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Rated: E · Other · Romance/Love · #1659277
A love story
Mark Hernon was virtually afraid of nothing. He would go anywhere, do anything he was asked to (as long as it was right) with out any hesitance. He believed it was Jesus Christ and him only that gave him such strength and courage. He played every sport the school had to offer, and he had the most amazing girlfriend imaginable, whose name was Robin. She had long brown hair that extended to her shoulders, and would always wear jeans and tennis shoes. But what made her so unique was her passion for God. Mark wouldn’t trade her for anything, not even all the money in the world. They would go to dinner every Friday night, and she would be wearing her blue silk shirt, her jeans, and her converse shoes. Mark never really understood the whole hype of Converse shoes, but they did look good on her. Then after dinner they would go walking at the park, and she would lay her head on his shoulder, and they would count the stars.

Even both of their parents approved of their relationship. Robin’s dad, everytime they would see him would say “Yall getting married yet?” Robin would then begin to blush and say “No dad, were still in High school”, and they would all laugh together. He thought of when they would go to church together, and would always pester him to sit up front with her, but he persisted on sitting in the back. So seeing that he wouldn’t give in, she would go sit up at the front, turn around and smile at him. Then Mark reluctantly would slowly walk up to the front and sit down next to her, and she would smile and whisper in his hear “I win”.

Mark decided he would go to the old park where they first visited. He opened the old gate that stood 10ft tall with a little gremlin sitting at the top. He remembered when Robin had got her shirt caught on the gate, and he wrapped his arms around her, and together they would get her shirt unstuck, then she would turn and kiss him slightly on the cheek. He continued walking to where a light post shown brightly among the trees. Its long beautiful pole designed with flowers, would stick straight up, and the light would sit happily atop it. He remembered back to when he tripped on a rock, and every time he would try to get back up, she would push him back down. So he grabbed her, pulled her close, and they kissed each other. Oh, how he wished he could just hold her in his arms once more.

As he continued walking he came upon three benches, and a tear fell down his face. He went and sat down on the bench he had last seen her hear on. He looked up and saw the stars. It was his last good memory of her. He began to remember the first and only time he was ever scared, scared of losing the one thing he truly loved.

“You have colon cancer”. Those words seemed to just suck the life out of everyone in the room. Mark put his hand on Robin’s leg, and he could fell her hope just leave her body. There weren’t really any words that could comfort her. She leaned over and laid her head on his shoulder.
“So what does this mean”, asked Mark
“Well, basically speaking with how advanced in its stages it is, you may have 3-4 days left with her”. Robin began to cry now. Mark wished that there was something he could do, but he along with everyone in the room understood there was little to be done.
“So what do you suggest we do, is there anything we can do to stop it?”
“Not exactly no. I would suggest taking her somewhere fun, and when she gets sick, well you know your time is up”.

Mark got down on one knee, took Robin’s soft hand into his, and with his other hand he took out a mall box, and opened it up. Inside it a ring glistened off the light.
“I was going to wait, but I want you to experience marriage before you die. So, Robin Elizabeth Westford, will you marry me?”
“Yes”, she said without hesitating. The whole room burst into approval. Her grandmother had a huge smile on her face, and Mark jumped into the air, leaned forward, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her tight. For a moment everything seemed to be going well, Mark was holding his bride to be. Nothing else mattered to him, he was actually happy in the midst of sadness.

That night Robin went shopping for her dress, and she picked out the prettiest one she could find. Her family knew the owners, so it was given to her for free. It was nice for Mark to see her smiling. It comforted him, because of how sad he was at losing something so precious. He tried keeping the sadness in, but he just couldn’t. Everytime he looked at her, he knew that his time was almost up. But the weeding was going to be great, and he would be attached to her forever.

After the wedding, Mark took her outside to a little pavilion area. The view was beautiful. The flowers were beginning to bloom; the roses that surrounded the pavilion were just beginning to open up. It seemed to brighten up the place. She had changed into purple shirt, and jeans, and he had changed into t shirt and jeans also. They both weren’t really into wearing their wedding clothes for too long. They both sat down, and she took his hand into hers.
“I love you”, she said.
Mark struggling to find words finally said “I love you too”. She put her legs over his, and he pulled her in close. Rain began pouring down his back, and it just slowly trickled its way down. He pulled her even closer, and kissed her again. She didn’t say anything, all she did was sit there, and keep her arms around his neck. The rain began to fall even harder, and Mark wished there was something that he could do. He just wasn’t ready to het her go, but he knew that soon she would be gone. But why did it have to happen to her? Why couldn’t it be him that had cancer? Maybe then he wouldn’t be so devastated.

They sat there for twenty minutes without either one saying a word. They just studied each other, not wanting the other to let go, but they knew it was getting late, and thy must go back inside. At least they both were Christians, and in heaven they would take long walks in the rain.
“It’s time to go inside”, said Mark.
“I know”, she said. She put her legs back on the ground, stood up and the two of them began walking to the wedding home’s door. They got there, and he opened them up and the two of them walked inside.
“Promise me one thing”, said Robin.
“What is that?” said Mark.
“Promise me, that when you find another girl that you will give her my ring”.
“So that you will see me through her”.
“Ok”, said Mark. The two of them continued to their room, went inside, and went to sleep.

The next morning Mark woke up, and found that Robin was considerably worse. He began to realize that any minute now she would be gone. She woke up, and had problems breathing. A tear rolled down his face, and she took his arm and said “Quit crying you wimp”. Mark laughed and wiped his tear away.
“Remember this mark, I love you, and always will love you. You are the best thing that has happened to me. But if you don’t move on, I will come back to haunt you”. Mark couldn’t help but laugh. He took her hand in his, and with her last breathe she said. “I’ve made it, now it’s your turn”. With that she passed on.

Tears began rolling down Mark’s face. He missed her so much, but yet he was happy that she was in heaven. She was probably having a lot more fun up there anyway.
“Now I thought I told you to move on”, said a voice. Mark couldn’t believe his ears. He thought he heard Robin, but she was dead. “Yeah it’s me alright”, she said.
“Am I dreaming?” asked Mark.
“Nope, it’s me Robin”. Mark ran over and hugged her.
“It’s been a long time”, said Mark.
“Yes it has, but that’s not what I’m here for”.
“What do you mean?”
“I thought I told you to move on”
“Well yeah I know, but”.
“Ah, don’t worry, I wont be jealous”
“How did you get here?”
“I told you if you didn’t move on, I would come back to haunt you, but apparently you didn’t believe me”.
“Well you need to, God has a wonderful girl waiting for you, you just have to trust him. I love you Mark”, and with that she disappeared.

Mark felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. He got up off the bench and walked over to the gate. He turned around and looked. This was the place of Robin’s memories, a place he would never visit again. It was something he would forever cling to. Mark opened the gate, stepped through and locked it for good.
“Goodbye my love”, and with that Mark walked out into the night
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