Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1651727-Broken-Heart
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1651727
A love poem. Dedicated to my girlfriend, Harlee, my one and only Dove
Pieces of a broken heart

full of sorrow and despair

Lie uncared for upon the cold unforgiving dirt

Growing ever dim


Many boys have broken this once luminous loving heart

Into many pieces

by their lies, cheats, and deceptions

Until one cold day

A boy saunders along

Eyes shining bright against her dim background

He stops and stares at the broken pieces scattered about

Gently, he picks up every feebly shining piece

He speaks softly, with care and with such compassion this girl has never experienced before

Gradually, her heart shone bright once again and was mended into a beautiful heart

More beautiful then it had begun

The boys holds it out to her

"You can have my heart. I love you", she tells him

The boy smiles and embraces her in his arms

Whispering in her ear in a soft, silky, voice

He kissed her with such passion!

She kissed back with matched energy

He steps back and his heart burst out of his chest

The girl took a red ribbon from her hair that now floated freely in the breeze

Tying the two hearts together she said to him

"Our hearts shall beat as one"

The boy replied with a smile

"No, my dove, they shall love as one"

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