Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1607470-X-Men--Syrens-Story-III
by Malmia
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1607470
A journal of the life of a fellow X-Man through the eyes of a friend. By Scott Summers.
**Con't from X-Men: Syren's Story II**

Rogue and Syren rejoined in the small kitchen in the north side of the mansion.  They took their breakfast outside while Syren in detail described the events of the previous evening.  Both found breakfast difficult to get through as Syren’s story was far too exciting. 

“Why didn’t you come tell me this last night?”  Rogue exclaimed.

“You were sleeping.”  Syren protested.  “Besides, it was really late.  Believe me, I wanted to.”

“I don’t know how you were able to wait as long as you did.”  Rogue said with eyes wide and mouth full.

“I feel bad now though.”  Syren confessed.


“Because, I tore out of there so quick.  I think I may have made the wrong impression.”

“Why did ya leave so fast?”

“I was afraid of saying or worse doing something stupid.”

“Well ya have to explain to him then, right away.”

“I want to, but I don’t want to seem forward.” 

“No no.  Ya have to, today.  Ya have to let him know.”  Rogue insisted.

“Ok, what’s the big hurry?”

“Because, with someone like Wolverine, ya get one shot at this.

“Well, as exciting as it was, I really don’t want to make a big deal out of this because I will just end up looking foolish.  I just don’t want Wolverine to think I took off because I wanted to get away from him.”

“Ya don’t think it might really be somethin’?”

“I honestly don’t know.  He’s loved Jean for so long.  It was probably one of those things.  No big deal.  Nice though.”  Syren smiled.

“I should say so.”  Rogue smiled too.

“But I am going to talk to him, because I want to make sure that we’re cool.”

Fortunately Syren had plenty of time to decide what to say as Wolverine was sleeping off his late night.  When the two eventually did meet again, both felt a slight nervousness towards the other.  Syren was determined though to not let things be awkward.  She smiled warmly at Wolverine in her usual manner, which did help him to feel more at ease.

“How did you sleep?”  He asked her.

“Alright, yourself?”  Syren replied.

“I slept in.”

“I noticed.”  Syren laughed and then she took no time to getting to the point.  “Look, I just want you to know I really appreciate you trying to help me get my mind off things last night.  I felt a lot better.”

Wolverine cleared his throat.  “I didn’t quite plan for things to go the way they did, but I’m glad I could help.”

“I know.”  Syren smiled.  “And I’m sorry I took off.  It wasn’t my intention to leave that impression on you.  I was at a loss as to what to do next so instead of making a fool of myself, I thought I’d just clear out.”

“Hey, it’s ok.  I don’t blame ya.”

“Well, I just didn’t want you to think I didn’t enjoy myself.  I really did.”

“I had a good time too.”  Wolverine admitted.

“Good.”  Syren grinned.

Both had left feeling relieved; Syren for being able to clear things up without complications and Wolverine for coming through the experience without any pressures or out bursts of emotion. 

Wolverine decided to purposefully keep his distance just a bit without it trying to be obvious.  He wondered whether there was going to be awkwardness between them now but any fears he had were soon dispelled.  When they crossed paths Syren showed no change in her manner to him.  She greeted him in her normal way, joked when she felt like it and didn’t ramble on as girls tend to when they were nervous.  She wasn’t demanding of where he was and what he was up to, but she still let him know that skipping their practices in the Danger Room was not alright.

This of course only made Syren more attractive to him.  It was so refreshing to come across someone that wasn’t clingy and sappy after one kiss.  And what a kiss.  The scene often played over in Wolverine’s mind.  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt like that.  In fact, he had to wonder if he had ever felt like that.

For some reason though, Wolverine was hesitant.  Perhaps it was because of Jean.  Feelings were certainly still there for her.  Also, it wouldn’t be enjoyable to jump into something that might end up backfiring on him.  And though it was nice not to feel the pressure of that clinginess that all men fear, it also caused him uncertainty.  He had absolutely no idea how Syren felt about him, because she was acting exactly the same as she did before their encounter.  In fact, the more Wolverine thought about it, the more he realized that not knowing was almost as maddening as the uncomfortable pressure of having started something you’ve regretted.

Lastly though, it came down to remembering something Syren had once said to him.  Something about knowing how it felt to love someone you couldn’t be with.  Did she still love that person?  She was pretty closed off in this area of her personal life and hadn’t spoken of it since she mentioned it.  Wolverine knew that any woman agreeing to be with him had to make sacrifices.  There were things he just could not offer.  He didn’t want to hurt Syren more than she already obviously had been.  Besides, once again, what would she want with an old man like himself anyway?

What Wolverine didn’t know was that Syren was thinking many of the same things as himself.  Mostly his feelings for Jean and why on earth would he have an interest in her.  Wolverine seemed like a dream to her; handsome, rugged, down to earth, bold, a man of action and didn’t take shit from people.  She thought he was fantastic and she knew she wasn’t the only one.  She also knew this very personality and their friendship created tension with at least one person, possibly more.  That didn’t matter to her though.

But he was also frightening at times and Syren tried very hard not to react to that.  It had become clear to her that he had lead a violent life and him not remembering his past, she felt, was a blessing, though she knew he didn’t see it that way.  And there were times that she caught glimpses of the wild, feral side of him, that Cyclops so often spoke about, though she knew that these were far and few between compared to what she had learned that he used to be like.

Regardless of the concerns and reservations they had about each other, it was not long before they were sharing another intimate moment together.  Without really realizing it they gravitated to each other, comfortable in each other’s presence and welcoming each other’s company and from there it escalated.  Brief once again, at the end of a lazy day, talking and walking the grounds of the estate.  Syren showed her love for horses and invited Wolverine for a ride.  With the sunset, the excitement of the ride, and the long day together, Wolverine rationalized that it was purely natural to end it with a kiss. 

I can’t decide if I was fortunate or not to not know what was going on during this time.  At times I flatter myself with thoughts that had I known, I would have been able to prevent their relationship.  However, I also realize that I am most likely kidding myself, so it is probably best I didn’t know because I would have just been more annoyed and frustrated than I already was at their spending so much time together. 

Part of the difficulty was that Syren had been with us only a short time.  I saw her as a student who was supposed to be learning and still under authority more than the other team members.  Jubilee had been with us far longer than Syren and still had less allowances and privileges.  I can now admit that at times I wasn’t quite as aware about her I should have been, though I am still assured that she would have been better off had she taken a little more instruction from me than she had.

However, the girl had definitely become stubborn and pig-headed.  I had suggested to her at one point that she might consider some sort of career, add in some schooling, like Jean and Hank had.  Broaden her knowledge and abilities and make her a more well-rounded person.  It was one of many conversations that did not go well.

“Now what is the problem?”  Cyclops asked.

“I don’t have a problem.”  Syren answered genuinely surprised.  “I’m just not interested.”

“Why not?”  Cyclops pushed.

“Because I’m already doing exactly what I want to do.”

“But you could do so much more.  You have an amazing ability to learn things; you should put it to good use.  You shouldn’t throw it away.”

“I don’t feel like I’m throwing it away.” Syren rebutted.  “I get satisfaction from knowing that I am able to help others, humans and mutants and that I’m able to help the Prof accomplish his vision.”

“Yes, but with an education you would be able to do even more.”  He pressed.

“I don’t want to do more.  I like what I’m doing now.”  Syren said slightly more firmly.

“Of course, I should have known.”  Cyclops sneered.

“What is that supposed to mean?”  Syren asked, now starting to become offended.

“Simply that my suspicions are coming true.”  He answered coolly.

“Let me guess.  We are about to have another discussion on my spending time with Wolverine.”

“Well we wouldn’t have to have these discussions if you would just listen to me.”

“Well I didn’t realize that when I signed on that there was fine print stating that I had to bow down to your every command.”

“That is the exact attitude toward authority that I knew would rub off.”  Cyclops said with disgust.

“It has nothing to do with Wolverine.”  Syren began to raise her voice.  “Look, I respect you as team leader and when we are out on a mission I am more than happy to take your direction and follow your lead, but I never agreed for that to carry over into my personal life.”

“Well, this isn’t a 9 to 5 job.  It’s 24/7 here.  You’re an x-man whether you’re on a mission or not.  You should be acting appropriately and always with first thought to being the best you can.  And since you brought it up, your ability to follow directions during a mission have been slacking lately as well.”

“What??”  Syren nearly shrieked.

“Well it just seems to be that Wolverine is rubbing off on you in the field as well.  You’ve become rasher and even unnecessarily destructive at times.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me?”

“I’m not.  And if you insist on continuing with this behavior then perhaps it would be best if we sat down with the Prof and talked about it.”

Syren was so taken aback she became speechless.  For a moment Cyclops thought he had gotten through and felt a little satisfaction.  It was soon crushed.

Having quickly collected herself Syren responded with venom in her voice.  “I think you may want to suggest some education to yourself, because you’ve obviously mistaken me for a child.  And if you expect me to continue to listen to your directions while in the field you will seriously think twice before trying to manipulate me with threats of “tattling” on me to the Prof.”

It was Cyclops turn to be speechless.  Wolverine had certainly said a number of things to him that he would never repeat and he was the most rebellious person he knew, but for some reason Syren’s words seemed to surpass anything Wolverine might have said.  Cyclops was furious that Syren would boldly tell him that she intended to defy him in the field.  He wouldn’t stand for it.  He’d have her off his team before he would allow that.

It took a lot for Cyclops to say “I guess we will just see then.” before walking away.  He knew he had to cool down, but afterwards, he was going to have a talk with the Prof.  He was certain that this kind of attitude could not be tolerated, even by the Prof.

The next day Cyclops went in search of Syren to tell her she was expected in Prof Xavior’s office.  He was glad that the problem was finally going to be dealt with.  Eventually he found her in the garage.  Had he not had his mind on the up coming conversation that was going to take place, he would have realized the Syren wouldn’t be in the garage alone.

Cyclops came towards her and said, “Syren, the Professor wants to see you in his office, now.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?”  Syren returned quick without hesitation or question, looking towards Cyclops.

Wolverine who had been crouching down behind a motorcycle and not liking the tone of Cyclops’ voice, popped up.

“And just why does he wanna see her?”

Cyclops was startled at seeing Wolverine, but only momentarily.  “I think that’s between the Professor and Syren.”

“Sounds like you’ve got your nose in it as well, or am I mistaken about that?”

“You know, for once, this has nothing to do with you.  Don’t get me wrong, you certainly have been the source of a lot of trouble behind this, and nothing would make me happier than to bring you in for a similar conversation, but this time Syren only has herself to blame.”

“Oh, lemme guess; she doesn’t wanna let you run her life.  Is that the problem?”

“Yeah, that would be it.”  Syren chimed in.

“Oddly enough, the Professor wasn’t impressed by what you said, so you only have yourself to blame.”  Cyclops directed at Syren.  “Maybe next time you’ll think twice before opening your mouth.”

Wolverine becoming truly annoyed stepped closer to Cyclops.  “Why don’t you just give it a rest, huh?”

“And why don’t you mind your own business?” Cyclops said, stepping closer himself.  “You’ve caused enough trouble.  If it weren’t for you we wouldn’t be here having this conversation.  She’s been spending far too much time with you.”

“Cyclops!”  Syren yelled at him.  As open as she had been with Wolverine, she had deliberately kept Cyclops’ feelings on their spending time together from him.

“Is that what you’ve been telling her?” Wolverine asked, now with his full attention on the situation.

“You’re damn right I have.”

“You’ve got a lot of nerve.” Wolverine growled, stepping up close to Cyclops.

“If you’ve got a problem with that, maybe you should change it.”

“Oh there’s gonna be a change, don’t you worry, but it’s not gonna be with me.”

“Wolverine, don’t.” Syren said.

“You want a piece of me, I’m right here Logan.”

“Don’t mind if I do Scott.”

For a brief moment tension was high as fists were raised.  The situation quickly calmed down as Jean had entered the room; calling out both of their names in that tone of voice a mother uses to talk to two rowdy boys.

“Always right on time.” Wolverine murmured. 

“What’s the matter with you?”  Syren asked Cyclops.  “If you have a problem with me, then deal with me.  Don’t take it out on him.”  She was still annoyed that Cyclops had mentioned their talks.

“Well, I would if I thought for one moment that you’d actually listen.  Maybe now you’ll smarten up. By the way, I think I told you awhile ago that the Professor wanted to see you.  Why the hell are you still here?”

“Excuse me?”  Syren said with a look shock and utter irritation.

“That’s it.”  Wolverine jumped in, fists raised again.

Jean interrupted again.  “Logan and Scott, enough.”  Her voice was raised.  In a lower tone, she spoke to Syren.  “Why don’t you go on ahead Syren and Scott and I will be right along.”

Syren glared at Cyclops as she left.

“Scott, I believe that you were supposed to be in on this talk with the Professor as well.  We shouldn’t keep them waiting.”  Jean said calmly.

“I’ll be right there.”  Cyclops said.

Jean gave him a look that meant for him to behave and he returned an assuring one as she left.  Once she was out of the room, he turned back to Wolverine.

“You know Logan, I don’t really care if you don’t like me or don’t like how I do things because frankly the feeling is mutual.  But I am not going to let you influence new team members to be like you.  And I’ll be damn if I’m going to sit back and just watch that happen.  Syren has great potential and I’m not going to let you screw that up.”

Wolverine gave a short laugh. “Well, you know Scott, I didn’t think it was some big mystery that we didn’t like each other and if it hadn’t been for Jean, you and I would’ve settled this long ago.  And I don’t really give a damn about what plans you think you have for Syren because she’s got a lot more sense than to let you run her life and I’ve not had to influence her with that, she came to that decision all on her own.  But believe me when I tell you…”

Wolverine stepped up close and lowered his voice to a growl, “you ever talk like that to her again or you ever embarrass her again, I’m not gonna be thinkin’ about how bad Jean’s gonna feel when I’m through with you.  You get me?”

“One day Logan, this is going to be all over.”  Cyclops said as he walked away.

“Yeah, well that day isn’t comin’ soon enough.”  Wolverine called after.

Jean and Syren were waiting with the Prof in his office when Cyclops entered.  He gave an apology for being late as he entered the room.  Syren took no time in confronting him.  She was furious.

‘I cannot believe you just did that!”

“Calm down.”  Scott said.

“You really can be an ass when you want to.”

“Look, I’ve heard enough from him and you.”

“Come on now, not in here too.”  Jean said

“Well, you’re going to hear some more.” Syren continued.  “You had no right to say what you said to him, I don’t care who you think you are.”

“I had every right.”  Cyclops argued.

“The hell you did.  Just because you don’t like me spending time with Wolverine and me not giving a damn about whether you like it or not, doesn’t give you the right to tell him you’ve told me so.  It was intentionally cruel.”

“Well, I didn’t think it was some big secret.”

“Of course not, because you don’t care.  I certainly never told him you said that.”

“Well, I just figured you two had become so close you told him everything.”

“Well, I guess that shows your intelligence level, doesn’t it.”

Cyclops was about to say what he thought of her, when the Prof interrupted.

“Please, let’s just all sit down and discuss this civilly.”

There was tension as to who was going to sit first and finally Cyclops caved.  Syren followed, slowly sitting into a chair and glaring at him.  Jean, feeling relieved, sat last.  She rubbed her temples and said, “The two of you can certainly give someone a head ache.”

“Don’t look at me.”  Syren exclaimed.  “I mind my own business and he just comes along and interrupts.  He can’t seem to approve of anyone.”

“Nonsense.” Cyclops snorted.  “I only take issue with team members that can’t take directions.  Namely, you and Wolverine.”

“Really?” Syren replied, making her voice sound intentionally surprised.  “Because I was pretty sure that before I came here it was Jubaliee that you harped on and before that it was Rogue you had a distinct dislike and mistrust of and before that it was Remy and I’m sure if I dig deep enough I imagine I could learn just want issues you had with Storm and Jean when they were first here as well.”

Cyclops was about to explode with his reaction and was coming up out of his chair when the Professor interrupted.

“Perhaps this afternoon we will just deal with the problem between you and Cyclops.”  He said calmly.

“Great!”  Syren responded and Cyclops slowly sat back in his chair.

“First I would just like to say, that I put a great deal of faith and trust in Scott as a team leader to do what is best for our team, and for good reason.  Scott has earned it; he is loyal, he is intelligent and he has my interests at heart.”

“I am fully aware of that and I take no issue with it.”  Syren said just as calmly.

“Good.  Then I trust that any direction he would give, while on a mission, you will be willing to follow?”  The Professor questioned.

“Absolutely.”  Syren replied firmly, “So long as it does not contradict anything you have said or requested.”

“Then we seem to have come to an agreement.”  The Professor announced.

“Good.”  Cyclops sounded smug.

“As far as your personal life goes, “the Professor continued, “every member here is free to pursue their hobbies and goals of their own desires, so long as it is not detrimental to themselves or any other member.  Everyone here is free to make their own choices.  And in everyone’s life, there are often people who are older and experienced that have good intentions of helping to steer you in your development by way of offering advice, which I am sure you have no objection to receiving, giving it its due worth and making decisions on it according to your personal wants.”

“Certainly not.”  Syren agreed.

“Regardless of whom it came from?”  The Professor added.

“I would never reject someone’s ideas simply because it came from a certain person.”  Syren agreed glaring slightly at Scott.

“Then we should have no future problems.”  The Professor smiled.

“No,”  Syren replied, “so long as the person offering the said advice is fully aware that it is advice, and not a….request.”  Syren paused, making sure to find the right word.

“As the Professor has said, everyone here is free to make their own choices.”  Cyclops stated.

“Then I cannot see how we could possibly have any problems in the future.”  Syren smiled.

“Thank goodness.”  Jean sighed, feeling that this conversation was getting ridiculous.

“Then I think we are finished here.”  The Professor stated.

“Thank you Professor.”  Cyclops said.

As everyone rose to leave, the Professor interjected, “Perhaps though, you might give me a little of your time alone Syren before you go.”

“Certainly.”  Syren acquiesced and remained where she stood.  Scott and Jean excused themselves and the Professor and Syren watched them leave Xavier’s office.  When the door was closed, Syren turned to the Professor.

“Now, why don’t you tell me what is really going on?”  The Professor asked.

Once Scott and Jean were in the hallway, Scott relaxed slightly but quickly became annoyed. “Unbelievable!”  he said.

“What now?”  Jean asked surprised.


“I thought we just settled everything.”

“Oh come on!  That was such an act she put on in there.  You don’t think she is really going to listen to what I tell her.”

“Yes, I do.”  Jean said firmly.

“I doubt it.  She is all attitude.”

“Well to be honest, I can’t actually recall a time when she has not done what you’ve asked.”

“Sure, on a mission.”

“Well what more do you want?”

“I’m telling you, it’s the attitude.  I want it to hit the road.  The only reason she does what I ask these days is because she has to.  But once we are back here, I might as well be talking to a brick wall.”

“Well what is it you want her to do that she is not doing?”

“I want her to be the way she was when she first came here; driven, enthusiastic…sweet.  All I can hear when she opens her mouth now is Wolverine.”

Jean smiled.  “Yes, Syren is bolder now than she used to be, but you don’t know that she wasn’t like that before she came to be with us.”

“I doubt it.”  Cyclops fussed.

“Well going head to head with her is not going to get you anywhere, you know.”

“God I wish this was the military.”

Jean laughed and gave Scott a kiss.

“Look, I know what is really bothering you and in the end there is really nothing that you can do about it.  Actually, I thought it would make you happy, since it would mean that Wolverine wouldn’t be interested in me anymore.”

“First of all, I am not willing to concede that there is anything truly going on between them, other than Wolverine has somehow caught Syren’s attention, God knows why; which does not mean that he has any intention of leaving you alone.  Besides on principle, I wouldn’t trust Logan with any woman!  He doesn’t exactly have the best reputation.  I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

“I know.”  Jean sighed.  “You have her best intentions at heart.  Unfortunately you are just going to have to trust Syren to make the right decision.”

“How can she, if she doesn’t know?  She doesn’t know him.  She hasn’t been around him these past several years.  She hasn’t seen all the drinking and late nights, the rash decisions and his constant indecision of whether he intends to stick around.  She doesn’t know about the women!”

“How do you know? And how do you know about any women?  He certainly has never discussed it with you.  Besides, maybe he’s told her or she may have heard.  She certainly has heard a lot about your past.”  Jean looked at Scott, remembering Syren’s accusations.

Scott ignored her look and continued.  “That is not his style.”

“Syren is different Scott.  People seem to open up to her.  Have you ever thought that she might be just what it is that Wolverine needs?”

“No.”  He admitted.  “Even if that’s true, it doesn’t mean that he would be any good for her.”

“Why?  None of us have ever seen Logan in a relationship before.  How do we know how he acts with a real woman?”

Ok, she had me stumped there.  It’s true that I couldn’t really say how Wolverine would act in a relationship, since I had never seen him in one, other than the one he kept trying to develop with Jean.  Still, on principle, Wolverine was just a bad lot.  He couldn’t be trusted.  He was always off doing his own thing, even during a mission; I know it wouldn’t be long before Syren was doing the exact same thing or worse, off with Wolverine doing whatever it was he was off doing.  Then it would be two of my team not where I needed them to be.  Wolverine was tolerated because of the Professor, but I didn’t want to have to go through that with Syren too. That was the whole point of the conference we had and though I know that she agreed to everything, I could just tell what she was thinking.  I didn’t need to have Jean’s telepathy.

Syren looked at the Professor somewhat surprised.

“Why don’t you sit?”  Xavier suggested.

Syren did so, curious as to what the Prof was after.  She wasn’t sure what to say.  “I sort of thought Cyclops had told you that.  Wasn’t that why we were just having that discussion?”

“Yes.  That was for Scott’s benefit and to make certain that there were no misunderstandings about his leadership.  I heard his complaints; now I want to hear what you have to say.”

Syren took a moment to think what she wanted to say and then proceeded “Well, honestly, I’m just annoyed that he keeps trying to tell me what to do; with my life that is. I will admit that there have been a few times that I may have caused him to be upset with me, where he wouldn’t of, had I just kept my mouth shut, but I really just don’t feel that he should be constantly telling me what I should or should not do.”

“You think he should not take an interest in you?”  The Professor questioned.

“Well, I’m not trying to say that.” Syren said cautiously.  “I understand that as a team leader, any developments in my life, he would want to take an interest in, since of course, in the end, it is you that would want to take the interest and so he does on your behalf.”

“Yes, most certainly.  We want to help you better yourself, to improve your talents and to succeed personally.”

“Yes, I understand that.”  Syren said, somewhat doubtfully.

“Then perhaps it is with Cyclops personally that you have a problem?”  The Professor probed.

“No!” Syren protested.  “Well, I’m not sure.”  She added, quite confused by now, since she really didn’t want to say what the current problem was she was having and finding it very difficult to avoid it.

Of course, the Professor realized this.  “Why don’t you just tell me exactly what the problem is?”

Syren broke down.  “Professor it’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just that…well, I feel like I’m tattling!  If I have a problem with Cyclops, I should be the one to deal with it.”

The Professor smiled at her.  “I promise you that I will not discuss it with Cyclops, if that is what you’d like.  I just want to help you work it out.”

“Ok.” Syren agreed.  “The problem is that Cyclops doesn’t like me spending time with Wolverine.”

“And you disagree?”

Syren wasn’t sure what to say.  “Well, yes.”

“I know that you and he have been spending quite a lot of time together.”

“Yes, I suppose so.”

“Oh I know so.  Trust me; though I may not always be physically present in what goes on here at the mansion, I always know what is going on with my students.”

Syren was beginning to feel that this conversation was not going so well.

“I imagine,” the Professor continued, “that Cyclops does not approve of your spending all this time with Wolverine because he is concerned Logan’s behavior may influence you?”

Syren sighed, “Yes, that is why he has consistently discussed it with me.”

“Have you ever considered that he may be right?”  The Professor asked.

Syren was at a loss now, but she decided that if she was going to own up to whatever “mistake” they thought she had done, she might as well fully embrace it and defend herself as best she could.  And in the end if the verdict was for her to tone down the friendship, then she would do so at the Professor’s request, as much as she disliked it and knew it was unfair to Wolverine.

“No.” Syren finally answered.  “And to be honest, I didn’t think you Professor had that kind of feeling about Wolverine.”  Syren had said that a little more venomously than she meant and so quickly changed her tone.  “However, this is your school and home, your team, and should you want me to not spend time with him, then I am willing to comply, because I don’t want to have to leave here.”

“I have no intentions of asking you to cease a relationship with Wolverine.”  The Professor stated simply.

“You haven’t?”  Syren asked, now truly confused.

“No.  I just wanted to see if you really knew your mind and whether you were going to let Cyclops manipulate you or not.”

“Professor!”  Syren was shocked and completely surprised.

“Please, don’t get me wrong.  Everything I said about Scott earlier is true and he is most valuable to me, but that doesn’t mean he’s always right.  Scott’s problem is that he’s a perfectionist, but his heart is in the right place.”

“Then you don’t mind if Wolverine and I are friends?”  Syren asked.

““No, I don’t mind; quite the opposite in fact. Actually, I thought perhaps there was more than friendship there?”

Syren blushed, was thoroughly embarrassed and sat with her mouth slightly dropped open and she could not find a way to respond.  The Professor chuckled lightly and took pity on her.

“I know I may not look it, but I am a proponent for romance when it presents itself.”

Syren was able to close her mouth now, but was still not able to find some words.

“Perhaps you feel uncomfortable speaking with me about it.  It’s understandable, though you should know that you have no reason to be.  You can always talk to me about anything.”

“I guess I’m just so surprised.”  Syren finally said.

“That I would want to discuss your romantic interests?”

“Well, that you are so casual about it?”

The Professor laughed.  “I see, you expected me to be very serious with you, perhaps offer strict advice and lecture you on expected appropriate behavior when “dating” at our school.”

“That sort of seemed more along the lines I would have expected I guess, yes.”

“I’m not your father Syren, I’m your friend.  I’m here to help you in anyway I can and that includes just listening to you.  I want to learn about your day to day thoughts; your dreams, your problems, your goals, your ambitions.  I want to hear what made your day and caused you to laugh and I want to know when something is truly bothering you.  That is, if you feel comfortable talking with me about those things.”

Syren had relaxed as she listened to the Professor talk and she smiled at him now.  “I guess I was thinking of you as more of a father figure, and as a boss.”

“Let Cyclops be your boss.  That’s what he’s good at.  I would rather have a different relationship with you than that.”

To her credit, Syren from then on was always very candid and never seemed nervous talking with the Professor.  Professor Xavier always felt that Syren held him in the highest regard and was always respectful of him and yet was able to be friends with him as well.  Often times she would come to his office, relax in a chair and ask him how his day was.  “Coming in to check on you.” she would say.  In fact, more often than not, it was exactly that; she came in to see how he was doing, instead of her coming to him to tell him how she was herself.  The Professor seemed to enjoy his short talks with Syren and always said that he learned just as much about her from her checking on him as she did of him.  He said that her willingness to listen to him helped her to be open and allow the Professor a chance to see her better than he may have otherwise.

I would like to have said that the relationship between Syren and myself had improved and truthfully we did have some peace between ourselves for a short period, but it wasn’t long before we were seeing opposite sides again.  I had begun to get the distinct impression that she would rather listen to a direction that Wolverine would give during a mission, rather than myself.  Seeing as how Wolverine was not the team leader, the three of us soon found excuse to argue on the field and then afterwards as well.  I just couldn’t seem to win.  Really is was an extremely frustrating period.

There were other little things that I had noticed as well. For instance Syren was not so averse to having a drink as she had been previously; sometimes it was wine, sometimes it was Whiskey and soda.  She didn’t drink a lot, maybe once a month or every couple of weeks, but it was a change I noticed.  Also, she didn’t always take care to make sure she was eating enough.  For someone as active as she was, she needed to keep her strength up, so I felt that it was something to mention, as I didn’t want to see her wearing down while on a mission.

Syren didn’t see it the way I did of course.  She once again accused me of not minding my own business.  I really felt that I was in the right on this one.  She needed to take care of herself.  Of course, Wolverine came to her side; the two were always together now.  However, if I got the chance to get her alone, I would approach her on the subject.

Syren rolled her eyes.  Cyclops hated when she did that.

“Would you just please not do that and listen for once?” Cyclops pleaded.

“Do you even hear yourself talk?”  Syren responded.  “Is there ever a time you are not trying to tell me what to do?”

“Why can’t you just at least consider what I say to you?”  Cyclops said, trying to find a way to get through.

“There is nothing wrong with what I eat.”

“It’s not what you eat; it’s the lack of it.  I honestly think you are getting thinner.  It’s not healthy.”

“Ok, thank you for your concern.”  Syren tried ending the conversation.

“Which means you really could care less about what I just said.”

“It means that I don’t really agree with you and we should drop the conversation.”

“Well I don’t want to.”

“Big shocker there!”  Syren said sarcastically.

“Well maybe it’s time we have another talk with the Professor.”  Cyclops suggested.

“Please don’t threaten me with that again.  Do you honestly think the Professor is going to tell me I need to eat more because you told me to?”

“Oh it’s not just this particular problem.  It seems we are right back where we started, only now its worse.  The drinking…”

Syren rolled her eyes again.  Cyclops continued.

“You seem to be tired and stressed.  You don’t rest.  You spend all your time with Wolverine and if you aren’t with him, then it’s Gambit who has your attention.  When is the last time you practiced in the Danger room?”

Syren’s eyes widen with surprise.  “What does Gambit have to do with this?”

“Well, it’s no secret about him.  I mean, he’s been interested in you since you got here.”

“So what?”  Syren exclaimed.

“Well really Syren, it’s just not really how I would expect a young woman here to behave.  I mean I know that members end up having relationships with each other, but two at once?!  And you picked the two with the worst reputations!”

“There is nothing going on with me and Remy!”  Syren raised her voice and stood facing Cyclops for the first time since the conversation started.  “And I can’t believe you would say that about Logan.  You know damn well that any comments you have to make about him are going to step over the line.  Why would you even bother saying something like that?  Do you want me pissed off at you?  Are you trying to remove the last little bit of respect I have for you?”

“You’ve got me all wrong Syren.  You just don’t want to understand that I am trying to help you.  I just can’t help but find it more than a coincidence that this attitude of yours started when you started spending all your time with Wolverine.  It’s obvious he has influenced you with how he feels about me.”

Syren calmed herself a bit and her eyes narrowed.  She said in a low voice, “Now isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”  Cyclops demanded.

“Simply that there has been only one of you trying to influence me on the erroneous ways of the other and it hasn’t been Wolverine.”

“Give me a break.”  Cyclops sneered.

“Not once has Wolverine ever told me to stay away from you!  Never has he said to not listen to what you say or to convince me to feel the same way about you as he does!  You on the other hand are like a broken record.”

“Well, I think I have good reason…”

Syren cut him off and came closer to him, speaking lower “Do you think I’m stupid?  Do you think I don’t know what Wolverine has been like for you?”

Cyclops was a bit taken aback.

“I know that he has plagued you with his constant advances on Jean.  I know he has hounded her.  But I’m not willing to condemn him just because he’s got a problem letting Jean go.”

“So you’re willing to excuse his behavior?”  Cyclops said, still surprised by Syren’s admittance.

“Not at all.”  Syren rebutted.  “Believe me, we’ve talked about it.  But he doesn’t really like discussing it.  I’m his friend, so I’m not going to constantly throw in his face how he is making a mistake.”

“So why aren’t you willing to see that I’m trying to be a friend and discuss my concerns with you?”  Cyclops asked.

“Because, you don’t talk to me like a friend.  You come to me and tell me your opinion and expect me to adopt it, whether I agree with it or not.”

“Well, I don’t understand if what I am trying to tell you is logical, why you wouldn’t agree?”

“That’s not friendship Scott!”  Syren could tell by the look on Cyclops’ face that it wasn’t really sinking in.  “Please, just back off.”  Syren said, sounding tired and left, without Cyclops following her.  He was too surprised at her confession of Wolverine and stood thinking on it; particularly the part about Wolverine not letting Jean go.  It gave him new ideas about Syren and Wolverine’s relationship.

***To Be Continued***
© Copyright 2009 Malmia (malmia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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