Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1664990-The-Circus-of-the-Smile
Rated: E · Short Story · Mystery · #1664990
An unsolved mystery.
May 1st 1990
    A late evening wander around the park. Beyond the treetops I spy the tip-top of a circus tent. I make my way towards it through the trees.

    No sign of life. I traipse right round the circumference of the tent until I spot a pair of open flaps that serve as the entrance. I am drawn to them.

    A sprightly young man appears out of the flaps. He is wearing a three piece suit and his hair is slicked back. He has clearly been transported in time from a 1950's Hollywood dinner party. He bows his head towards me.

"Room for one more, Sir."
    He doesn't make eye contact. His accent is...foreign and he is smiling widely.

"What's the entry fee?" I ask tentatively. The man laughs.
"No charge for you, Sir."

...you have no sense of adventure Andrew, you never take any risks and that's what makes you boring...

    The smartly dressed young man leads me through the flaps. I am immediately blown away by the size of the arena. There are at least fifty rows of raised benches....yet they are all empty!

"When will the show begin?"
"When you are ready, Sir."
    I assume this is a joke and laugh politely. I follow him up past nine rows and then he indicates where I should sit. My place on the bench is marked by a sloppy red 'X' painted on it. Panic grabs me.

"Where is the audience?"
    The man smiles for me and I feel... entranced... soothed.
"This performance is especially for you, Sir."
    Without another word he dashes back down the stairs and exits the arena. My heart is pounding. I am overwhelmed in a rush of fear and excitement. I am possessed by pure adrenalin!

"Let the show begin!" I yell.
    I clap my hands. I stamp my feet. I hoot. I whistle. I scream! The light in the tent dies and I sit on the edge of the bench and hold my breath

September 8th 1990
Andrew York, 23

Andrew has been missing from Glasgow
Southside since May 1st 1990. Despite
enquiries over the past four months Andrew's
current whereabouts remain unknown.
His family are shocked by his uncharacteristic
disappearance. They just want to know he's
okay and urge him to contact the Runaway
Helpline on 0808 800 7070. Andrew York is
of slim build with blue eyes and short black

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