Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1638392-The-Jumps
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1638392
an augmented memory. my first attempt at first person pov.
Dude its totally easy! I mean its definitely scary the first time you go up the other side. its like takin' off in a rocket and you definitely want to be goin' fast. Yea, most kids don't make it on their first try. But I mean, I can do like five boards now, easy. And you've seen my bike right? Its a Huffy Whitehawk dude. Its not even a bmx. You'll be fine. But ya better do it before... oooh, I think I just felt a drop. Actually, wow check it out man, David's about to do one right now! You're lucky to see this on your first day kid. He doesn't come down here that often see, a couple years ago his dad and him moved out here and started building a house. His dad was real rich, that's why the hole is so big. Anyways, he was murdered right while they were it. I know, crazy right? Yea they just left it here so the kid started comin' down late at night with his bike and just ridin' around the rim talkin' to himself. I know cuz I followed him once! I'm the reason anybody ever even started comin' to The Jumps! Yea, he rode around it a couple times talkin' louder and louder and then out of no where, he just screamed and went in. Yea it freaked me out, I thought he killed himself! I ran up to the rim expectin' to see him in a pile with his bike but right when I got there, he shot up in front of me and went over my head. It was insane. Anyways, to this day no one can get as high as he does. I know he has the White Heat but Chris's got one too and he can't even clear 4 boards. Its not the bike man its the kid I'm tellin' ya. But he only comes down here every once in a while to set a new record and then leaves. Its like he's challenging the hole. Here watch how he starts. See how far back he goes? Ya gotta go super fast if you want to clear any boards. Let's see he's got one t- thr-... holy crap dude, no way. No way! Not only is he gonna do eight boards but look! He put bricks in between 'em and stacked, what're those...watermellon rinds? Wow. Okay here he goes, see how he runs first? There! See you jump on at top speed and pedal as hard as you can. dude this is gonna be awesome! Here he comes... man he's haulin'! Oh yea, the other thing is ya gotta look right at the other side where the little curve is at the bottom, see? Otherwise you'll- dude why isn't he lookin' up yet? Yea, he's about half way... his chain is broke! Holy... dude if he doesn't have enough speed he'll hit his tire on the stack and fall backward into the hole! David! Hit the brakes! Dav-! He's still pedaling. Oh God, here he goes... 
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