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Rated: E · Other · Contest Entry · #1662348
Third place winner of And The Story Starts contest. I'm not stealing I posted there first
Sensing impending danger, Sarah tried to hid behind a large oak tree. However, It saw her and kept coming. It approached the tree and lunged. It grabbed at Sarah's throat with it's clawed hands. Sarah pushed It with all her might, but barely knocked It back at all. She turned as fast as possible and started to sprint. No matter how fast she ran she could still here it's footsteps behind her. THUMP...THUMP...ssshhh...THUMP...THUMP...ssshhh. It's tale dragging behind rustled against leaves in a way that chilled Sarah to her very soul. Suddenly Sarah pitched through the air as her foot caught on a root. She tried to stand but instantly fell back down. Her ankle was twisted and already starting to swell. Desperately she crawled forward, hearing it get closer. It was right behind her now. Slowly it reached out towards her. It grabbed her hair and yanked her head around. Now she saw It in all Its horror.

It stood seven feet tall and Its skin was the color of freshly spilled blood. It's head was something like a wolves, except it was completely hairless and It only had holes in Its head for ears. It's arms were incredibly muscular, at least ten inches in diameter. The arms, though humanoid, ended in massive hands with six inch long curved claws on each finger. The legs were as thick as tree trunks, and with the leathery skin resembled tree trunks in appearance too. Worst of all were Its eyes. They were completely black. Even the parts that should have been white were black. Altogether, It was like something from your worst nightmare. Except It was real, and It had Sarah.

It grabbed her by the throat and snapped it like a twig. Using Its claws it sliced her throat open with incredible ease. It drank deeply from her blood. When Sarah finally stopped bleeding her tossed her aside and let out a bloodcurdling howl. At this point you think the story's over, but It is still hungry and It just spotted you, sitting in front of your computer. Slowly, It glides soundlessly to your open window. It licks Its thin, bloodless lips and gets ready for Its next meal. You'd better start running now!
© Copyright 2010 Zach The Drummer (tarot_drummer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1662348-The-Monster-of-the-Woods