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by Becca
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1662292
Celeste is part Fae and a plane traveler and the Watchers need her help.
A Magical Dream

It was an ominous night, the clouds were in the sky like little whispers of smoke.  I could see the moon.  It was so full and bright.  The moon was trying to lighten my path as I moved further into the surrounding  forest and closer to the sounds that I had heard.  Deep within the forest I could hear some kind of chanting,  but I could not make out the words yet.  I knew I was dreaming, but it felt so real that I was kind of scared.  I knew that I was deep within the forest.  All around me there were big oak trees and huge maples.  The forest floor had soft leaves and moss covering it and the smell of earth was all around me.  The moon was having trouble getting through the canopy above, and it looked like spots of moon beams that lit the path I was to follow.  The air was chilly around me and I could see the leaves on the maple trees starting to turn a bright yellow.  Before I moved towards the path, I just knew I had to follow, I stopped to think.  Why did I feel chilled and how was it that I could smell the earth all around me. 
As I continued through the forest it was as if the chanting was pulling at me, leading me to where I needed to go.  It seemed like I had been walking forever and I was starting to get really cold.  I could see my breath in the air and feel the goose bumps on my arms.  I could see a clearing now and the chanting was getting louder and louder.  The sound was memorizing and beautiful.  I stopped before I walked into the clearing and just stared at what I saw before me. 
There was a huge bond fire and all around it were men and women.  They looked all so surreal that it took my breath away.  The men were dressed in black pants and white silk shirts.  The women wore elegant dresses the color of the moon.  The dresses flowed to the ground and hung to there every curve.  It was like they were all out of place at the forest clearing. I could hear the chant clearly now but, I could not understand it, it was in some foreign tongue that they spoke. The chant went on and on and this is what I heard. "Tar chugainn, le do Deartháireacha agus Deirfiúracha. Lean do bhrionglóid agus tar chugainn oíche seo. Is gá dúinn agus is gá duit tú chugainn. Tar chugainn, le do Deartháireacha agus Deirfiúracha."  I felt like I watched them for a very long time while they continued to chant.  Then all of a sudden they stopped chanting and looked up and saw me and I felt as if time had stopped.

"What was it you were chanting?" I asked.

The most gorgeous man came forward and bowed low and said.  "Come to us, your Brothers and Sisters.  Follow your dream and come to us this night. We need you and you need us.  Come to us, your Brothers and Sisters." His voice was so deep and had such a beautiful deep accent.  He was so old world it took my breath away.  His face had harsh angles and looked like he could be very dangerous.  He had black hair that just hung to his shoulders and his eyes, I could not look away from his eyes.  They were so captivating, such an intense green it was hard to look away.

"We have been waiting for you, Celeste" 

"Me? Why?"  I felt very confused

He took a hold of my arm and gently pulled me "Come and warm yourself by the fire, you look chilled."

"My name is Lucian and we are Watchers of the Gates"

"Watchers of the Gates?" I replied.  "This is the weirdest dream that I have ever had." I shook my head as if to clear away the cobwebs, to try to bring some sense of reality to my dream.  I looked up and looked at all of the women and men in the clearing.  The questions in my mind were overwhelming me.  I had never had a dream like this before and figured I better ask the most important questions before I woke up.

"There are many gates, as they are the doorways to other planes of existence." Lucian said.  "We watch the gates to keep the earth safe from the Dark Ones."

"The Dark Ones?"

"The Dark Ones are creatures from the plane of Azamore and they feed off the life force of the humans.  Some of the Dark Ones have escaped into your world and we need you to help get them back into Azamore."

"Why do you need me to help you, I am no one special and I certainly don't know how to catch these Dark Ones. Can't you just go to Earth and capture them yourself?"

"We cannot leave this plane.  You have the ability to travel through the planes and that is how we brought you here through your dreams.  You were born for this Celeste, it is your destiny. You are a Plane Traveler" 

" Plane Traveler, My destiny, I don't understand."

"You have never met your father, is this correct?"

As I looked at Lucan, he looked so matter of fact.  I thought I was going insane and wanted to wake up, but at the same time I felt that I needed to stay and here him out.  Everything was going to fast that I no longer knew what was real and what was my dream.

"That is correct, he died when I was a small baby and I was too young to remember him."

"Your father was also a Plane Traveler and he was part of the Watchers.  He fell in love with your mother and took up residence on Earth.  When you were just a baby we had another job for him and he never returned, it is assumed that he passed on."

This is crazy "Are you saying that I'm not human? That my father could possibly be alive somewhere?"

Lucan looked very serious, "You are part human and part Fae and that is how you are able to travel through the planes.  Your mother never knew your father was Fae and because he died when you were just a babe you were not taught about your heritage and the magic you possess."

"I think I need to go now.  This is just too much to handle.  I don't even know if you are telling the truth."  I got up and started to back away slowly.

Lucan stood and look right into my eyes, "You know I am telling the truth, just look into your heart."

I forced myself to look away, it could not be, I just could not allow myself to believe it and I shook my head.  "I need time to process all that you have told me.  It is just too much to handle right now."

Lucian nodded, "Here take this token and you will be able to travel back here when you are ready, do not take too long Celeste we have much to teach you and you have much to learn.

"How to I use the token?"

"You will know."  He said

As I looked at him and the clearing everything began to fade away into black.

© Copyright 2010 Becca (becca1221 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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