Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1608738-When-Everyone-Leaves
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1608738
The inevitable result of a full day of teasing each other...
It was a good day. A full day of cooking and family and kids and eating and laughing.

Also full of yearning sidelong glances and hands touching and stolen kisses and bodies discreetly brushing against each other when we thought no one would notice. The kitchen is big enough for both of us to work but we always seem to have a lot of contact as we cook together. Cooking with you entices all of the senses.

We hosted at my house and the day is winding down. The last movie is ending and I've just spent a relaxing 90 minutes on the couch with you laying across my lap. Your head teasingly pushing the pillow into me as you occasionally shift positions - smiling as only you hear my soft, short gasps. My hand resting on various places on your side, fingers tracing small gentle shapes against you. The little jump and soft slap as I find ticklish spots, "Stop it!"

I have no memory of the movie itself - something silly I own and have seen a thousand times. Your closeness has dominated my attention.

The movie ends and you excuse yourself as I help the last visitors gather their things and walk them out. Waves and goodbyes are exchanged as vehicles are started and pulled out of the driveway.

I walk through the house, collecting stray items to the kitchen - they can wait for tomorrow. I darken the house as I leave each room.

Walking to the master suite, my thoughts turn to you. Today has been a long, slow, exquisite tease and my mind revisits each glance, each touch, each stolen kiss.

You are coming out of the bathroom, hair wrapped in a towel, another towel caressing the water off your soft, pale skin. I drink in the sight of you and the day's teasing feeds my desire.

"Do you have any idea how much I want you right now?" you ask me as you turn and spread your towel across the bed. Your breasts sway and I am mesmerized watching your nipples trace circles in the air.

"About half as much as I want you!" I reply, slipping off my sandals. "Let your hair free, my love." You know I love how it darkens and glistens when it's wet and how it looks fanned out on the bed, radiating like red rays from the sun of your face.

You slowly unwrap the towel from your head and your hair cascades out of it. It shines and glows like liquid fire as it flows over your shoulders and down your back.

Standing at the side of the bed, towel dropping to your feet, you beckon me into your arms. One hand goes to the back of my neck, the other around my back as you pull my face to yours. I inhale your fresh, clean scent - a delicate and intoxicating mixture of soaps and natural aromas. Your thick hair is wet as I run my fingers through it to cradle the back of your head, my other hand at the center of your back - fingers spread across your moist skin, pulling you close to me.

I try to tease your lips with mine, but you are having none of that. You pull my face close, mouths joining, your tongue exploding into my mouth. I moan as my tongue pushes back, pulling your face to mine as our lips crush into each other. Our bodies meld together, your dampness transferring to my clothes as we press together.

Breathlessly, we break our kiss, eyes opening and staring into each other's.

"You're overdressed," your breath is warm and sweet against my face.

"Easy to fix..."

You undo my belt and pull my shirt out of my jeans. You slip your hands under the fabric and slowly push them up my hairy chest, lifting my shirt - fingers gently tugging through tangles in my hair. You brush against my nipples and I hiss in a breath. You smile and pause, soft fingertips lightly caressing me.

"Gently," I heavily breathe, my body shaking with the pleasure and overpowering intensity of your caress.

You continue to push my shirt up my chest and I lift my arms to let you slide it off. You stop with my shirt binding my arms and flick your tongue over my nipple, placing your lips around it and ever so gently sucking it. I groan deep in my throat and pull my chest away from your soft lips. "Too soon," I groan through gasping breaths.

I pull my shirt the rest of the way off as you begin to unbutton my jeans. As each button is popped open my swelling cock is given room to grow and finally springs free of the binding denim.

You drop down to pull my jeans off each ankle.

"I've been waiting for this all day," you groan hungrily, your eyes level with my aroused member. You gently exhale against me and my cock jumps. You smile, wet your lips, and gently close your mouth over my head. My entire body tenses, my breath catches in my throat, and I throb between your lips. You slowly slide your mouth off me and slide up my body, rubbing your breasts against my thighs, cock, tummy, and chest as your face rises to meet mine.

You look into my eyes and lean closer. My mouth opens, anticipating the sweet taste of your lips. I feel their heat and you back away, smiling a teasing grin, amusement backlighting your hungry eyes. You back up to the edge of the bed.

"Take me - take me now," you command, leaning your ass back against the edge of the bed.

I close the space between us. I take your hands in mine and I lower you onto the bed. I place your hands on your breasts, squeezing them with your own fingers. You watch my face as your fingers begin to stroke your already hard nipples.

I reach down between us and find you are already wet. I push two fingers into you with ease. "Mmmmm. You're ready."

My fingers come out of you wet and I suck them clean, nose flaring at your scent.

Dropping my hands to your knees, I lift your legs. Your hips roll upwards and your ass is suspended just off the edge of the bed. I move closer to you as I raise your lower body into position. The head of my cock traces your pussy from clit to entrance as your hips roll and I hold you in this position. Your eyes are hazy with desire and I push my cock into your pussy with one smooth, deep stroke.

You push your head back into the bed and softly scream from the sudden penetration. I hold myself deep in you while your tight inner muscles accommodate the sudden fullness.

"I've wanted you inside me all day!" as your body relaxes around me.

"There's no place I'd rather be!" as I start moving inside you - short deep strokes - my hips pressing hard against yours, your thighs squeezing my body, trying to hold me deep inside you.

You suck on your fingers and transfer your slick saliva to your nipples. Slippery, you run your fingertips quickly around them as I lengthen my strokes in and out of your body. I part your legs further. I love watching and the sight of my cock sliding in and out of you, wet with your juices pushes my desire.

I change tempo - steady slow out-stroke, fast hard stroke back into you. You cry out and your fingers reflexively squeeze your nipples. I stand a little taller and the top of my cock runs against your clit, each deep penetration pressing our bodies together, your hips rolling to accept each thrust, breasts quivering with each impact.

Your orgasm starts deep inside your pussy. I feel the heat and wetness suddenly build around my cock and I change to steady, fast, hard thrusts. You begin to tighten around me, deeply at first, squeezing just the head of me as I fully penetrate you. You roll your head sideways, eyes closing, your moans turning to cries as your pulsing tightness moves down my cock. I can feel your internal folds moving against the head of my cock as your orgasm takes over. You tighten around me - so wet, so hot, squeezing me in time to your screams as I continue to deeply fuck you - faster, driving your orgasm, your eyes rolling back as you give yourself over fully to the waves of pleasure pulsing like shock waves through your body.

My rhythm slows after your orgasm peaks. Long, slow strokes. I can feel your cum on my balls and thighs. My cock slides easily in and out of your hot, tight canal.

"Cum for me - hard," you entice me as your eyes open and refocus on mine. Your breathing is still ragged and I can feel the aftershocks of your orgasm in your pussy and thighs.

"Not yet..." I love how sensitive you are after orgasm and I intend to take full advantage of this tonight.

You simply moan as I slowly increase the tempo - my cock again penetrating you deep and hard.

"Yesssss," trailing into a hiss as you move your hands down to the sides of your ass. You tease my thighs with your fingertips, the skin tightening with the sudden stimulation. My cock thickens and I push into you just a bit harder, your tight nipples floating over quivering breasts, your eyes half-closed.

Your fingers move to your inner thighs, and I spread your legs further to see what you are going to do. You press your fingers against your ivory skin and pull yourself open.

I groan low in my throat as my cock slides in just a bit deeper with each thrust. Your body responds, muscles again tightening as orgasm builds. Deep, wet, tightness engulfs my cocks again and I quickly jackhammer in and out of your body as your orgasm carries you, screaming, head thrashing, into ecstasy. I wait until the peak has past and simply hold my cock deep inside you. My hands are still holding your knees and I feel your muscles quivering.

I love watching you after you have cum hard - the glow of your skin, hair covering your face, hands now clenching the edge of the bed, breasts moving in time to your breathing, thigh muscles jumping. I take this all in with lust-filled eyes, and I smile knowing I am able bring you this pleasure.

Once again not waiting for you to fully recover, I very slowly lift your knees higher. Keeping myself still, your pussy pulls away from my cock. The rim of my engorged head slowly pulls out of your sopping pussy. We both groan as my cock pulls free - hard, wet and laying against the bottom of your pussy. I continue to lift your knees until the head of my cock is against your puckered anal entrance.

I stop there and just stare with brazen lust. Your legs are spread, your pussy is wet and red from the intensity of our sex and your lips are parted. Your thighs and ass are slick with your cum. It would be so easy to roll your hips back down, re-enter you, and fill you with my own cum.

But I don't.

My cock at your ass, I look up and your blues eyes are watching my face. My eyes pose the question through their lust. In answer, you lick your lips and push against me. A growling groan escapes me.

"Keep this leg right here..." as I reach up under my pillow. The small bottle of oil I stashed there this morning comes out in my hand. I wrap my hand around it, warming it.

Your eyes widen, "You were planning this?!"

"Uh-huh. Tonight is what all the finger and toy work has been leading up to."

You body shivers and you bite your lower lip.

"Your favorite helper..." as I reach under my pillow again and produce your favorite vibrator, laying it within your reach.

I slowly drip the oil onto the bottom of your pussy. You shiver slightly as it traces bright, slick lines down the sensitive skin between your pussy and ass. It collects at the tip of my cock, pooling around your ass and starting to coat my head. I drip oil directly onto my cock, pulling slightly away to run my other hand up and down my shaft, spreading the oil all over myself. More oil directly on your ass and I move my head back against you.

"Give me that," your hand reaches for the oil, vibrator in the other hand. I move my hands back to your legs, watching as you drizzle oil onto the toy and stroke it to evenly spread the oil.

"Don't stop there." you tell me, bringing your oiled vibrator down to your mound, increasing its speed. You push the buzzing toy against yourself and your other hand comes up to my chest.

I gently but firmly push my head against your tight opening. I throb against the resistance. You start to work the slick vibe against your clit and I feel you relax enough that I start to enter you. Your hand on my chest sets my pace as I very slowly ease the head of my cock into your ass.

A short growl escapes me as your body closes around the head of my cock and I stop, allowing your body to adjust to this thickness inside you. You work your clit with the vibe and I can see your pussy getting wet again. Your hand relaxes against my chest and I slowly ease more of my cock into you.

Very slowly I enter you fully. As I get deeper, you begin to work the vibrator down to your pussy's entrance, teasing your juices up to your clit. As my hips come to rest against your ass cheeks we both gasp and I stop again. I feel your tremors around my cock - both from the arousal building in your pussy and directly in your ass from my penetration. I can't stop the throb and you whimper but push against my cock in response.

I start to move in your ass. Your hand on my chest slowing me down or encouraging me faster as your arousal continues to build. Vibrator buzzing on your clit and sliding up and down the length of your pussy. Your moans get louder and I feel your body starting to tense in wonderfully familiar ways. Moans turn to cries as your orgasm nears. You push the vibrator harder against your clit and I feel your pussy start to constrict through your ass. Cries turn to screams as the orgasm takes you, hips bucking. I hold myself deep in your ass and squeeze your legs close to my body to ride out your orgasm.

I look down and am overcome by what I see. Vibrator still pressed against your clit. Your wet pussy pulsing in time to your orgasm. My cock, shiny with oil sliding in and out of your ass as your hips continue to buck against me.

"My turn!" I push myself fully into you and freeze. My cock thickens, my balls tighten and I feel my cum erupting out of my body. Deeply growling, head back, body rigid and unmoving I spasm over and over, hot thick cum spurting into you.

You turn off the vibrator and both your hands end up on my heaving chest. My arms weak, I wrap your legs around the small of my back, my cock easing out of your ass. We both groan at the sudden separation as your tightness pushes the head out. You raise your arms and I pull your body tight against me as you grip my waist with your legs. We're both trembling as we wrap each other in our arms.

"I love you," I whisper intensely as our faces draw near, my lips finding yours. You melt into me as our tongues roughly tease each other.

I slide my hands down your back and cup your ass. I lift you off the bed as your arms and legs tighten around my back. Slipping a fingertip into your cummy ass, I carry you to the shower...
© Copyright 2009 dnergal (dnergal at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1608738-When-Everyone-Leaves