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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Entertainment · #1615943
Here the boys band together to accomplish a goal.
Heaven’s Gate six

Mr. Miller came home with a newspaper under his arm and a package of meat from the store. He was still worried about his little girls who had stayed upstairs all day. He put his newspaper and hat on the table and went into the kitchen to kiss his wife hello.

“Frances I have the fish that you wanted for Good Friday‘s dinner. Do you want me to put it in the ice box?” he asked.

“Hm I think that I will clean it and then cook it tomorrow.” she said as she felt the package to estimate the weight it contained. “I think the girls will still be on soup for another day. However I think that William’s appetite is better and Timothy is starting to eat like a horse.”

“Yes and how are my little angels now? Has Harriet’s fever broken? My seamstress said that her daughter was ill for only three days and then was ready to work in her garden on the fourth day.” replied Mr. Miller as he washed his hands at the sink.

“Harriet began to wake up late this afternoon. I gave her some special herbal tea that Edith said would help cut the fever more. She had only a cup but her color is looking better. She certainly appears like she has every measle spot in town on her. Catherine is sitting in a chair in the guest room with William talking right now. They have been quiet which is difficult for children who like to go out to walk and play.” Said Frances as she put more wood in their wood burning stove.

“Where is Timothy?” asked Mr. Miller as he checked the enameled teapot for some tea. He poured a cup and took a slow sip.

“He’s… oh yes, waiting for you outside at the shed.” she said as she turned around and put the dishes on the counter.

“What is he waiting for some punishment? What has he done?” he asked with a surprised look on his face.

“I think I’ll let you decide.” she replied with a mysterious look on her face. She then picked up a towel to dry the dishes and arrange them for the food.

Mr. Miller checked his belt and walked out to the shed. There was Timothy and William waiting for their father.

Mr. Miller walked up to the boys and stood looking down at his young and sometimes mischievous boys. “ William I thought the doctor’s orders were for you to stay inside for a few more days. Your mother thinks that you are inside with Catherine. Do I have to use my belt on you to make you do what you were told?”

“No sir. I just came out the front door when I heard you come home. I’ll go back but I am here to support Timothy.” he said as he pulled his bathrobe together and stood side by side to his younger brother.

“Well this is new. I hope that you have a good reason for getting a spanking with Timothy. But I don’t know what Timothy had done yet so begin to explain what is going on.” Mr. Miller turned around to see if anyone was watching and was surprised to see Frances at the kitchen window, and Catherine at the top guest bedroom window with her hands together as if she was saying a prayer. Both ladies were trying to be inconspicuous but did not move when Mr. Miller saw them.

“We have a new friend, sir.” said Timothy in his most clear but polite voice.

“Yes. And we are asking you, please.” said William as he opened the shed door to show the little puppy, “can he stay?”

Mr. Miller’s mouth opened wide. He could not speak. He looked at each boy and then turned around to look at his wife and Catherine. They both looked like they were holding their breaths.

Mr. Miller refastened his belt. He slowly walked up to the sleeping puppy who was curled up on an old blanket. The puppy had a small ball that William had given him to keep him quiet. The sunlight shown on now a beautiful and clean coat of fur. Beside the puppy was a bowl of water. The door squeaked as Mr. Miller opened it to it’s fullest. The puppy immediately woke up. He ran and sat between the boys who both bent over to pet it.

“His name is Buddy, but if you want, we can call him Willie the second. Please father. He is just a baby and we can teach him to be good.” replied William as he scratched the chin of the puppy.

Mr. Miller turned again as he heard some footsteps approaching. He knew that he was cornered and outnumbered. “Well what do you want to do?” she said as she smiled and dried her hands on her apron.

Mr. Miller stood quietly as if he was thinking. To his right near the pecan tree a squirrel picked up a nut and ran up the tree. Buddy gave a weak but unmistakable bark. He squirrel looked at the puppy and ran further up the tree.

“I guess the Easter bunny is going to be helped by the Easter puppy this year. “

The boys both jumped up and then bent over to enthusiastically pet their new friend, Buddy. Catherine was hopping up and down in her room. Mrs. Miller went over to her husband and gave him a big hug.

“And boys, you must keep your word about taking care of him.”

“Yes sir,” they both replied.

“Now, William, upstairs and to bed. Timothy can take the first few days to take care of Buddy. “

“Okay,” said William as he picked up Buddy for a goodbye hug and then he handed the new family member over to Timothy.

Timothy walked up to his father. “Thank you father. He will be just as good as Willie.” He then carried the wiggling puppy into the house.

Mr. Miller waited until Timothy was inside and looked up at the sky as if to see if Willie was somewhere watching. A few birds flew by. “You know, I wasn’t going to say this to anyone, but.”

“What dear?” asked Frances with now a puzzled look on her face.

“I dreamed that Willie was back. I felt something as if he licked my hand like he used to when he was younger. He sat down, then lay down and went to sleep like he used to. He was in front of the shed like we just were now. And that ball was there too. I tried to touch him and he woke up and ran away behind the fence. When I went to call him, he wasn’t there. He just disappeared.” he said as he ran his fingers through his brown hair. He looked at his shoes and then up at his wife. She looked like she wanted to cry but held them back.

“Maybe that was Willie’s telling you that everything will be alright.” she said as a tear finally fell.

“Maybe so. That was some special dog and Buddy will have some high standards to live up to.” he said as he closed the shed door and started walking to the house. He took Frances’s hand and they both went inside to being the evening.

As the couple went inside, the little squirrel ran down to collect another nut.
© Copyright 2009 Dorianne (jumacu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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