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Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1677962
Today was the fourth day of our 15-day bondage vacation. Master has kept his word.

I was recently cleaning an area of my home and came across one of my

early journals that covered my first 3 years or so of living a 24/7

style as owned slave and slut. It was a very enjoyable, very erotic


You ask why we live this lifestyle. For me, this passage from my

journal 12 years ago, near the end of my second year as property,

speaks to why I, at least, so enjoy this "lifestyle."

I hope you find it thought-provoking.

Today was the fourth day of our 15-day public bondage vacation. Master

has been true to his word as usual. I have been restrained in some way

every second of this trip thus far, and Master has gone to great pains

to make certain my bondage is both beautiful and visible to all who

see me.

We've received many, many looks of surprise, shock, disgust, and often

something that passes for envy from both women and men.  We make an

attractive couple at any time, but I think we are an erotic sight as I

walk or sit with Master in my bonds. So far he's made sure my hands

have been restricted, usually behind my back, because he says it

forces me to walk in a very sexy and inviting way.

Today Master took me past my comfort level but, as always, it led to a

revealing moment of deep personal insight for me. Master dressed me in

a short, flowing cotton skirt, a halter top and my 4-inch "walking"

shoes. The steel collar with the very visible lock in front remained

around my neck and, as usual, my hands were bound behind me, today

encased in steel wrist bands held together by a short length of chain.

We ventured a short drive from here to a small shopping district and

wandered the stores and streets for several hours. We ate a late

lunch, where we encountered a group of 4 women who began to watch us

constantly, realizing that I was bound and in this man's total

control. Their body language and whispered tones made it clear to

Master and I that they disapproved of my condition. As usual, we

remained content with our own arrangement.

After Master and I shared a leisurely lunch, with his careful offering

of food for my consumption given my handless condition, we continued

our stroll. The women seemed to follow along and Master decided to

provide a show of his control, openly touching me, hugging me, kissing

me, and generally taking advantage of my bound position. Of course I

made every effort to be obedient and to please Master.

After a period of time playing this game and watching the women become

more and more aghast at our play, Master told me he had a few private

errands he wanted me to run. He led me to a bench near the edge of the

shopping district and had me sit down. To my surprise, he suddenly had

an ankle cuff in his hands and quickly and efficiently locked one end

to my ankle and the other to the metal post of the bench, securing me

in place.  Without another word he went off on his errands.

I immediately noticed the women tittering amongst themselves , looking

at me with amazed and disapproving looks. I could hear a few snippets

of their conversation, things about my self-esteem, the kind of man

who'd do such things, the kind of woman who' would be seen as I was…and so on.

I sat patiently and serenely, awaiting Master's return and whatever

else he had planned for me. Of course, the entire situation, being

bound so in public, knowing I was being observed, and that Master had

created this moment just for me, created a very high level of arousal

in me, arousal I was unable to act on given the location and situation

my hands were in.

Over the next few minutes the four women seemed to creep ever closer

to me, watching me in amazement and continuing their judgmental

conversation. Finally one of them seemed to take a deep breath and

moved away from the group, slowly and tentatively walking toward me

and taking a seat next to me on the bench. I smiled a silent hello and

remained as I was.

She glanced back and forth from me to her friends, and they slowly

made their way closer to me.

As they all gathered around me, the first to leave the group spoke. In

a tone that was part lecture, part question and part interest she

asked me why I allowed myself to be treated so, what kind of

self-esteem I had to be so publicly humiliated, why I was imprisoned

to this bastard, what kind of slut I must be, that I was beautiful and

didn't need to submit myself to such treatment to get a man, etc.,

etc., etc., etc.

She went on for several minutes as I remained silent, though inside I

was churning. After a bit her friends began to join in, belittling me,

judging me, and in general putting both Master and I into a box, a box

they clearly felt was beneath them.

After a period of time, I could take it no longer. With a deep breath,

I said very firmly, "STOP!"

The surprise of my talking and the intensity in my voice brought about

instant silence. I looked each woman in the eye and began:

"Who are you to judge me and my Master?

"In your little, closed minds, you use your perceptions of right and

wrong to judge us, and most importantly to judge me.

"Yes. It's true. I am in my Master's control. I am his slave, his

concubine, his slut, his property. But it is a choice I have made

freely, with complete knowledge and understanding of the consequences,

and, because it brings to me incredible fulfillment and security, the

rewards of a wonderful relationship/

"You assume I am a prisoner without choice. I have made my choice. And

in making that choice, I am more free than any of you can ever be."

They began to babble in response, disagreeing strongly with my

statement. I allowed it for a moment before I spoke again, this time

even more forcefully.

"Let me tell you about freedom," I said, as they again fell silent.

"I am free in this relationship because I don't have to pretend and I

don't have to negotiate. I am owned by a man who adores me, in whom I have total trust and faith, who cares for me deeply and

with total commitment. Can you say that about the men in your lives?

"I know exactly what is expected of me in this relationship and I am

100% confident in my ability to meet his expectations. Yes, it

involves submission and sex in ways you may find offensive, but I know

that by simply submitting with full commitment to whatever he

requires, I will please him. How many of you can say you know that

whatever you do will please your man?

"I am owned by a man who knows my deepest emotions and thoughts and

spends his entire life trying to bring me happiness and satisfaction.

He has encouraged me in every possible way to be who and what I what

to be, to stretch my horizons and chase my dreams, and to explore new

frontiers. Yes, much of that involves sex, usually with him and often

with others, but in sexual freedom I am able to see so many other

possibilities in my life. I don't chase sexual satisfaction. He

brings it to me. Can you say that about your lives?

"I am owned by a man who is a complete and devoted lover to me, who

knows my body, its needs, its responses, better than I do. Yes, he

binds me, he teases me, he hurts me, but in the end I know with total

confidence that I will be completely satiated and satisfied. Can you

say that about your lives?

"He keeps me constantly aroused and interested in him. The last

several hours has been extended foreplay -- does your man offer you

hours of foreplay? I don't have any idea when and where and how and

with whom I will cum, whether it will be once, twice, or many times,

but I know that I will. Can you say the same thing?

"Through my slavery, through his total control of my body and my every

action, I have seen parts of the world I never dreamed I'd seen, met

people of all walks of life, been allowed to experience physical

sensations and sexual arousal that I know very few women can dream of,

much less conceive of experiencing. And yes, the sex matters to

me…straight, kinky, men, women, pleasure, pain…it matters a great deal

to me and I am free to relax and enjoy every sensation in ways I know

none of you can.

"Yes. I am bound to this bench. Yes. I am owned. Yes. I will be

sexually active tonight. Yes. I am a slut. But I am happy and

fulfilled and totally comfortable with my choices. I am free.

"Can you say you are so loved? Can you say that your sex life is

satisfying? Can you say you are so happy?

"So before you judge me further, take a look at yourselves. If you

think you're as happy as you can be and as I am, then I congratulate

you. But if you are not, don't criticize me because I am. Perhaps you

should try it my way."

They were silent, almost stunned, and quickly left me, again muttering

among themselves and looking back at me with something that I took for


I sat quietly on the bench, reflecting on the day and the moment and

what I'd said. And as I ruminated about the conversation it suddenly

occurred to me that I'd described perfectly to these total strangers

exactly why I found being owned and in slavery to Master so

satisfying. I'd never been able to answer that question for myself

before and I was suddenly filled with the most incredible, peaceful


When Master I finally returned I was so happy to see him. He commented

on what seemed to be a change in me and I simply smiled, telling him

that I had never been so content and fulfilled, even in his presence,

as I was at that moment.

© Copyright 2010 Zachary Michael Borne (zacharymborne at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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