11 @ 9:00am
: Religious and Non-Religious lol{e:Bigsmile}

: ~ Aqua ~
: 09-04-11 @ 9:01am
: Those who talk too much and those who keep silent

: unseen forces
: 09-05-11 @ 5:22pm
: wicked and righteous

: Sunny
: 12-31-11 @ 10:40pm
: The givers and the takers

: ashandilgith
: 06-10-12 @ 1:59am
: Those who know they are loved and those who feel not

: Alala
: 06-10-12 @ 3:34am
: those who "get it" and those who don't

: 07-12-12 @ 3:40am
: Us here, and them there.

: pandan
: 07-29-12 @ 6:34am
: Those who are smiling and those who are whining

: Alala
: 07-29-12 @ 7:51am
: Those that "get it" and those who don't

: ruwth
: 01-05-13 @ 8:29am
: Those who write and those who don't.

: Steev the Friction Wizurd
: 04-09-13 @ 3:55am
: Those who are overly concerned about "getting it" and those who already got it.

: Steev the Friction Wizurd
: 04-09-13 @ 10:46pm
: Those who know this In&Out is active again and those who don't

: ☮ The Grum Of Grums
: 04-20-13 @ 11:05pm
: the Bold and the Beautiful

: Remembering
: 08-06-13 @ 5:36am
: Those that seek to be good people and follow the rules and the bad people who do not feel the need to be limited by rules.

: Soh ~ Luminousa
: 11-07-13 @ 8:51am
: those who are committed and those who are not

: Soh ~ Luminousa
: 12-22-13 @ 6:01am
: Those who pretend to be 'know alls' and those who do not

: ♥tHiNg♥
: 01-15-14 @ 4:22pm
: ones who like cows and those who do not

: Acme Spire
: 01-24-14 @ 7:18am
: The "active" and "inactive" minds. It is not about how smart, but how much you are able to stop ignoring.

: ☮ The Grum Of Grums
: 01-25-14 @ 2:16am
: Those who claim to have the answers and those who don't even know the questions

: Joto-Kai
: 02-10-14 @ 11:42am
: Those who respect you as an equal, and those who belong in a chain gang in a third world country.

: RatDog
: 02-17-14 @ 5:27pm
: Those who are neat and organized, and the rest of us.

: eyestar~*
: 04-17-14 @ 8:04pm
: human {eg cows}and humanoid {eg horses} {e:wink}

: ☮ The Grum Of Grums
: 04-28-14 @ 8:37am
: Those who know nothing about everything and those who know everything about nothing

: Jack-check out 7YS
: 07-04-14 @ 3:19pm
: Those who live and those who exist

: ☮ The Grum Of Grums
: 07-04-14 @ 5:47pm
: Cat people and dog people

: Prosperous Snow celebrating
: 07-15-14 @ 10:50am
: Those who drink coffee and those who don't.

: *Jenny*
: 03-06-15 @ 1:18am
: Those who are optimists and those who are pessimists.

: Steev the Friction Wizurd
: 03-06-15 @ 7:29am
: Those who let old In&Outs die and those who revive them after 6 or 7 months have passed.

: bejjinks
: 02-25-16 @ 12:28am
: Those that won't hug you because hugs aren't religious and those that won't hug you because hugs aren't kinky. Think about it.

: ☮ The Grum Of Grums
: 02-25-16 @ 5:32am
: Those who have an active Facebook account and those who think Facebook is a monumental time waster.

: JaceCar
: 04-10-16 @ 4:34am
: Those who have something productive to add or give, and those who are a constant drain on others.

: ☮ The Grum Of Grums
: 04-10-16 @ 8:10am
: Those who hear and those who listen.

: Steev the Friction Wizurd
: 04-10-16 @ 1:21pm
: Those who eat to live and those who live to eat.

: Petra Pansky
: 04-12-16 @ 12:19pm
: People who drive and pedestrians.

: Petra Pansky
: 04-13-16 @ 4:32pm
: People who spend their money on useful pursuits, and university grads.

: Steev the Friction Wizurd
: 07-27-16 @ 5:36am
: Those who posted here in April and those who waited until July.

: Prosperous Snow celebrating
: 07-27-16 @ 6:28pm
: Those who celebrate every birthday and those who remain 49 all their life.

: innerlights muse soars
: 10-20-16 @ 9:48am
: Those women who stay young naturally and those who have plastic surgery( beauty).

: Christopher Roy Denton
: 01-30-17 @ 7:16am
: Those who like Marmite and those who do not (You really have to be British to get this one) ;)

: Prosperous Snow celebrating
: 02-12-17 @ 10:41pm
: Those who drink coffee and those who sleep their life away.

: Dan I Am
: 02-27-17 @ 3:13pm
: Those who divide people into two types and those who don't.

: Prosperous Snow celebrating
: 02-27-17 @ 8:12pm
: Those who celebrate any holiday and those who don't need an excuse to celebrate.

: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!
: 05-16-17 @ 6:12am
: Those who have heard of Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness and those who haven't.

: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!
: 05-16-17 @ 6:25am
: Those who believe that (when it comes to being POTUS) The Orange Tweeter is for We The People and those who believe that he's for the birds.

: Steev the Friction Wizurd
: 05-16-17 @ 12:02pm
: Those who let sleeping In&Outs snooze, and those who wake them up.

: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!
: 05-16-17 @ 5:04pm
: Those like all of us who hang around here like flies cruisin' a cow-pattie & those who are missing out on tons of fun & inspiration and need to get their butts (and the rest of them) over here to experience the magical, mesmerizing insanity of it all...

: Samberine Everose
: 08-17-17 @ 1:57am
: ...and these are male and female. {e:bigsmile}

: Samberine Everose
: 08-17-17 @ 2:06am
: .. those who see that thorns have roses and those who see that roses have thorns. {e:smile}

: busybutterfly
: 08-23-19 @ 11:56am
: Those who leave and those who stay.

: busybutterfly
: 08-23-19 @ 11:57am
: Those who love and those who are loved

: Xiea
: 01-11-20 @ 3:24pm
: ...those who can make decisions, and those who simply can't?

: Vaishali
: 04-08-21 @ 3:48pm
: Those who lead and those who follow.

: Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈
: 05-29-21 @ 8:49am
: There are actually THREE kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

: ☮ The Grum Of Grums
: 05-29-21 @ 9:22am
: Those who participate and those who spectate.

: jaya
: 06-02-21 @ 2:34am
: Those who are physically hungry and those who are spiritually hungry.

: Sunny
: 06-11-21 @ 8:58am
: Takers and Givers!

: Alex Morgan
: 07-15-21 @ 12:33pm
: Those who can extrapolate from an incomplete set of data

: s
: 04-02-23 @ 10:42pm
: ...those who can count, those who can't count and those who don;t care about numbers.

Total Displayed: 100

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