Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1678052-The-day-everything-went-wrong
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1678052
Someone has a bad day , and it's not who you might think ^^
  It was a dark, thundery heavy raining morning . The raindrops were making sounds like a shower, jolts of lightning clashing, rumbling everything around  .  The jolts lit the room like a hard dropped sunlight . A chubby gray cat with a short fluffy tail had waken up with the  bright jolts and shattering sound. He slowly stretched his long front legs front , comforting  himself to get up, then glared a joyfully smile he would usually not do. He saw  it were a  dark rainy day today, and for so the family were gonna spend their whole day in the house, and that meant there was gonna be food, plently of warm fresh delicious food  Mrs.Ashley was gonna do for the family and  him . Food food was the only  thing this cats mind was revolving around, could think about. With a purr of excitement , emerald shining eyes,  dancing with his round fat pawns  ‘’ Here I come Breakfast ‘’ he ran down  hopingly the long thick brown wooden stairs,  into the little cherry red decorated kitchen ,where the family should have long been from now, filled with a wonderful pulling smell around. But the cats dreams suddenly collapses like many falling cracked rocks.  The kitchen around was empty , quiet, shining sparkly clean as if no one had took a single touch. 

‘’ N-No,it….it can’t be ‘’the cat ran around the little kitchen, hopped top the tables in super sonic speed. No,this couldn’t be real. He knew it pretty well  they should all be here, specially on a dark day like this. Where was the melting warm delicious omelet smells, the tasty bright fried boiled eggs, warm cooked sweet breads of honey.  Where was everything? And everyone?

  The cat couldn’t stand  fighting his big loud growling stomach. He began searching through each of the kitchen little red rafs ,  the refrigerator, even sniffed, looked underneat stuff  like a spy, just for a piece of food. But nothing. Not a thing to eat was left inside here. Had this house been abandoned, leaving him all alone inside, without saying a word? He would never believe the family would do such a thing to him.  He shook his head furiously, hit himself  with his pawns,  hoping this were a dream he could get out from.  But then near the entrance hall came a soft  walking sound of slippers ,slowly getting louder, then  glimpsing a dark body  like a shadow that nothing could be seen.  The cat whirled back .  Someone was coming to the kitchen,  the halls light too faint from the dark day to see who it were. Cat opened his emerald green eyes round big and wide, praying it were one of the family. Someone was there , but it seemed just so quiet, too strange  for to be part of the noisy energetic family he knew. He  suddenly  in his mind thought about that horror film he had seen with the family the other night, where a dark man slowly comes closer someone quieter than silence , and with a sudden glare of him and his long sharp knife,  cuts the person all around. The cat took harder breathings,  slowly taking little steps behind, feeling a fear climbing top  from inside. And just then with a sudden flash of a warm iluminous thunder from outside , the whole kitchen and hall  illuminated like day , the dark person unveiling itself to be not the evil guy, but someone even worse. It was that old granny Mrs.Casey , the babisiter of this chubby cat, wearing that white slipper, old brown long clothes she would always wear. Whenever the family would go away for a long time she was the one to look after cat. She would make him do all the horrible things he couldn’t hated more.  And those days  were the  worst days of his life, the day everything went wrong,  scratched hard on a stone.  Cats gray fur straightened up like sharp needles , froze still like a cool stone statue,  . His eyes were big ,wide, full of fear from  the waiting surprises  of this  grandma. He tried looking  around carefully, like an eye trying to find a target to escape.  But  Mrs.Casey  was fast, being  even old, was an expert in catching cats that in all sudden she was hugging him tight, so tight around her arms, squezing  into her  chest.

‘’ Oh you cute chubby fat cat ‘’ grandma giggled ‘’Mommys come to take care you today. And guess what I just brought  ‘’ Putting  her left hand in her pockets she swiftly took out a shiny silver metal chain with a big and small brace. Without losing a second she had tied it to her and the cats shittering  leg.  The cat meowed,  cried in saying

‘’Oh my god! Oh my god!Someone please!Please get me out of here! ’’  This seemed like it was gonna be his  worst day ever .  ‘’ Goody. Now we can be stuck together the whole time.  And now why don’t I start with giving a nice warm comfly bath to you cat. And then pet you around, watch together an old movie, or even go visit how my dogs doing . Lucky I brought my huge  umbrella with me . It’ll be really fun ‘’ the grandma giggled, smiled excitedly, all serious to do all the stuff. The cats eyes broke into many pieces from the shock. He tried pettling his pawns swiftly for a run. But it was useless. She had got him for good  this time.And with that chain on, it were  like two magnets attracting eachother . ‘’Miawwww Mimiawww !‘’ the cat could only meow ,prayed hoping this horrifying day would end soon .It was another  day everything went wrong.

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