Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1656535-2010
Rated: E · Other · Women's · #1656535
economy stopped
We begin in the future, on March 20, 2010. There are no robots, strike that. There are robots, they're called the people enlisted in the army. Other than those, there are none that have been fully integrated into our daily lives. Hover crafts aren't our main mode of transportation, cars are and will continue to be more efficient and easily accesible than hover crafts. Now, today is THE day, for our dear Evie Hamilton, the protagonist, has finally found herself a job. I suppose you're getting a bit excited, as I would be too. Dream jobs are hard to come by, especially in this economy. The economy will be blamed for everything here out. It is largely to blame for many things, but it has become the default response to just about anything that went wrong. You'll catch on.
There is no dream job, at least not in Evie's case; she doesn't have the credentials nor the experience to land her dream job. Evie's ideal job is getting paid to travel around the world taking pictures. I'm sure if sweet Evie had ventured into the magazine or travel guide world she would find it isn't quite as simple as that, but that's another story for another time.
TODAY Evie landed herself a job. I was quite shocked myself when Evie called me tp tell me she was having trouble.
"I just feel so bad. I can't find one anywhere," she looked down. There wasn't anything supporting her chin.
"Well, apparently no one can in this economy."
"I just never thought it would be so difficult. I mean, I've been trying and trying and trying. Out of thirty ads I've responded to, only one person wrote back to me. And that was to let me know she had filled the position. THIRTY ADS!" Her hands were emphazing the amount and her eyes looked asif they were about to jump right out of their sockets. "Above all of that, it's just really making me feel low. I feel like it's never going to work out." she looked down again.
"I know Evie Eve, I know. But you really must keep your chin up."
"I know, and I am. It just feels like a gray cloud has been floating above my head."
I looked above her head and low and behold there was a small dark cloud with a sad face floating above her head.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1656535-2010