Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1626325-The-Monster
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1626325
This poem is very personal to me... I hope you enjoy x
It lurks in the shadows
Its penetrating glare
never leaving.
His eyes
evil, cold and merciless.
The tension makes it hard to breathe
Im slowly suffocating.

His looks burn right into my very soul
Whenever i dare speak.
Wherever i move.
Whatever i decide.
Never giving up, never leaving
And im tired, tired of the lie.

Tired of the secret.
A secret so filthy and wrong
I feel like ending it.
Just to fall into a deep sleep and never awake.
It would be bliss
Finally i would escape you
All of you

And your to blame.
Like a predator awaiting its prey
You shaped, moulded changed me
into something you could abuse.
You took my innocence
The little girl with the wide eyes
who trusted you, needed you
loved you.

Now,I hate myself.
my reflection a broken picture.
I feel dirty. Im damaged goods.
The memories will never fade
they will always be there to haunt me
Living on like replay
And i just hope you understand
how you have left me
broken,to pick up the pieces
Pieces of my heart.

© Copyright 2009 .x.Lonely girl.x. (jenniferx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1626325-The-Monster