Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1637865-Black-Angel
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Supernatural · #1637865
Chapter one
Chapter 1

Christian opened his eyes. He was laying in a large luxurious bedroom. The bed was king-sized and the wall paper rich and expensive. He sat up, his dark wavy hair falling across his eyes. Rubbing his eyes, he swung his legs out of the bed and stood up. He stretched his arms and yawned. His eyes were hazel brown and his skin was rather pale. Sun light streamed in through the tall half opened curtains. Christian pulled on a green poly-cotton shirt and made his way to the door.

          Christian walked out of his room and swaggered down the spiral staircase. When he reached the bottom he dragged himself into the dinning room. The decoration of the room clearly illustrated wealth. The dark delicate mahogany table stretched out with matching chairs. At the end of the table sat two stern looking people. His mother and his father. Christian purposely sat a seat away from them. His mother was an odd looking woman. She was clearly aging but had desperately tried to push back the time, investing in Botox and plastic surgery. Her hair was dyed golden brown and styled into a bob. His father however had embraced age in a more laid back manor. His hair was slightly thinning although it was barely noticeable. He wore his usual work clothes. A linen suit with a silk tie. His mother wore a pink dress with a matching jacket.

        Christian didn’t know what they did as a living and he didn’t much care either. They were mean and always seemed against him. His sixteen year old sister was the favourite child and they never tried to hide it. His mother looked at him disapprovingly as he sat at the table and cradled his head in his hands.

“Out late last night were you?” She asked in a tight voice. She knew perfectly well he was.

“Yeah” Christian groaned “What’s it to you?”

“Christian, you’re my son.” she said taking a sip of her grape fruit juice, low fat of course.

“I wish I knew more about you”

“Mom, shut up, I got a headache!” Christian groaned.

“Christian, you’re seventeen, you cant give your life away to alcohol or on girls! Henry, tell him!!” she cried tapping Christians Father.

“Christian, listen to your mother” he said automatically. The three of them had had this argument many times before.

“oh yeah, that reminds me, don’t mind the girl’s asleep on my bed. Its just Ashley and Leah. Met them last night. Nice girl‘s. Loves vodka shots” Christian said winking at his mother.

“I’m sure you know the kind mother. Bleached blondes, smokes grass. Good times!” He smiled as he stood up and walked away. His mother stayed where she was, open mouthed. Christian walked up stairs again and into his room. Sure enough, two blonde girl’s were laying in his bed. One of them, Ashley he thought, had equally blonde extensions in. her body as un-naturally tanned as possible and very skinny.  She was laying on her front in a skimpy spaghetti strap top. She was the obvious kind of pretty. Leah was pretty similar. Her hair was short and blonde. She was slightly less skinny and tanned as Ashley, but just as equally as pretty. of course again the obvious kind. She was also laying on her front, but wearing his shirt.

      Christian walked over to them. They both had long fluttering eyelashes and a small nose. Christian didn’t much care for them. They were slut’s and he knew it. Two shots of vodka’s and they were his, up for anything. He only did all this to piss off his parents. It worked. Ashley stirred. Leah’s eyes were already examining his muscular body.

“Hey you” She smiled up at him “I had a great night” Leah smiled at him

“So did I” Ashley smiled, rolling onto her back. They both pulled him onto the bed and in between them. They then both wrapped themselves around him while pulling off his shirt.

“You’re brilliant girls” He said grinning as he put his arms around their necks. They then both leaned across and took it in turns to kiss Christian.  At that moment, Christians mother walked in.

“Christian!” she shrieked “This is it! Those girl’s can get out of here for a start! And you! Were going to talk!”

His mother watched as Ashley and Leah hurried quickly out of the room. “Bye Christian!” they chorused together throwing him provocative looks. They left the room. Christian laid back on the bed grinning.

“What has gotten into you? Me and your father have not raised you to be like this. Partying! Boozing! Drug’s! Girls! I’ve had enough of this! Its getting ridiculous!!!” she cried at her son. His father had followed his wife up the stairs and now he spoke.

“Son, she’s right. Its enough. We’ve being discussing our options. We’ve decided your going to go and stay with uncle Robbie” he said. Christian sat up astounded.

“Uncle Robbie?” his father nodded. “Uncle Robbie, in Ohio?”

“A break from here will do you good! Maybe calm you down a bit!” his mother said. Christian felt his anger growing rapidly.

“He lives in the middle of no where!!!” Christian shouted at his parents. “No, you just cant make me go!!!”

“it’s too late, you’re packed, and I’ve already bought the plane ticket. You’ll be flying from Heathrow tomorrow morning.” his mother said leaving the room. His father remained standing there.

“You never know, it might be good for you” his dad said. Christian stood up. He was breathing deeply and very intense.

“This is because of Laura, isn’t it?” He demanded. His father shook his head.

“It has nothing to do with your sister” he muttered.

“It is!!! It’s because I’m not perfect, but my sister is!” Christian shouted at his dad. His dad turned away from his son and walked away.

        Christian spent the rest of the day texting his friends - and the girls he’d dated. He hated his parents for this curse. He didn’t hate uncle Robbie, on the contrary. He adored Uncle Robbie, even more than he did his own parents. It was still un fair.

Madison woke up from her dreamless sleep. She was laying beneath cheap cotton sheets in a small room. The walls were painted deep purple. She had a deep hunger within her but she tried not to give in to it. She pushed the thin sheets back and climbed out of bed. As she did so she caught sight of her reflection. Her skin was almost as pale as snow. He hair was a mahogany brown colour and her lips were tinted red. She had unusual eyes. The colour was difficult to decide. They were like a hazel colour but with the tint of purple in them. She was a curvy size 8 in American sizes, but in the UK it would be about a 10/12. She was tall for her age.

      Madison began to pull on a long sleeved top and jeans when someone knocked on her door.

“Yeah,” She called out. A girl entered the room. She was a kind looking girl with long wavy blonde hair.

“Maddi, you ready for school?” She asked. This girl was also seventeen, like her.

“In a minute Del.” Madison said. Delilah was her friend as well as her sister. Madison carefully pulled on a denim skirt and walked out of her room, ready for school.

Christian was at Heathrow airport. He was wearing an expensive button up shirt, Levi jeans and designer sun glasses. He was sat in the first class lounge. It was very comfortable, but didn’t keep him from feeling pissed off. The walls were decorated in a rich gold paper. The chairs were squashy and fit in well. To one side of the room was a door which led out to the runway. Another door at the other side of the room was the one Christian had entered to get in this lounge. At one side of the room was a desk. Behind this stood the air hostess. At least the air hostess in the room was a young beautiful brunette, he thought to himself. At that moment she came over to him.

“Sir, the flight has being delayed for about ten minutes. Would you like anything to drink while you wait?” She asked politely. Christian pulled of his sun glasses and flashed her a dazzling smile. The girl then realised how beautifully handsome this boy was. He looked a lot older than his actual age and in a few years he could easily be a male underwear or expensive aftershave model. She smiled abruptly back at him. Startled.

“Delayed,” He smiled “Ah, well. I was never to eager to go.” He grinned at her.

“I must say, miss, you have the most deeply beautiful eyes.” He smiled. She began to feel all flustered.

“By the way, you can call me Christian.” He smiled again. She starred at him in complete ore.

“Elizabeth” She said breathlessly with a weak smile. Christian took her hand and kissed it lightly with his smooth lips. He looked up at her.

“Nice to meet you Elizabeth.” He smiled again.

        Fifteen minutes later, the flight was still delayed. The flight, however, was the last thing on Elizabeth or Christian’s mind. They were to be found in a small storage room. Christian had Elizabeth pressed up against the locked door. His lips were locked against her. His shirt was unbuttoned all the way, as was hers. Her jacket and heels lay forgotten on the floor. Her hair was a mess and her hat hanging off her head. She had her arms around his neck and was running her hands through his hair.

“Oh, Elizabeth, you’re so beautiful” He whispered into her ear. He began to kiss her neck roughly. He had his hands running down her smooth back and over her skirt, which he had pulled up around her thighs.

“Christian, your flight!” She cried out suddenly.

“Oh, id much rather stay with you, my darling.” He smiled at her. She pulled him in for a deep kiss.

“but like you said, I must go!” He said softly. She ran her hands up his chest. He let her go and stepped back. He turned away from her and began doing up his shirt, grinning. He turned back to look at her. She was stood in exactly the same place. Her skirt around her waist and her top unbuttoned flashing a blue bra.

“A picture before I leave?” He asked softly holding out his camera phone. She nodded and struck a pose. He grinned as he took the picture. He walked up to her and kissed her one last time before leaving the room.

    As Christian boarded the plane, sun glasses back on, he smiled to himself. America may not be such a bad idea after all. He was an English seventeen year old. Surely some American girls would think his accent ‘adorable’. He settled himself down into the soft luxurious feel of the leather recliner, put his headphones in and closed his eyes. He smiled to himself again. This was just going to be like a very nice long holiday of partying and girls.

Dear Diary,

              Today was like any other day really, school, homework, food, sleep. Except today we got told a new boy was going to join us soon. After the weekend I think. Wonder what he’ll be like? Been a long time since we had a new kid. He’s English apparently. His uncle is Robbie who owns the Diner in the centre of town. He’s supposedly a spoilt brat.  I can’t believe that of Robbie. We’ll see when he gets here I suppose. I’ll write soon.

Madison.  X

      Christian had fallen asleep on his flight. He had an unusual dream. In his dream he could see a river. Not a large wide one. Just a small, fast flowing one. If he tried he could probably jump it. He was stood on a grass bank on one side of the river. The other side was covered in grass as well, the out skirts lined with tree‘s. There was a large difference between the grass he stood on now and the grass he longed to jump onto. The grass on the other side of the river was the finest most fresh and beautiful grass he had ever seen. It looked like it had never being walked on. Small pink flowers were scattered across the fine grass. Christian looked down at the grass he stood on. It was a mucky brown, dead colour. The other grass was fresh green. His grass was muddy and dieing. Out of no where he heard something behind him. He pulled his eyes reluctantly away from the green grass he longed for. He looked behind him. In several rows stood a small army of girls. All the girls he’d ever messed around with to piss off his mom. He saw all their face’s in full detail. Some looked angry, some hurt. A few had tear stains down their face. They all stood there, starring, almost expectantly, at him. He turned away from them and looked back at the beautiful grass. He felt a sudden light warm breeze sweep around his whole body. He closed his eyes and embraced the breeze. When he opened his eyes, he saw a figure across the river. They were hiding in the shadows of the tree’s. From what he could make out he thought they were a she. He called out to her but she didn’t move. Christian made a split decision. He pulled of his shoes and leapt into the air across the river.

      The river must have being a lot wider than what he had thought. It took a long time for him to fall. His body sliced through the icy water. The current was strong and began clutching at his body like ravenous wolves. He desperately clawed at the water fighting for air. He kicked with all his mite, but to no success. His head momentarily broke the surface. He gasped for air before being pulled down again. In that moment he realised he was being pulled down the river. Why wasn’t anyone helping him? He tried to cry out but he was immersed in water and a few bubbles of air was the only result of that. He was being battered by the water. It was throwing him around like a rag doll. His head broke the surface again. He saw to his surprise. All the girls he’d used were walking along side the river watching him struggle. Still they didn’t help. He called out to them but they ignored him and continued to stare at him. The water pulled him down for a final time. It hammered into him more harder than ever. He was winded and the last of his air escaped his mouth in small, mocking bubbles.

        Christian woke with a start. He was in his seat on the plane. He was covered in cold sweat. His body was shivering. Christian wiped his forehead and steadied his breathing. He laughed at himself. This wasn’t like him. He closed his eyes again and settled back. It was a stupid dream, he told himself.

Madison was sat in her math class. She liked math. It was easy. Good to solve equations. She focused on her paper and began to copy equations off of the board. Her Beautiful Mahogany hair hanging around her face like a silky curtain. She was very beautiful but very quiet. The boys in the school knew she was beautiful. The girls were jealous and secretly thought her a freak. She was never rude to anyone. Her sister, Delilah, was beautiful as well. She was engaged to a boy who lived with them. He was called Leon. He had beautiful golden locks of curly hair. He was a strong person who cared for his family and made sure they were safe. He adored Delilah and would gladly die for her. She would gladly die for him. It was sweet. Madison couldn’t help being secretly jealous of her sister, but she’d come to the decision, she didn’t need love.

    Math went quickly as ever. Then she had science, photography and, to finish off the day, English. She secretly didn’t want a new kid at the school. She was walking to her next class when Leon walked up to her with his hand firmly around Delilah’s. Delilah flicked her long wavy hair as she walked.

“hey, sis” Leon smiled. He punched her playfully. For anyone else, this punch would have un balanced them and really hurt, but for Madison it was as playful as it was meant. Madison punched him back.

“You fool!” she laughed at him. His eyes narrowed.

“Maddi, you heard about the new boy?” Delilah chipped in in her delicate voice. Madison nodded. Leon winked at her.

“Get in there, Maddi” He snickered. Madison frowned at him. Even when she distorted her face, it didn’t hide her beauty. Delilah elbowed him in the rib’s.

“I don’t need anyone” Madison muttered a little harshly. “And anyways he’d be the spoilt type. I mean, I know Robbie aint the upper-class type, but his brother is. It’ll be his nephew” Madison told them. Delilah nodded. Leon Snickered again. Madison shot him a menacing look. He held his hands up in surrender

“What ever you say, kid” he grinned. They quickly reached Madison’s class room. Madison walked into it and left Leon and Delilah to walk on.

Christian casually walked out of the baggage area into the main part of the air port. In the distance he could make out a man stood still, watching him. A fit looking man wearing a leather jacket, scruffy jeans and converse shoes. He had dark curly hair and a cheerful, kind looking face. He smiled broadly as he saw Christian. He began waving casually at Christian. Christian walked faster towards him.

“Ah! Chrissy my old pal” He smiled. He grabbed Christian and put him in a head lock and began ruffling his hair.

“Uncle Robbie!” Christian moaned “It’s Christian! Let go!” Christian moaned. Robbie ignored him and continued. When he eventually let go, Christian stood up looking disgruntled. Robbie was beaming.

“Heard you being giving your parents trouble, kid” he said sternly.

“no, they just like the little princess better” Christian scowled. Robbie chuckled.

“I remember that feeling!” He grinned. “Well, lets get you home, ready to see your room and start school on Monday?” He smiled at his nephew. Christian nodded half-heartedly. He was back at school! In England he was in college. Now he was back at school even if he was a Junior in High school. Great.

          Christian was unusually quite all the way to his knew home. He was nervous, although he would never admit that. He was starting a new school and a new life. At least he had his accent he thought smugly. Even from over here he would find a way to annoy his mother.

“So Chrissy, how’d you annoy your mother now?” He asked animatedly.

“Girls, booze, drugs, etcetera” Christian grinned. Robbie nodded, but Christian was sure he saw a grin twitching at the corners of his mouth.

“Mum’s a bit uptight” Christian continued. Robbie nodded.

“Well, be on your behaviour in my town” he grinned.

        From then on the journey was silent. Not awkward though. Christian couldn’t wait to see his knew room. He hoped it would be big, but he doubted it. Robbie was well off. He owned a diner in town. He lived alone and enjoyed his privacy. His house was near enough to the High school he was expected to go to. Before he knew it, Christian had fallen asleep. This time he had a dreamless sleep.

“Christian” Someone hissed. He felt someone nudge him. He stirred and opened his eyes.

“What?” He grumbled. He opened his eyes and Robbie’s face came into view

“Were here” He smiled. Christian sat up and looked around. He was right. They were here. Christian looked up at the small country house in front of him. It was a farm house.

“You live on a farm?” Christian asked confused. Robbie nodded.

“How’d you think my burgers at the diner are the freshest in town?” He asked as though it was obvious.

“C’mon Chrissy, you’ve being here before. Cant you remember?” He asked sadly. Christian shook his head. He climbed out of the car and walked to the boot. He took out his bags and looked back at the house.

      Its windows were in wooden frames. The walls were wooden panels. Admittedly, it did have a modern look to it. The big windows and even a balcony. Robbie lead the way inside. Inside was just as impressive. The ceiling’s were quite high. The first room was a wide open living room. The furniture was a bit miss-matched. They all faced towards a flat screen which was to the left of a wide beautiful fire place. The colour scheme of the room varied from browns to reds. To the right of the room was a wooden stair case leading up stairs. Robbie grabbed one of Christian’s bags and pulled it up the stairs. Christian followed. When he got to the top of the stairs he found himself stood in a hall way. There were four doors along the corridor. Robbie had walked into the one furthest away from him. Christian followed slowly. He didn’t bother examining the corridor just yet, in stead he kept his eyes towards the worn carpet. He looked up when he entered his designated room. Robbie was stood there awkwardly.

“Yeah, so here you go. This is your room” He smiled. Christian nodded.

“So, I’m gonna go and get tea sorted” He muttered and walked out the room, closing the wooden door behind him. 

        The room was decorated in a fading brown paper with wooden panelling. Towards the front of the room just by the wide window was a wooden work desk. On it was a work lamp and a laptop. The bed was single and had childish bed covers on. Transformers. There was a small door to one side of the room. Christian dropped his luggage and walked over to it. He opened it. At least he had a wardrobe. He looked around his new room. He could cross it in four big strides by 5 big strides. There was a small set of drawers just by the door. There was, however, a large glass door which led onto his own private balcony. It looked out into the yard. It was doused in light from the beautiful sunset he could see at the moment.

          Christian began to un-pack all his belongings and put them away. He realised he had no idea what day it was or when he would be starting school. He suddenly felt quite helpless. Christian walked onto the balcony and sat down on the floor. He looked more like a model than ever in this light, with his designer sun glasses and gorgeous locks of hair. He sighed and laid back. The girls here better be worth it, he thought to himself.

“They better be” He muttered out loud.
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