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Rated: · Other · Other · #1611564
the fourth book in the series
Chapter One

It has been almost a whole year since I first met the first of my two sons. As a matter of fact today is my eighteenth birthday. So, hopefully, it’s time for me and Adam to file for adoption rights to Luke.
It was the morning of April the 7th, a.k.a. my birthday. Adam and I were getting dressed up all fancy-like. We were actually wearing suites! We had waited for a long time. As we walked out the door, Luke ran to catch up.
“You can’t leave without me.” he said.
“Wouldn’t even consider it,” I smiled.
We hopped into the car, and drove to the Canada embassy. Before we could even hope to find a child, we had to know the process of it all.
After getting all of the info, we headed to the adoption agency. Turns out all we had to do were fill out a few forms. The people there were very… non-understanding.
“This child’s parents were good friends of our parents. Their dying wish was that we would watch over him,” I told the lady, whose name-tag read: Amelia.
“I understand that. But you can’t just come in here and demand a child. We need a signature from the parents.” she explained. A never was good at making up a good lie.
“Did I not just tell you? THEY ARE DEAD! What do I have to say to make you understand that? Adam can you bring Luke to the car so I can talk to this lady?” I pleaded, looking away from the mega *****.
“Sure babe,” he kissed me on the cheek.
After they walked out of the building I got very serious. “ What would you like me to do? I would love to bring his real parents back from the dead to sign your damn forms but I can’t.”
“Well sir. We will need a signature from some family member of his.” she replied.
Then an idea popped into my head. “Okay. I will bring in his aunt. Will that do?”
I walked outside and made a little call.
“Ariel. How fast can you get to the adoption agency?”
“Well me and Kyle are actually right next door,” I looked across the street and she waved to me. “We wanted to be the first to congratulate you. Why? What’s up?”
“I need you to pretend to be Luke’s aunt. Long story. But can you do it?”
“Can I ever turn you down?” she asked, jokingly.
After explaining the situation to her we walked into the agency together. She threw her hand on the desk and explained:
“The names McAlister… Ariel McAlister. I am Luke’s aunt and Aaron’s best friend. Now is there anything I can do for you?”
“Sure ma’am. Just sign here and Aaron and Adam will have all parental rights to Luke.”
Ariel quickly signed her name. Then with that we were off. Luke was officially me and Adam’s son. I totally forgot that I had a birthday to celebrate.
“So. Son. Where do you want to go now that you are an official Lastrapes?” We decided to change his last name, since Adam’s was already changed to mine. Adam wanted nothing to do with his family. So erasing his name was guaranteed to hit them where it hurt.
“Actually dad. You have been promising me you would bring me to meet my grandparents.”
“Sure thing buddy. Let’s just go drop of the car at the school and we’ll fly down to Louisiana. Sound good?” Adam asked.
“Perfect,” he smiled. He was always very anxious to go meet my parents.
We all went back to the school parking lot and dropped off the car. Then we all took off south to LA. I loved watching Luke’s face when we were flying. He actually matched exactly what Adam looked like during his first ride through the sky. That -kid-in-a-hot-air-balloon look I loved so much.
After about an hour, we approached my home. I remembered how long I had dreamed of getting out of that hell hole, now I was actually missing it. Never having to do anything. I wouldn’t ever have to even get out of bed if I didn’t want. But this thing with Adam was so much better. So I sacrificed for the greater good.
I knocked on the door, remembering what happened the last time I was in this house. This time would be different.
“Happy birthday babe!” my mom screamed, as she opened the door. “I knew you would stop by so we decorated the house for your own little party.”
“Thanks mom. But how did you know I was coming,” I asked.
“Courtney” my mom and Adam said together.
“Well who is this,” my mom said finally noticing Luke.
I ignored her question. I just walked into the door. The house was full of my family. Everybody that was at the wedding was there. So I grabbed a glass of Champaign and banged my class with a spoon.
“Everyone. Can I get you attention,” everyone looked up at me. “I know last time I introduced somebody in this house the result wasn’t so good. But I think this time will be different. Even I want you to meet Luke. Luke Lastrapes.” the room was filled with gasps.
“So Aaron. This is your son?” my aunt asked.
“Yep. We adopted him today,” I explained.
“Oh my God. I have a grandson!” my mom hollered, hugging Luke really tight.
Before the party got back to normal Adam and I had another announcement to make.
“One more thing. Everyone. About six months ago, Aaron and I found someone who was willing to donate their egg to us. We already know the sex of the child, and it is a boy. So we decided to name him Noah Shea Lastrapes.” Adam explained.
One again the whole family was speechless. Then my mom asked an obnoxious, but good, question.
“So who is the baby’s father going to be? I mean biologically.”
“Well mom. We would prefer not to go into that, but we can say that the baby will be a mine and Adam’s biological son.” I explained.
My mom gave me a look meaning that she understood perfectly. The baby would be a part of both of us because… well I’m sure you can guess. I’d rather not explain how my son was made.
“So I’m going to have a brother?” Luke asked.
“Yep.” me and Adam replied.
“Come on Luke. Let’s go ride the horses in the backyard,” my sister pleaded.
“Can I dad?”
“Of course,” Adam replied.
“Alright. Let’s go,” I could tell Luke was excited.
Once Luke was outside, my mom and everyone else started to congratulate me. After the big round of applause, it was, unfortunately, time to go. I never thought I’d say this, but it was really nice to spend some time with my boyfriend and family at the same time.
“That was nice. We should do it again, sometime,” Adam said, as we were flying back home.
“Definitely. Can we dad?” Luke asked.
“Of course.” I replied.
After that the rest of the ride was fairly quiet. We only brought up small-talk conversations. Then we had to discuss something with Luke.
“Luke. I have a question,” Adam said.
“Shoot,” he replied.
“When you graduate from VP, do you plan on going back to normal school? I mean it is your decision, I just want to know.” Adam explained.
“Well you know, I haven’t thought about that at all. I think I am going to go back to school.”
“That reminds me. What grade were you in before we found you?” I asked.
“I was about to finish my seventh grade year.”
“Oh. Well you still have a ways to go. But you know you were only two grades below your old man when he has taken to VP?” Adam asked, pointing at me.
“Dad. You were in the ninth grade when you were taken?”
“Sure was. I was supposed to be in the tenth though. I actually failed the seventh grade. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t ever want you to fail a grade, but me failing was one of the best things that ever happened to me,” I explained.
“How’s that?” Adam asked, clearly taking the words right out of Luke’s mouth.
“Well first off, it made me wake up. In the seventh grade, the first year I mean, I couldn’t care less about school or my future. I just wanted to have fun. After I failed my grades improved dramatically.
“Secondly, it made me realize who my real friends were. I used to hang out with this big bunch of kids. I really thought they cared about me. When I failed, they stopped talking to me altogether. It was like I wasn’t smart enough to be their friend. That’s when I met Ariel and everybody else in the gang. They showed me what it was like to have a real friend.” it was hard to re-tell that story.
“Wow. Dad. I don’t know what to say.” Luke stumbled over the words.
“Now Luke. Don’t think I’m telling you that you should fail. I’m just warning you to, one always keep your interest in school, and two, make sure your friends are actually your friends,” wow I was an official dad for not even a day and I was already giving lectures.
“Yeah. I got you. With friends like yours, I see where you are coming from.” Luke said.
“So are you guys aware that we graduate in a few days?” Adam brought something up I hadn’t thought about in a long time. He was right. Graduation was April the 9th. I had always thought it was funny that I graduated two days after my birthday. And now my husband and my son would be doing it with me.
“Your right. I forgot all about that.” Luke answered for both of us, and smiled at me, knowing what I was thinking.
“Well you guys better be ready. Luke your dad and I have a surprise for you. We were going to wait and show you on graduation night, but I don’t think either of us can wait.” he winked at me. Yes I know he read my mind. We were actually going to show Luke the house we bought. We hadn’t even seen the inside of it yet. We only bought it last night, online.
We approached the house we had just bought. It was beautiful. From the outside at least. It was a big two story house, which is a really big step up considering I’ve lived in a trailer my whole life.
“Is this what you wanted to show me?” Luke asked with wide-eyes.
“Yep. This is our new home. After our graduation, we are all going to move in here,” Adam explained. Even though he was a full vampire he still had to graduate. Graduation was the dead-line Bella was talking about. Immediately after graduation we had to pack our bags and get the hell out.
“I’m so excited--” I dropped to the ground in pain. My body felt like it was pulsing. I had a severe migraine. I could hear myself screaming. That’s the only way I knew I was doing it. I couldn’t feel anything except for the pain.
“Dad!” Luke screamed over me.
Adam didn’t even flinch. When Luke went grab my arm, Adam stopped him.
“I have to help him,” Luke said, panicking.
“No you don’t. Just wait one second.” Adam said, grabbing Luke’s shoulder. I had just noticed the blood, but not where it was coming from. That’s when I started to freak out. I always did hate bleeding. When I was a kid, I used to get paper cuts and think I was bleeding to death. It felt like my body was on fire, but at the same time I was freezing cold.
Suddenly I felt fine. I felt better than I did before my little episode. Stronger, faster, and just better altogether. What just happened? Then it came to me. Before I could say it out loud Luke yelled from the top of his lungs.
“You made the change!” He exclaimed.
“Told you so,” Adam bragged.
“Dad. You mark looks just like… well other dad’s. you have all six colors of the rainbow, but you still kept that Japanese symbol thingy.” I could tell Luke was having trouble finding the right words.
“Looks I’m the best now,” I joked with Adam.
“Looks like it--” he was cut off by the ringing of my phone.
“Hey Aaron.” it was Courtney.
“Hey. What’s up?” I asked.
“I have a question.”
“Did you just complete the change?” that caught me off guard.
“Yeah. Why?” I asked.
“Because Ariel, Andrew, Kelsey, Sara and me were all just hanging out at the courtyard and we all made the change at the same time.” she explained.
Wow. That must be new. Six fledglings changing at the same exact time. Then again, this team never was average.
“Are you serious?”
“As a heart attack,” she replied.
“Okay. Well me and Adam are about to fly to the school. We’re at our house right now. We should be there in about five minutes.” I explained.
“You house?” she asked.
“I’ll explain it when I get there,” I explained.
“Okay. Get here soon. You have got to see this.” Courtney said.
“I will. Bye!” I hung up the phone before she could reply.
“So what happened?” Luke asked.
“It’s my friends…” I replied trailing off.
“Did they…?” Adam asked.
“No! God no! They all made the change. At the exact same time as I made mine. We have to get to the school. Soon.” I explained.
“Awesome. So now we’re all vampires!” Luke exclaimed.
Before I could reply to Luke’s comment, we were out the door. I wondered why Adam was in such a rush. He seemed very anxious. Yes, all of my friends just changed into vampires simultaneously but calm down. They aren’t going anywhere.
“They might if we don’t get there soon,” Adam whispered so that Luke wouldn’t hear.
Okay, now I was worried. I thought everything was fine. Courtney sounded great on the phone. She was excited.
I flew closer to him. I whispered into his ear, “what do you mean?”
“I haven’t told you about this, but I have been having visions of the future. I guess I got them from you. The only difference is, I see them when I’m awake, instead of asleep, like you did. And if we don’t get to the school in the next ten seconds, it will be disastrous.” he explained.
I gave him a I-can’t-believe-you-didn’t-tell me look, and picked up the pace. The next ten seconds felt like ten hours. It seemed that no matter how much I sped up, I wouldn’t get there in time. Then we made it just in time to see Courtney be killed.
I quickly ran beside her body, and prepared for my revival technique. While I was doing that all of my friends formed a chain around us. While making the proper arrangements, I noticed who our enemy was. It was a huge humanity sucker. It had to be twice the size of a normal one. Then I noticed what Luke was doing.
“Luke! Get out of here! Now! I won’t lose you!” I screamed at him.
“Chill dad. I can handle this guy. I mean I had a really good teacher.” he grinned at me.
Ariel, Kyle, Sara, Kelsey, Andrew, Adam, and Luke all pointed the hands out toward the beast with their eyes closed.
“What is dark, fill with light. Remove this spirit from my sight!” they all screamed. We had been reviewing spells in my class that I taught.
Nothing happened. It was then I realized, that this would not be complete without me and Courtney. So as soon as she came to, we joined our friends on our respective sides. Before we could repeat the spell that thing did something that would effect us for the rest of one of our lives.
The beast pointed it’s hand out at Luke and said calmly, but mysteriously: “What I can not do in this body, allow me to do in this one!”
Luke dropped down to his knees, screaming. I quickly ran to him. I bent over to see what happened to him.
“Luke. Are you okay?” I asked.
“Luke’s not here. Please try again later!” he screamed in a humanity sucker accent. Then he punched me in my mouth. I didn’t know if this was the humanity suckers power, or f Luke was already string like that. Either way it hurt.
“Luke! What the hell is wrong with you?!” Adam screamed.
“How many times do I have to say this. I am not Luke!” he screamed.
Courtney tugged on my arm. “I have an idea. If we kill the original sucker, maybe Luke will be back to normal.” she explained.
“It’s worth a shot.” I said, assembling everyone back into the line.
“What is dark, fill with light. Remove this spirit from my sight!” we al screamed.
This time the thing started to dissolve. It wasn’t screaming. It just said one simple sentence.
“This isn’t the last of me.” then it was gone.
“Luke. Are you there buddy?” I rushed back to his side.
“Yeah. I’m fine. What happened?”
“Oh thank God!” Adam wrapped us two in a huge hug.
“Don’t worry buddy. We will tell you all about it tomorrow. As for now, you have to get to bed. We stayed up so long, we forgot that graduation is tomorrow.” I explained.
“Holy crap! You’re right!” Ariel screamed.
“Yeah. I have still have to write my valedictorian speech.” I had just remembered the deal I made with Adam. I had to come out at graduation. I think I had just the way to do it too.
“Okay everybody. Let’s go to bed.” I suggested.
“Good idea. I’m really tired.” Luke confessed.

Chapter Two

After some well deserved sleep, it was time for my graduation. We had about five minutes to get ready, then it was off to make the biggest announcement of my life. I was going to confess I was gay in only five minutes.
“Are you ready?” Adam asked, as we walked out of the door.
“Ready as I’ll ever be. Come on Luke. It’s time for us to graduated!” I yelled up the stairs for him.
We all headed out, dressed in our cap and gowns. We all looked so weird. Anyway. We got to the ritual building and realized it was only our group who was graduating. Everybody’s family was there. Even Adam’s. Great! They are going to turn another day special to me. God. How did he live with them before he was marked? Not to mention the rest of the student body was there. Oh well. Time to be a man. A very gay man.
Handing out diplomas didn’t take that long, considering there were only nine to hand out. Now it was time for my speech. Wow. I hope I’m ready.
“When I was first marked a few years ago, this whole world seemed impossible. When I heard all the stories about me becoming a vampire and everything I thought it was a hoax. Then I realized that it was all very true.
“As some of you may know, my cousin and I have been appointed the position as the most powerful beings in this world. As you can guess, it was a lot to take in.
“When I was first marked, there was no doubt that there were some issues I had to work out. I went from taking simple Algebra to taking advanced vampire courses all in one day.
“Luckily, through all of this I had the right friends(see people to my left and right). They helped me through so much here at VP. If they weren’t here, I would’ve gone from powerful to crazy in one hour.
“But they aren’t the only ones who helped me realize my surroundings. I also had a lot of help from a certain person,” I motioned for Adam to join me at the podium. Right on the spot I kissed him. “If it wasn’t for this boy right here, I have no clue where I would be. And now he is officially my husband. Then just a year ago, a tragedy in a miracle happened.
“On the day of our wedding we met Luke McAlister. His parents were brutally murdered in Hawaii. Now I would like us all to take a moment of silence fr Luke and pray that his parents are in a better place.” after a few minutes I continued.
“Now Luke McAlister is now officially Luke McAlister Lastrapes. He was officially adopted just a few days ago, by me and Adam.
“Thank you for listening and I appreciate you giving me your time.” before I could step down Adam’s father spoke up.
“Dad. Would you just shut up?” Adam pleaded.
Bella placed one hand on Adam’s shoulder and said, “let me handle this.”
We both nodded at her.
“Sir. I believe you need to come to your senses. At the very least, you shouldn’t have come to this ceremony.”
“What they are doing isn’t right!” he shouted.
“How could two people loving each other be wrong?” she asked.

“This is not God’s will,” Adam’s mother began.
“So you think God’s will is to disown and insult your son at his own graduation? These four years have been horrible on him. Now he finally finds someone to make it easier, and you insult him? I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave. But before you go, let me just say that your kind discuss me and these to lovers will get into Heaven long before you do,” Bella explained. Wow. I had never seen this side of her before. She was truly mad.
Before Bella could even finish her sentence, Adam’s parents were out the door. Adam looked emotionless. Then he gave me one more kiss for the crowd, then graduation, for me at least, was over. Everything I had wanted to accomplish was done with.
“Everyone. Please. Let’s have a big round of applause for the class of 2013!” Bella shouted. Everyone clapped very loudly. Nobody, other than Adam’s parents, seemed to even notice my coming out. I mean there were no gasps or derogatory comments. I felt very proud and stupid. Proud for very obvious reasons. Stupid for thinking that being gay would effect the way people think of me. I guess they were scared to say anything.
After graduation was over, my mom, brother, sister, and step-father, approached me.
“Aaron. We just wanted to say how proud we are of you. You’ve come a very long way for a little country boy raised in Louisiana. And I also wanted to apologize for the way I treated you before when I met Adam. I had no right--”
“Stop dad. It’s okay,” I couldn’t believe my bigoted step-dad was apologizing. He almost never did that. He was always so sure that he was right. Even if the fats showed that he was dead wrong.
“No! it’s not okay. I had no right to judge your relationship with Adam. Obviously, he makes you very happy. That’s all I was worried about. I didn’t think a man could make another man happy. I thought there had to be a woman someone where in there. Apparently, I was wrong.”
“Thanks. I accept your apology.”
“Luke. Last time you were at the house I didn’t get a chance to formally introduce myself. My name is Robert. You can just call me pawpaw or whatever,” he said, reaching for Luke’s hand.
Luke looked up to me, and I nodded my head. “It’s very nice to meet you.” Luke seemed to be maturing very fast.
After everybody was done talking and congratulating us, Ariel had done something she’d wanted to do for years.
“EVERYBODY! LISTEN UP! I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE MY BROTHER, ALSO KNOWN AS AARON LASTRAPES IS A HUGE HOMO!” she had always begged me to let her do that, and now she finally could.
After she shouted her comment, we heard a big round of applause as we exited the building.
When we were walking, I noticed something on Luke’s forehead.
“Luke. What is that on your forehead?” I asked.
“What are you talking about?”
I brushed his hair out of the way, and noticed something. He had a skull tattooed in black ink on his forehead.
“Luke. How did you get a tattoo?” I asked.
“I didn’t.” he said.
Then his forehead mark began to glow. His eyes turned red. Then I realized what it was. That mark must have been left on him from that night with the humanity sucker.
“Luke! No!” I shouted.
“Luke’s not here!” whatever that thing was, it wasn’t my son anymore. It lunged forward and grabbed Adam by the neck.
“Adam!” I shouted.
Then the rest of the group turned around to figure out what was going on. I know there was only one thing that I could do to defeat this thing. It just didn’t know if it was worth it.
What am I talking about. I am fighting for my husband and son. Of course it would be worth it. So I put my hands out in front of me and closed my eyes.
“Punish me. Punish me for not being able to take care of my family properly. Punish me for letting my sons fate fall into the hands of evil. Punish me for letting my husband be hurt for my well-being. Punish me!”
Luke dropped to the ground. I didn’t feel any different. The only difference was that Adam was back to my side of the danger.
“Aaron. Your mark. It’s gone.” he said cautiously.
“I know. It’s the only way I could save our son. Making the ultimate sacrifice.” I replied, walking toward our fallen son.
Luke’s tattoo had completely vanished. Did this mean it was over? Is it already determined? I’m meant to be a human after all? No. There had to be something I could do. I had to talk to Bella.
“Adam. You stay here with Luke. When he wakes up bring him to the dorm room,” I ordered.
“What about you? What are you going to do?” he asked.
“I’m going to talk to Bella. Ariel. Would you mind coming with me? I really think I could use a talk with my favorite sister,” I pleaded.
“Of course. No problem,” she began walking with me.
On the way to Bella’s office, Ariel and I had a heart to heart.
“Can I talk to you?” I asked.
“Sure. What’s up?”
“I feel like we aren’t as close as we used to be. I mean ever since Adam came into the picture it feels like we become more distant everyday. And now that I’m out I think it will be even more of a problem. That’s the last thing I want. Now we don’t even have a chance to hangout very much, because we all have to move out today.” I explained.
“Wait! We have to move out today? Well. If that is the case, I have a favor to ask. See I had no idea we had to be out on graduation day. Do you think Kyle and me could live with you for a while? I mean just until we find our own place. It would even give us a chance to reconnect.”
“Are you kidding me?” I asked.
“You’re right. It’s a bad idea. I’m sorry I brought it up.” she had a huge frown, even though my signs of joking were huge.
“Now Ariel. I know one thing. You better bring your bags and Kyle to our house as soon as this whole mess is sorted out,” I grinned.
“You’re the best. I love you Bromo. We will pull our own weight. I promise,” she said.
“That’s all I ask,” I said as we approached Bella’s office.
I didn’t even knock on the door. When I raised my hand to knock, Bella was at the door.
“Child!! Where is your mark?!” she became frantic.
“I gave up being a vampire to save my son,” I explained.
“I see. What happened?”
“It is a very long story. Actually, I wanted to ask you something. Is there anyway that I can become a vampire again?” I began to get upset.
“Normally I would say no. But with you there is no telling. Let me put it this we. Combine your powers of friendship and all will be revealed.” she rhymed.
I knew what had to be done. My friends had to form a circle around me, and recite a certain spell. No not a spell. More of a plea. Like wedding vows I guess.
Ariel and I ran out of Bella’s office to grab the gang. When I rounded them all together, we began to talk about the ritual. Everyone had their speeches. It was time to begin. All of my friends formed a circle around me and made their speeches.
First up was Ariel. “Aaron. You are the best friend I could ask for. Anyone one could ask for. You have done so may things for me. Now it’s time for me to do something for you. He is weak now in a time that is dire, turn this boy back to a vampire!” she shouted.
I was then shrouded by a blue misty aura just below my ankles. Next was Sara.
“Back in the day, when I first started to go to school with you I was the shy one who wouldn’t talk to anyone. Then you and Ariel came and broke my shell. Now to return the favor. Air and Water. Earth and Fire. Keep Aaron safe from all that is dire!” I was then put into in an aura of green from my ankles to the bottom of my shin.
Now for Andrew.
“Aaron. You have been a very good friend to me over the years. At one time we were even more than friends. Either way, I cherish you unconditionally. So let me say this. Fate has given him a bad card, but now make everything a little less hard.” it wasn’t the best rhyme, but it was nice. A red aura filled in my shin to the bottom of my knees. It was now Kelsey’s turn.
“Even though we met on some pretty bad terms, I have learned to both love you as a friend, and respect you as a person. You’ve showed me so much. You really opened my eyes to the real world. Now let me show my thanks. Sometimes life makes you frown, but now you can stop being down,” another bad attempt for a rhyme. A yellow aura covered the top of my knees to my stomach. Now it was Kyle.
“Aaron. I owe you a great debt. You kept hope alive to Ariel, making her believe I was still alive even when the chips were down. So now it’s my turn to show my appreciation. You brought me the love of my life, now here’s my energy for being so nice.” I was really starting to get tired of the bad rhyming. Anyway. I was covered with a purple aura up to my chest. Next was Courtney.
“Aaron. What can I say? You are my family. After all the stress you have been dealt here, you don’t deserve this. So let me help you out cuz. After all of this all will be right, hopefully your still up for a fight,” wow these are getting ridiculous. Even though this one was better. Well an improvement. An orange aura filled in the rest of my torso and my neck. We are almost done. It’s Luke’s turn.
“Dad. I really don’t know what to say. I’m the whole reason you’re in this mess. Because I was weak. I would understand if you disowned me right now. Sent me straight back to Hawaii. But first let me see what I can do to help you. You saved me when no one else cared, now let me show you how much you mean to me. Sorry dad. I couldn’t make up a rhyme.” it may not have rhymed, but it was sweet. After Luke spoke, a sky blue aura covered the rest of my face. Now, last but definitely not least, Adam.
“Well. Look at us now. Our whole relationship has been hot and cold and back and forth, all over the place. But somehow we always seem too pull through in the end. Now you are my husband. We even have a child, plus another one on the way. Aaron. Whether you are a human or a vampire, I will always love you.
Adam threw his arms out toward me and shouted: “I love you with all of my heart, but I’m not ready to make a new start.” after he spoke his words all of the colors surrounding me swirled together and went inside of my body. Then I felt all the colors burning up my face.
“Aaron! Your mark is back!” Ariel shouted.
“Really?!” I became ecstatic.
“See for yourself.” Sara handed me a compact mirror. I couldn’t believe it! My mark was back. It didn’t even seem different at all. Not in the least. I was so happy. I began to cry.
“Why are you crying?” Adam put his arm around my me.
“I’m just really happy. Everything is exactly how it supposed to be. You and I are married. I am officially out of the closet. We have a son together. We have another one on the way. I‘m a vampire again. It just all hit me at once,” I explained.
“Well. Get used to it. This is our future. Our destiny. And our reward for all the crap we were dealt. We deserve it. You most of all. Through the time I’ve known you I have never seen someone make so many sacrifices for the people he loves. You truly deserve to be happy. I only hope I can give you that happiness.”
“Ha! As if you couldn’t. Adam, if it weren’t for you I would still be ‘straight’.” I replied.
“Uh. Okay you two. Even though I hate to interrupt, it is time for us all to get the hell out.” Ariel said.
“That reminds me. Where are all of you going to live?” I asked.
“Well. Courtney, Sara, Kelsey, and I found an apartment with four bedrooms right down the street from the school. As four you two,” he pointed at Ariel and Kyle. “Well I have no idea what you guys are doing.” Andrew pointed out.
“We are staying with Aaron, Adam, and Luke until we find a place.” Ariel explained.
Oh no! I had totally forgot to talk to Adam about this.
“Don’t worry. It’s fine. Really,” he smiled.
“Thanks.” I kissed him.
“Well I guess we should all go get packed.” Kelsey said.
“She’s right. I have to meet my boyfriend--” Sara covered her mouth as if she had something wrong.
“Boyfriend?” I asked.
“Well his name is Jason. We met online, and I am supposed to meet him for the first time today.” she explained.
“Good for you. Lately, it seemed like me and Adam, and Ariel and Kyle were the only ones in a relationship. It was good for a change.
Adam, Luke, and I walked back to the dorm rooms to pack our bags and get out. After gathering our things, we all met up in the living room.
“Wow. I can’t believe we are actually done. Two years went by real quick. Remember when I first met you two years ago?” Adam asked.
It was my first night at VP. We were going to the dinning hall. Ariel had been reunited with Kyle. Then I was introduced to Adam.
“Nice to meet you Aaron.” he said.
The memory played through my head over and over.
“Nice to meet you,” and that’s when I tripped and started to fall for him, even though I thought I was straight. I can still remember all the denial I was in. it was actually ridiculous. Then I blacked out.
I woke up outside of the Dinning hall. Adam was there. We talked for a little while, and then I kissed him.
After that, I totally freaked out and ran for my life. Little did I know, that Adam was the love of my future life. Now I couldn’t be happier.
“Yeah. How could I forget? That was the best night of my life,” I said as we walked out of the door.
“Well. It was fun while it lasted. Now it’s over.” Adam said, as he turned off the light of our old dorm room.
We met up with all of our friends and decided that we would fly to our new locations.
So after a little conversation, we took off to our new lives in The Real World.

© Copyright 2009 Majorgay14 (majorgay14 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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