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Rated: · Fiction · Supernatural · #1671183
Four young women with magical powers living in New York.


Sarah exited the warmth of the diner, slipping out into the cold December air. She turned up the collar of her black duffel coat when she realised that it had begun to snow again.
The sidewalk was busy with pedestrians laden with bags, returning home to wrap presents in their nice warm and cosy homes.
Snow fell thick and fast. Although as it piled up on the sidewalk, it was soon turned to slush and Sarah was relieved that she had worn her knee high boots.
Traffic crawled through the streets, impatient horns honking and frequently emergency vehicles would push their way through with their lights flashing and sirens blaring.
Sarah stuck her hands deep into the pockets of her coat, breathing in sharply then exhaling, her breath white in front of her face before it vanished into nothing.
She decided to walk the ten blocks to her apartment building and listened to her favourite audio book on her Ipod, which was a love story about vampires. She liked this audio book as it helped her escape into a fantasy world for a while.
She took her time moving through the chattering pedestrians, being bumped by shopping bags and she wondered if some people had really bought bricks as one bag almost made her fall over, it was heavy against her leg.
Christmas was fast approaching and Sarah eyed the Christmas lights hanging high over her head as she passed through the street. She smiled at the brightly coloured flashing stars thinking that they were beautiful.
Her mobile buzzed in her pocket but she chose to ignore it. Her hands were too cold to fumble with the buttons on the phone and she didn’t want to drop it either.
She concentrated on the narrator describing the appearance of the male character, giving details about how beautiful and angel like his face was and Sarah vaguely wondered if she would ever meet someone as handsome as the character.
She headed through the snow and noticed a couple standing at a bus stop, practically giving each other mouth to mouth. Sarah turned her head away rolling her eyes, sighing softly.
She eventually reached her apartment building and headed inside, keys jangling in her cold hand. She slowly ascended the stairs, already dreaming of hot chocolate with marshmallows and a long soak in a hot bubble bath with a vampire thriller.
She reached her apartment on the third floor, nodding to an old woman who was about to go into her own apartment across the hall from Sarah’s. The old woman nodded in acknowledgment but sniffed in disapproval.
Sarah inserted her key in the lock and was about to open the door when the old woman spoke.
“The cops came by here earlier.”
Sarah turned her head to stare at the woman, her eyebrows raised.
“They did?” Sarah looked confused by this comment.
The woman nodded then patted her white hair, hawk eyes staring at Sarah. Her eyes did seem to light up, gleeful at knowing something that Sarah didn’t.
“Yes. There were two male officers here this afternoon. They were inside your apartment for quite some time.” The woman folded her arms across her chest, eyeing Sarah disdainfully now.
Sarah eyed her apartment door with the Christmas wreath hanging on it. She hesitated slightly then entered the apartment – aware that the old woman was watching her every move.
Sarah entered the apartment now, glad of the nice cosy heat that welcomed her and it seemed to wrap itself around her cold body. Her cheeks and fingers began to tingle pleasantly. She closed the door, snapping on the deadbolt and leant her back against the door sighing softly.
Mrs Winters was the building’s busybody and was always gossiping. A few other people in the building tended to avoid her and her sharp tongue. Her husband was a quiet man and when he did speak he made witty remarks. Sarah often wondered how they had remained married after all these years.
Sarah hung her duffel coat on the coat hook on the wall then made her way along the hall, hearing voices coming from the living room.
When she appeared in the living room she smiled when she saw her best friend lying on the couch watching yet another episode of a popular American series about people with super powers and abilities. Rachel was dressed in denim cut offs and a baseball shirt and her feet were bare. She was muttering to the black cat lying stretched across her legs, yawning at Rachel as she scratched his ears.
Rachel grinned at Sarah when she saw her standing there.
“Hey look, Carlisle, Sarah’s home,” she teased to the cat.
The cat winked at Sarah then purred loudly, his claws kneading Rachel’s stomach.
Sarah flopped onto the armchair by Rachel’s side and muttered, “What will my neighbours think about your gentleman callers?”
Rachel laughed, flicking her dark hair over her shoulder. “I’m sure Mrs Winters didn’t mind telling you all about that then, did she? Nosy old hag!”
Sarah giggled then asked, “What did you do this time?”
“Nothing. I can’t help it if my big brother pays me a visit to make sure I am behaving myself.”
Sarah laughed out loud now and shook her head. “The way Mrs Winters described it – you were in big trouble or we were getting raided.”
Rachel’s blue eyes danced in delight. “Ah she would have loved that. It would have kept her going at dinner parties for centuries to come.”
Rachel sipped from the bottle of Bud that sat on the floor by her side then said, “Rob and Adam are asking for you.”
She turned back to the TV distracted by the show’s evil character cutting off someone’s head and stealing their powers from them.
“Your mom called sounding highly strung cos you STILL haven’t called her about Christmas plans. I ran you a bath and it’s all ready – you just gotta light the candles.”
Sarah smiled slightly, thanking her friend.
Sarah then made her way to the bathroom and minutes later lay in the hot bubbly water, relaxing.
She must have dozed off because when she opened her eyes, she realised that the water was lukewarm and most of the bubbles had disappeared. She quickly washed, got out the bath, dried herself and pulled on her pyjamas.
When Sarah entered the living room she was surprised to see that she and Rachel had company. Their two best friends Taylor and Kat were wrestling with Rachel over the remote control and Rachel was squealing in outrage at not getting to watch her show anymore. Taylor and Kat wanted to watch a sitcom instead.
“You can watch that in your room,” teased Sarah as she sat on the couch beside Taylor. Sarah secretly wanted to watch the sitcom instead as she didn’t think she could take anymore of Rachel’s favourite show. She did like the programme but Rachel watched it so often Sarah could quote the scripts off by heart.
Rachel looked outraged. “Well, I shall take the flat screen into my room since I was the one who bought it!” she huffed at her friend.
Sarah folded her arms across her chest trying to look serious despite being dressed in bright pink Piglet matching pyjamas.
“Well, if you’re gonna be like that – I was the one who bought you that damned box set. So we’re even, aren’t we?”
Rachel thought about it then rolled her eyes surrendering the remote control into Sarah’s hand. “Yes, Mom,” she muttered under her breath and flopped down beside Kat who nudged her in the ribs and giggled.
“Anymore of that and you shall have no TV for a week,” joked Sarah sticking her tongue out at Rachel.
Rachel said nothing more and stared at the TV cursing silently at it. Carlisle jumped up onto her lap and she affectionately rubbed his ears and he purred loudly as he settled down. He eyed Kat who poked him in the ribs and he turned his head away ignoring her. Kat stuck her tongue out at the cat then turned to Sarah.
Kat was tall with shoulder length natural blonde hair and a slim figure. She was a small time actress and also modelled for clothing catalogues and hair products. Despite not being rich and famous, she enjoyed her career and savoured every moment of it.
“What have you been up to today?” she asked Sarah, her green eyes twinkling.
Sarah smiled. “I had lunch with my agent Emily to discuss upcoming roles. I have an audition for a music video.”
Rachel looked intrigued. Her eyes lit up. She loved music and was always singing and dancing around which did drive Sarah nuts at times. Especially when Rachel was drunk and singing rock songs at three in the morning.
“Anyone we know?” she asked excitedly, curiosity getting the better of her.
Sarah shrugged pulling a face. “Emily didn’t say much. I just have to go to her office tomorrow and she shall drive me to where the auditions are. Apparently the singer is gonna be there to make his decision.”
Rachel sighed dreamily, her eyes staring into the distance as she wondered who the singer could be.
“Hmm, would be amazing if it was someone cool!. Think I could tag along?”
Taylor raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow then poked Rachel in the shoulder with a perfectly French manicured nail. “Don’t be stupid! I mean a famous rock star coming all this way to eye up models? What would his wife say?”
“When she sees me she’ll ask for a threesome,” joked Rachel and ducked when Taylor tried to hit her with one of Sarah’s red cushions with the black flower pattern embroidered on it.
Sarah hooted with laughter shaking her head in disbelief at Rachel’ outrageous comments. Rachel settled down, swigging beer from a fresh Bud bottle then eyed the TV, silent now, lost in her own thoughts.
Taylor flicked her black curly hair over her shoulder then leant against Rachel. Her brown eyes looked serious as she said, “I am sure some rock star would drool if he saw you. Maybe you should wear armbands so you can swim away from him.”
Rachel cast Taylor a look then sighed heavily. She turned back to the TV muttering under her breath that she really should find new best friends.
Taylor’s eyes danced now and she shook her head laughing out her deep belly laugh which was infectious at times. Sarah and Kat both tried to stifle the laughter but failed miserably.
“Plus you have been saying since kindergarten that you need new best friends,” Sarah added reminding Rachel of that fact.
It was true. The four girls had met at kindergarten and now here they were twenty five years old and they were still together, like a little family. They had their ups and downs but they always got through everything and they shared a strong, loving and trusting bond. Rachel wouldn’t have swapped them all for neither love nor money and if she had to she would lay down her life for them. They were her life support and she knew deep down that she would not be able to live without them. The others felt the same way too. It was an unspoken vow between them. An unconditional one at that.
“Hmm, well maybe I shall then who will be laughing?” grumbled Rachel not looking at anyone although there was a cheeky twinkle in her blue eyes.
Sarah’s mouth twitched slightly as she eyed Taylor and Kat who both sat looking very serious and sombre now.
“Erm, Sarah shall cos she won’t have to put up with your drunken singing,” howled Taylor, unable to keep her laughter in any longer.
Rachel glared at her for a few seconds then pounced on her. Carlisle hissed as he jumped off her legs and streaked off towards the kitchen looking angry. Rachel and Taylor rolled off the couch onto the floor, squealing with laughter as they tried to wrestle with one another.
Kat surveyed the scene below her then shook her head and stared at Sarah, raising her eyebrows.
“Is it wrong to say that if I were a man I would be turned on by this right now?”
Sarah snorted into her hand, tears of laughter now running down her cheeks.
“No,” she choked out holding her stomach as it hurt now from her laughing. “Either that or you’re into women.”
Kat looked offended by this comment and hit Sarah over the head with her cushion. Carlisle sat by the kitchen door narrowing his green eyes at the four young women, squealing at one another. His turned his nose up and stalked into the kitchen.
Five minutes later the four friends has settled down in front of the TV again, all of them calm now and were giggling at the comedy show.
Rachel swigged her beer down then sighed softly, complaining that she was hungry.
Taylor shook her head, dark curls bouncing around her head. She eyed Rachel looking cross with her.
“You’re always thinking about food. Yet, you still stay skinny!”
Rachel grinned widely, her straight teeth flashing. “Ah, we’re all like that though. Now, pizza sound good to you?”
Taylor’s dark eyes narrowed as she contemplated it. Her brow furrowed then she eventually nodded eagerly. “Yes, extra cheese.”
“I want vegetable,” piped up Sarah not looking from the TV. “And a large Diet Coke.”
Rachel saluted them and disappeared off into the kitchen to find the cordless phone that she had left in there from earlier on. Once the order was called in, she stood by the kitchen window, watching the snow fall heavily outside and drank from her Bud bottle. Carlisle sat by her feet purring loudly and meowed that he too wanted fed. Rachel sighed softly then fed the cat and returned to stand by the window.
In the living room the comedy show had finished and the three friends were laughing at an adult cartoon show, one that Sarah adored.
“So, Taylor, you got anyone lined up for this week’s interview?” Sarah wanted to know.
Taylor was a radio DJ on a local station in the city and she loved her job. Even though she had to start early most mornings she loved it. Her job enabled her to interview up and coming celebrities from all walks of fame. She was doing quite well for herself and occasionally appeared on TV to interview for a weekly entertainment show. Taylor was tall, dark curly black hair and huge brown eyes. She had a wicked sense of humour and definitely had the gift of the gab. This was what was helping her make a name for herself and made her endearing to almost everyone that she met.
“Yeah, we have some actor from the new vampire movie coming on the show to talk about that. Any questions I should ask him?” replied Taylor, her mouth twitching slightly.
Sarah thought that over as did Kat. Both of them sat in silence trying to think about questions. Eventually Sarah gave up and shrugged, admitting defeat. She wouldn’t like to have Taylor’s job thinking questions on the spot.
“You could ask him why he starred in a movie with an actress that he didn’t even like,” said Kat with a small smile. “I heard he hated the actress that he had to work with so why appear in the movie?”
Taylor looked surprised. She shook her head again. “I can’t ask that!”
“Well, you could say that he must have at least liked raking the money in,” commented Sarah pulling a face. “He just bought a fancy penthouse suite overlooking Central Park.”
Taylor ignored her, turning her attention back to the cartoon. Sarah and Kat exchanged a look both of them giggling loudly.
When the pizza arrived Rachel paid the delivery boy and tipped him. The four friends sat around munching and drinking talking about their plans for Christmas.
Sarah was going to Los Angeles to spend time with her parents for the holidays. Sarah’s parents were well known in the movie industry. Her mother, Samantha was an actress and campaigned for charities in her spare time, even donating her own earnings towards them and never complained about it at all. Her father, Brad was a well known movie producer. They always tried to get Sarah to work with them but she wanted to carve her career her own way. She liked her independence and didn’t want to use her parents’ fame and name to get jobs. She wanted to do it all herself.
“Why don’t you all come with me?” Sarah suggested. “Mom and Dad would be thrilled to see you all.”
Taylor and Kat both pondered on it for a while then promised that they would go to Los Angeles once they had visited their own families. Rachel said nothing, eyes staring at the TV.
Kat nudged her, causing her to dribble beer down her baseball shirt. “Hey, you coming to LA with us?”
Rachel shook her head, turning her head to look at her. She wiped her mouth with a napkin then wiped her fingers staring down at her hands.
“No. Charlie and Ella invited me to theirs so I said yes.” She turned back to the TV saying nothing more.
Kat, Taylor and Sarah all exchanged glances looking slightly worried.
Charlie and Ella were Rachel’s aunt and uncle. They weren’t that much older than Rachel but they had taken her in when she had been sixteen. She loved them to bits and she worked in Charlie’s bar most nights as bar tender and sang almost every weekend to make extra cash. She loved the singing but was never interested in taking it further.
“Are you sure we can’t tempt you with the vices of LA?” teased Sarah nudging her with her foot.
Rachel grinned widely, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Not at all. I don’t mind spending time with Charlie and Ella. We’ll be in the bar most of the night anyway.”
Taylor eyed Rachel suspiciously. “Are you meeting someone there that you aren’t telling us about?”
Rachel scoffed at her, rolling her blue eyes dramatically. “No! Adam and Rob will be with me so they won’t let me meet anyone. You know what my brothers are like with the third degree.”
They all nodded in agreement at that.
Rob was Rachel’s oldest brother and he was in the NYPD. He wasn’t even thirty yet and he was good at his job. Despite his wicked sense of humour, he took no hassle from anyone, especially when in his uniform.
Adam was twenty seven and he was a paramedic at St Mark’s Hospital. He liked his job too and he did it well. He was close to Rachel, even though they bickered a lot.
Both brothers got on fantastically well with Rachel’s friends and were always around whenever they needed help with anything at all.
“What about New Year?” Taylor asked. “We should go out and do something then?”
Rachel shook her head. “I’m working in the bar then. Charlie promised me triple time and two weekends off in a row if I helped out.” She grinned widely. “I should have asked for two weeks off.”
Kat laughed. “He’s a hard task master making you work New Year.”
“I don’t mind. He’s family after all.”
Rachel cleared away the pizza boxes and beer bottles then rejoined her friends on the couch looking tired.
Sarah noticed that it was getting late and she would have to get to bed soon. She didn’t want to sleep in for her appointment with her agent Emily in the morning. Emily was a brilliant agent but she detested tardiness. Sometimes it was almost like being back in school with Emily and her lectures about being late.
Half an hour later, Taylor and Kat both hugged Sarah and Rachel goodnight, promising to see them the next day at some point and Sarah was instructed to keep in contact about the music video audition.
Taylor and Kat lived in an apartment, twenty minute cab ride from Sarah and Rachel. Though the young women were close, they would have ended up killing one another if they had all lived together.
Sarah closed the door on them and turned to grin at Rachel widely.
“Thank goodness for that,” she teased and moved towards the TV. She rummaged in the drawers of the TV unit and held up two PS3 controllers. “Some war fighting before we crash out?”
Rachel giggled and nodded. “I thought you would never ask. Let’s kick some ass.”
They both laughed and settled down to play a popular war game before heading to their separate bedrooms, bidding each other goodnight, Carlisle darting after Sarah just before she closed the door.

Sarah moved quickly through the darkened living room, trying to find her keys and mobile phone before she left. Her agent Emily was waiting outside in her black town car. Sarah could imagine Emily sighing impatiently and checking her watch every few seconds.
Rachel came up the hall just as Sarah reached the apartment door, having found her mobile and keys. Rachel was still half asleep and she squinted at Sarah, looking confused.
“What time is it?” she croaked running a hand through her hair.
“What?!” shrieked Rachel then groaned and turned to shuffle back up the hall. “I thought it was later than that. See you later and don’t be jumping on the rock star when you see him.”
“I’m sure I shall restrain myself,” muttered Sarah grumpily. She wasn’t really a morning person either but she was jealous of Rachel getting to return to her warm bed, whereas Sarah had to trudge out into the freezing cold weather and have to put up with Emily and some big headed rock star.
The apartment door slammed behind her and Sarah hurried along the corridor and downstairs, her black high heeled boots clacking on the tiles.
Moments later she was settled in the back seat of the black car, glad for the heating blasting throughout the vehicle and she apologised to Emily for running slightly late.
Emily for once didn’t seem to mind and she patted her blonde hair which was clipped up into a twist. She was dressed immaculately, as per usual, her make up and nails applied expertly.
“So what’s the job?” Sarah asked once she had relaxed slightly and was sure that she wouldn’t be lectured about tardiness.
“A lead singer from some Irish rock band is looking for girls for his video. He’s there already – I just got the call,” replied Emily sounding tired.
Sarah’s eyebrows raised and she wondered who the famous Irish rock star could be.
Emily eyed her then frowned slightly. “Are you okay? You look tired this morning.”
Sarah smiled. “Yes. Bit of a late one last night.”
Emily looked intrigued. “Oh, a date?”
Sarah laughed, shaking her head, trying not to blush. “No. you know me, keep myself to myself. It was a girlie night. I wasn’t drinking although Rachel was a bit drunk by the end of the night.”
Emily smiled too. “I don’t know why she doesn’t go to acting classes. She has the looks for it.”
Sarah shrugged. “She’s not interested. She’s not even interested in taking her singing further to be honest. She’s happy the way she is.”
“Are you happy, Sarah?”
For a while Sarah sat in silence then turned her head to gaze at Emily. She had been Emily’s client for three years now. She liked Emily who was like an older sister at times but others she was more like a teacher the way she lectured Sarah on the ways of the world. Sarah had a soft spot for Emily and they did get on very well. Emily was supportive and was always there for Sarah when it came to her career.
“Emily, you’re the best agent and the only one I ever want to have. You’re great at what you do.”
Emily was surprised and she looked away, embarrassed by Sarah’s honest comments.
“Why, thank you, Sarah. That’s nice of you. But you know, you should get out some more and meet some people. You never know, you could meet your soul mate anytime. This work gets lonely at times and yes you have your friends but at the same time you need your special someone.”
It was Sarah’s turn to blush and she secretly wondered if Emily had been drinking before she had left the house. It wasn’t like Emily to be talking like this.
“Ah, this time of year makes me feel lonely. Makes me realise that there’s more to life than work.” Emily sighed and stared out of the window.
Nothing more was said and the car moved through traffic on the streets heading towards downtown. Sarah was feeling hungry now and she began to wish she had had something to eat before she had left the apartment. She wondered how long it would be before she ate now. She hoped it wouldn’t be too long.
A while later the car eventually stopped outside a tall, glass building and Sarah stepped out of the car, Emily following behind. Emily took the lead and Sarah shadowed Emily as they went inside the building.
Sarah shook snow from her hair and clutched her handbag to her shoulder as they were escorted to the elevators and to the fifteenth floor. In the lobby there were already tired and well dressed actresses waiting to go through the doors and face a panel of judges and the famous Irish rock star.
Sarah sat with Emily and rummaged through her handbag looking for her mobile. She text Rachel to tell her that she was waiting to see the rock star.
Rachel immediately text her back to tell her that she was to pass on her number. Sarah couldn’t help but smile and think that Rachel never seemed to miss a trick.
Half an hour passed and Sarah fidgeted in her seat, bored already and wished she had brought something to keep her mind occupied. She flicked through a celebrity magazine, reading about a famous blonde haired actress' new shoe style and Sarah told herself that there was no way on earth she could wear high shoes like that without breaking her neck.
A female voice broke into her thoughts and she looked up dazed. Emily nudged her indicating that she was to go into the huge office just behind the double panelled doors.
Sarah stood, unsteady on her feet then quickly pulled herself together, aware that everyone was staring at her. She moved gracefully towards the doors, her head held high. The doors closed behind her and she was inside the huge office. Two men and a woman sat behind a large mahogany desk and they all stood to greet her and shake her hand.
Eventually she turned her eyes to the rock star who wore black jeans, a dark grey t-shirt and black leather jacket. He smiled widely at her.
“Hello,” he said in a strong Irish accent and Sarah almost went weak in the knees. She sat on the comfortable chair just by her side and nodded to the singer, thinking he looked very handsome indeed. She thought about taking a few photos so that she could show her friends later on but knew she wouldn’t be allowed. Plus, Emily would be mortified if Sarah did that.
It was the other man and woman that did most of the talking and had Sarah read from a script that was handed to her. She did all she was asked, aware that the singer was staring at her, blue eyes twinkling all the while but he didn’t utter a word.
When the audition was finished he promised that she would be given a call if she was successful. Sarah told herself that she wouldn’t be holding her breath over that one. The amount of times she had heard that line.
She and Emily left and they hardly spoke to each other. Sarah was dropped off at her apartment and she went into the building feeling tired from her early rise.
She was collecting her mail from the slot when she realised that Mrs Winters was there too collecting her mail as well. The old woman eyed Sarah, eyes narrowed.
“Did you and your friend have an argument this morning?” she asked sounding annoyed.
Sarah was surprised by her comment and shook her head. “No.”
“Well, you slammed your apartment door hard this morning then later on your friend went out slamming it too. I can’t be doing with loud noises you know, it causes palpitations.”
Sarah gritted her teeth and closed her mail slot door and locked it. “Sorry, Mrs Winters, we shall keep the noise down.”
The old woman nodded looking satisfied with that answer. Sarah hurried off, taking the stairs to her apartment instead of the elevator so she wouldn’t have to converse with the old woman.
The apartment was empty apart from Carlisle. He sat on the window seat overlooking the streets below and was licking himself. He paused to stare at Sarah looking annoyed that she had interrupted his washing.
Sarah hung up her coat and took off her boots then sank onto the comfy sofa, switching on the TV with a wave of her hand. She watched a rerun of American Idol, closed her eyes halfway through it then drifted off to sleep.

Rachel wiped down the counter with a damp cloth then eyed the man in front of her sitting at the bar. He stroked his dark goatee then pushed his empty beer glass towards her saying he wanted the same again.
Charlie moved behind her to take the glass and he pulled the pint before setting it in front of the biker sitting on the bar stool.
“There you go, Steve. Service with a smile,” Charlie said, blue eyes twinkling beneath the bar lights. He eyed Rachel then shook his head. “What’s wrong with you tonight?”
She shrugged. “Nothing. I’m tired.”
“Why? What were you up to last night? You meet someone?”
Steve snorted into his pint glass, shaking his head. Rachel frowned at Charlie then muttered profanities under her breath as she moved away to serve a tall leggy blonde and her friend at the other end of the bar.
Charlie and Steve both giggled and whispered to one another but Rachel didn’t care. It was only after nine in the evening and she still had another four hours to go before she could go home and crawl into bed.
She had spent most of the day Christmas shopping before rushing home to hide everything, get something to eat and head out to work.
Charlie and Steve were talking about their Christmas plans when another man joined them, glad to see them both.
“Hey, Will. We were beginning to think you had gotten lost,” teased Charlie giving him a bottle of Bud.
Charlie, Steve and Will were best friends and some weekends went biking and camping together. Steve was an accountant for a lawyer’s firm while Will ran his own diner midtown.
Rachel finished serving the tall leggy blonde and spotted her brothers entering the bar. They stood by Charlie joking with him and he got them drinks. Rachel watched as the men moved away from the bar to sit at a table in a far corner. She would be singing soon and Sarah had promised to drag Kat and Taylor along for a couple of hours.
Rachel wondered how Sarah’s audition had gone. Sarah hadn’t said much about it at all and Rachel hoped that she would get to star in the music video.
As if on cue, Sarah, Kat and Taylor came into the bar, heading straight for Rachel to order their drinks. Their hair glistened with snow beneath the bar lights, quickly evaporating and their cheeks flushed red with the cold.
Rachel was pleased to see them and she chatted away happily as she served them.
Kat was already scanning the bar for male talent and when she spotted Adam and Robert she turned back to Rachel, a frown on her pretty face.
“Damnit, I didn’t know Adam was going to be here,” she muttered rolling her eyes.
“No?” said Rachel innocently.
Kat pointed at her. “You better not be trying to set me up with your brother.”
Rachel smiled then shrugged. “He would be good at giving you mouth to mouth.”
Sarah hooted with laughter as Kat threw a beer mat at Rachel which she deftly caught and set back down on the bar, placing Kat’s drink on it.
“If you even THINK about setting me up with Adam you can find yourself a new best friend,” Kat threatened, her eyes narrowed as she pointed at Rachel.
Rachel pulled a face. “I have two other best friends.”
Sarah held up her hands. “Oh, don’t involve me in this fight!” And with that she and Taylor walked away to join the men at the table.
“Coward!” Rachel called after her and smirked at Kat who looked miffed with her now.
Kat picked up her drink then hesitantly went to sit at the table too.
Rachel giggled to herself as she watched Adam looking pleased to see Kat. He had had a crush on her for a long time but had never asked her out. He always flirted with her but Kat always gave off the vibes that she wasn’t interested.
Charlie stood by Rachel singing along to a rock song playing on the jukebox then he stopped turning to look at her.
“You’re very quiet tonight. What’s wrong?”
She shook her head, shrugging slightly. She gazed at Charlie then smiled.
Charlie was thirty five and married to her mother’s sister. Rachel loved them to bits and they were good to her and her brothers. They were always there whenever they were needed.
“I was just thinking about Mom.”
Charlie sighed and shook his head. He patted her shoulder then murmured, “Look, Ella’s been scouring, trying to find her but she’s long gone. She doesn’t want to be found.”
Rachel stared down at the bar, frowning then raised her head to look at her uncle again.
“I know. But it’s always hard this time of year as it’s time for the family to get together. I love you and Ella but sometimes…” She broke off, shrugging again.
Charlie sighed pulling her into his arms and hugged her tightly.
“Yeah, I know, kid.”
Rachel parents had divorced when Rachel had been five and her father had brought up her and her brothers after their mother had left them. Their father had also been in the NYPD until one day when Rachel was sixteen he had been involved in a shoot out in a convenience store that had been held up. Rachel had moved in with Charlie and Ella, not long after the funeral and the aunt and uncle had both been very supportive to the three siblings.
Charlie released Rachel and they both served customers waiting at the bar.
Rachel checked the Marilyn Monroe clock above the bar telling herself she had half an hour before she had to entertain the customers with her voice. She drank some ice water then smiled at Adam approached the bar.
He leant on the counter then said, “Hmm, Kat’s looking quite hot tonight, isn’t she?”
Rachel grinned at her brother, blue eyes twinkling. Adam and Rachel were alike but could be just as stubborn as each other. She had always been closer to him than Robert although the two brothers did get on quite well too. Robert often had to act as peace maker between Rachel and Adam when their arguments got out of hand.
“Isn’t there any sexy nurses you can hassle at the hospital?” Rachel joked as she placed fresh drinks in front of her brother.
He laughed out loud; throwing his head back then shook his head, his dark blue eyes wide. “But it’s more fun trying to woo Kat. She’s hardly spoken to me tonight.”
Rachel giggled then added, “She already threatened me by saying if I was trying to set you two up I was to find a new best friend.”
Adam drew in an intake of breath then whispered loudly, “Doesn’t she know you have two other best friends?”
His sister hooted with laughter and watched as he returned to the table with his tray of drinks.
A while later she stood on the small stage adjusting the microphone stand while the resident guitarist, Eric, tuned up. He sat to the side of Rachel and smiled encouragingly at her.
She pulled a bar stool towards the microphone stand then sat on it, nodding to Eric. The lights dimmed down as he began to play. Tonight it was just Eric and Rachel. The rest of the band, Steve and Will had taken the weekend off.
Eric was also good friends with Charlie and he bar tended as well. He began to play a rock song and Rachel began to sing. The drinkers around the bar began cheering and a few of them danced around.
Halfway through the set Eric and Rachel took a break and sat at the bar chatting while sipping water or orange juice.
Sarah was dancing with Robert to another rock song, both of them laughing and chatting.
Rachel hummed along to the music then she and Eric took to the stage again. The bar seemed to have filled up at their interval and there was a crowd of people pushing their way in through the door just as the lights dimmed down again.
Eric was playing a jazzy show tune while Rachel paced up and down the small stage singing along perfectly.
After the song was down Eric began to play the acoustic version of a song called “Night Pleasure” by an Irish band called Dark Tyrants. Rachel and Sarah both loved this song and thought it was hilarious. Dark Tyrants were fronted by a sexy and handsome singer Jim Conway.
As Rachel started singing, a voice called out sounding annoyed, “Excuse me!”
Rachel continued singing, ignoring the voice as it moved closer to the stage. The drinkers around the bar paused to see what was going on.
A tall man stepped up onto the stage and shook his head at Rachel. His blue eyes glared at her as he lifted the spare microphone from the table near Eric. Rachel stared in disbelief at the man on the stage with her and he smiled at her.
“This song requires two people – not one,” he told her and gestured to Eric to start the song again.
Eric’s dark eyebrows rose slightly but he played the first few chords.
At the table in the corner of the bar, Sarah stared in shock and disbelief at Jim Conway standing on stage with Rachel singing his own song with her. They were matching each other’s voices in perfect harmony.
When they finished Jim took Rachel’s hand and kissed it before bowing at her.
She blushed bright red as everyone in the bar cheered loudly. Jim went to get a drink and Rachel went to sit with her friends.
Sarah stared at her. “I just cannot believe that happened!” she hissed at Rachel in shock.
Rachel nodded in agreement but didn’t say anything. Charlie was laughing with Jim at the bar then pointed towards where Rachel sat. Jim turned his body, leaning against the bar then smiled. He headed towards them, still smiling widely.
Beside Rachel, Sarah tensed when she noticed the singer approaching them.
He stopped by their side, eyeing Sarah as he spoke, “You were at the audition earlier. I remember you were very good. In fact I told my agent that I wanted you in my video for definite.”
Sarah’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “Really?” she gasped, resisting the urge to jump up, throw her arms around his neck and kiss him.
The singer nodded then turned to Rachel. “In fact, I wouldn’t mind you being in it as well.”
Rachel glanced at Sarah, surprised then shook her head. “No. I’m sorry. I am not an actress but Sarah would be really good to have.”
He looked disappointed but shook Sarah’s hand. “Well, welcome aboard.” He handed her a small business card with his agent’s name on it. “Have your agent call mine’s and he will give you the information that you need.” He tipped Sarah a wink and then stalked off towards the bar again.
For a while Sarah and Rachel sat staring at each other, Sarah trying not to scream excitedly and squish her best friend with a hug.
“Jim Conway was at your audition?” Rachel echoed in disbelief.
Sarah nodded, her smile bright, teeth flashing below the bar lights. “Yeah and you thought Bono was in town!” She paused then said, “He’s really nice though, isn’t he?”
Rachel nodded in agreement then reached to hug Sarah tightly.
“Oh,” she squealed in her ear. “You’re gonna be on Jim Conway’s music video!”
“I know!” squealed Sarah excitedly. “This calls for a celebration! Drinks are on me!” and with that she headed to the bar to get in a round.
© Copyright 2010 Maggie Caldwell (mrswriter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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