Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1608741-Designated-Driver
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1608741
Why I don't mind being your designated driver...
It's a girls' night out and I agree to be your designated driver. Which means picking you up, a little tipsy, from where y'all chose for the evening's festivities.

I arrive at the requested time and call your cell to let you know I'm here. A couple minutes later you come out. You look yummy - toned legs in stockings rising into that short, tight skirt topped by a deep v-neck blouse. My mind flashes to memories of several hours ago "helping" you dress and almost getting you here very, very late.

I get out of the car and open your door for you, offering you an arm as you slip into the deep bucket seat. I have a perfect downward view of cleavage and flash of lace tops of gartered hose as you slide into the seat - mmmmmm - gotta love low-slung sports cars.

I bend into the car and softly kiss your lips. You smile up at me as I close your door and slip back behind the wheel.

The night out has done you good. You look relaxed and I drink in the sight of you. The glow of the gauges darkens your blue eyes and softens the glow of your hair. Soft jazz quietly surrounds us as I start the drive home.

Headlights carve through the darkness - showing me the curves ahead as I try to not be distracted by the curves beside me.

I feel your hand, soft on mine, as I work the gears through winding roads.

You tell me about the evening, your soft drawl like a warm breeze to my soul in the darkened car. The connection we share fills my heart. The touch of our hands, the ebb and flow of conversation, creating subtle memories that rich lives are built of.

Your hand leaves mine and I hear the soft snaps of hair clips being undone, metal on plastic as you drop them into the car's cupholder. Your hair surrenders to gravity as you gently shake it out, running your fingers through it. I can just make out the highlights in the dark of the car, but I know well what it looks like. Thick and fiery, tumbling down over your shoulders.

Hands reaching up and around the headrest, stretching into the seat, breasts straining against the thin fabric of your blouse. My breath hisses between closed teeth and I quietly moan. I feel a pleasant tightening as my body responds.

That sound of stiff leather releasing feet as you slide your shoes off. Toes in sheer black curling into the dashboard as you put your legs up, relaxing deeper into the seat.

You are such a beautiful distraction beside me. Arches of your feet following the curve of the dashboard. The graceful curve of a perfect calf drawing the eye to bended knee. Following the shape of your thigh into the shadowy darkness of the seat.

I long to caress that smooth skin, my hand aching for the soft feel of it.

Whisper of silk against nylon, perfect legs bent tight to your body as panties are pushed off over feet. Feeling the heat from your leg as you let them fall open as you lie back in the seat, feet back up on the dash. I moan deep in my throat, my eyes following my hand as it moves to your thigh.

Your hand stops mine, moving it back to the shifter. "Now get your mind and eyes back on the road."

"Yeah - right," as I shift in my seat, accommodating my growing stiffness, my hand retaining the heat from that briefest touch.

"Since you helped me dress I've been so aroused and not able to do anything about it. So now I'm going to return the favor." I can hear the wicked smile on your lips.

In the shadows of the passenger seat I can just make out your hands moving in your lap. I groan, knowing the softness that your fingers are probing. You reach across the car, putting two fingers to my mouth. I taste you, faintly, and suck your fingers into my mouth. I run my tongue around them, wetting them.

I catch the glisten off your fingers as they disappear into the shadows of your seat. My fingers tingle with memories and ache to feel your slippery folds as your breathing gets heavier. Your legs tense and relax as you push yourself against your probing, rubbing fingers.

Your moans get lower, longer. You bring your fingers up to my mouth again. They are wet with you and I hungrily suck you from them. I moan deep in my throat at the taste of you, shifting deeper in my seat as my arousal builds, my hands clenching the steering wheel and shifter, knuckles white.

"I wish these fingers were you," you breathe as your fingers return to the shadows between your thighs. "I am so wet and they are sliding into me *so* easily right now" and your voice dissolves into a moan. Your taste fills my mouth and I hear your wetness as you slide your fingers in and out of yourself. "Everything is so sensitive right now - you could push me over the edge so quickly."

I groan, knowing the desire I would see in your eyes and my body knowing how you would feel around me but powerless to make it happen. All I can see in quick sideways glances is your hips moving faster against your hands and I throb in frustrated response.

Ten more miles home. How fast can this car hold these country roads?

Your breath comes fast and hard, cries of pleasure filling the car.

"My clit is so hard and my pussy is so wet." The words are almost lost in your gasping breath. "I've got 2 fingers *all* the way inside me. I need it to be your cock - hard and wet with my juices. I want to cum around you, but my fingers will have to do."

I growl deep in my throat, my cock straining hard against my jeans, knowing the hot, wet tightness your fingers are enjoying.

Your cries grow sharper, turning into short screams matching the rhythm of your hips starting to pull up out of the seat. Your toes are curled hard against the dash and I hear your fingers thrusting faster into your sopping pussy. I know your other hand is rubbing your clit - hard now as your body nears orgasm.

"Cum for me, my love. Push yourself over that edge and you'll be that much tighter and wetter when I slide my cock deep into your pussy."

I hear your breath catch, see your hips push straight up, your screams fast and joyful as your orgasm starts. I don't realize I'm growling along with you until I try to form words - "Yes, my love, cum for me. God, I wish that was me you were squeezing deep in your pussy."

Your hips sink back into the seat and your cries become moans. You bring one of your hands up to your own mouth, licking your cum from your own fingers. "Mmmmm - I see why you like it. Would you like another taste?"

"God yes," I groan.

You bring your other hand to my lips and I smell you. One at a time, I close my mouth around each of your wet fingers, sucking and licking you from them. My body shudders with pleasure as my mouth fills with the sharp taste of your cum. "I could live on this, my love."

I pull into the driveway and almost park straight.

I open your door as you grab your shoes and panties. I help you out of the car and take you into my arms. Holding you tight against me, my mouth hungry for more of you, I kiss you hard and deep. Your body molds to mine as my hands cradle your face and your mouth opens to my tongue.

"God, I want you. Get me inside and fill me with your cock."

"That's not all I'm gonna fill you with."

You moan and your eyes haze with desire and we start to move to the door, neither of us willing to completely release our embrace. Kissing and nuzzling and groping and squeezing, we move clumsily to the door - a lust-drunk waltz.

I fumble my key into the door lock. "I hope you're better at finding my hole," you tease as the door swings open. You take my hands in yours and pull me into the house. I kick the door closed.

We make it as far as the couch before I stop you and pull you back into my arms turning you and pulling your back tight against me. "I need to be inside you right now." My breath is hot on your ear and you moan as I suck your earlobe into my mouth and gently hold it between my teeth.

I undo my belt and drop my jeans to my ankles as you lean against the back of the couch. Your skirt is tight across your ass and I moan at the way it follows your shape.

With you looking back at me, I slide my hands up the back of your thighs and over the cheeks of your ass, pushing your skirt up to your waist. Your ass is framed by your garter and straps, creamy skin begging to be caressed. Your pussy is revealed, still moist and you wiggle your ass as you feel my eyes devouring you, smiling at my body's response.

My hands squeezing your ass, I spread your cheeks. Your luscious pussy lips open slightly and I bring my hard cock to them. Your hand reaches down under us and you stroke my cock, pulling me firmly against your pussy, opening yourself with my head.

We both groan with the contact, electric heat where our bodies join.

"Now," you command as you position my head at your hot, wet entrance. I push myself into you, sliding through your fingers into your waiting pussy. I trap your fingers between our bodies as my hips come to rest tight against you. I throb, briefly thickening inside you. You respond by tightening your fingers and inner muscles. I move inside you, your fingers still squeezing me. Long slow strokes, feeling fingers and pussy move against my sensitive skin. You move your fingers down to my balls and I am suddenly fully in your willing body, you pushing back against me, my hands at your hips pulling you tight against me.

Your body squeezing me feels too good to go slow and I increase my tempo. I vary how deeply I slide into you - some strokes fast and shallow, others fast and deep. I can't look away and my wet cock sliding in and out of you intensifies my desire to fuck you harder. Which I do, moving my hands back, squeezing your ass cheeks.

"Rub your clit and make yourself cum all over my cock - I don't want to lose this view," I already feel my balls tightening as they slap against your pussy and clit with each thrust. Your hand moves to your clit and I can feel your fingertips flicking against my cock. Short, deep strokes. Fast long strokes. Shallow strokes, my head teasing. One deep stroke, hard into you, followed by shallow strokes.

"Just fuck me," you manage through your cries, your body tightening around me and I move long and deep in and out of you. The sound of your wet pussy accepting each thrust and the feel of your ass against my hips pushes me over the edge.

“Oh God, oh errrraaahhh!” my voice dissolves into a deep throaty growl before I can get your name out. My eyes defocus and cross. My hands convulsively grip you, fingers denting soft skin. The hair on my balls stands up and the skin tingles and tightens. Something primal rises in me. As I give myself over to my orgasm, I pause at an out-stroke, half a beat. Just enough to make you cry out. Self-control crumbling I thrust back into you. The first spurts of cum fill you as my cock drives home, balls slapping against you, thick base spreading your outer lips. Holding you tightly, I repeatedly thrust into your willing body, thick heat filling you as I feel your orgasm start, your body becoming a silken vise around my enflamed cock. Our bodies grind together as we each call out the other's name.

Legs trembling I pull out of you, my cock still hard and dripping with our cum. I turn you around, pushing you back against the couch. You support your ass on the back of the couch as we wrap each other in our arms. Wrapping your legs around me, my cock slides back into your still pulsing pussy and we both groan.

"Let's get you the rest of the way undressed and into the shower, my love," I breathe into your neck as you nestle your head onto my shoulder.

I gently lift you off the couch and taking small steps, walk you back to the bedroom...
© Copyright 2009 dnergal (dnergal at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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