Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1681112-She-Will-Never--Be--Alone-Again
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1681112
A graduation party leads to an interesting encounter.

She stood drinking by herself in a corner, looking sad and lonely. All through the graduation party, I couldn’t take my eyes off her sensuous face and lush curves. I had always been spellbound by her beauty and she was to my mind the epitome of feminine grace and loveliness. A couple of times our gazes met, but she seemed disinterested and aloof. My heart sank because I knew that soon she would be gone forever and I would never see her again. It had to be now.

Mustering all my courage, I approached her. “Congratulations, Dr. Lucy Mbeke,” I complimented, emphasizing the ‘doctor.’ After all, we were qualified medical practitioners, having received our degrees that very morning.

She looked at me with her doe-eyes, making my heart flutter. My eyes flickered over the flawless black skin of her bare shoulders and peered at the slight cleavage she displayed. Her scent thrilled me because I knew that her own personal essence made the perfume she wore even more exhilarating.

“Congratulations to you too, Dr. Sen,” she lilted, her pronunciation perfect.

“Can we take a walk outside?”

"Sure," she said and walked toward the entrance with me in pursuit.

We ambled into the dense growth of cedar trees on the college campus. She stopped, folded her arms and gave me a quizzical stare. Under the full moon she looked even more alluring.“What is it, Rahul? What do you want now?” she asked.

“Luce, without you I shall die.”

Melancholy clouded her beautiful face. “But your family doesn’t approve of me. They want an Indian bride for their son. Not a black girl from Africa.”

“Forgive me, Luce. Please do not leave me.”

She shook her head. “This is complicated, Rahul. My government sent me to Bombay to study, become a doctor and return to serve my people. We met, fell in love. Even after we broke up, I never stopped loving you. But I see no future for our relationship. I have to return to Kenya. You have to be here.”

The six months since we had parted had been the most painful of my life. Deeply in love with her, our separation had transformed me to a nervous wreck. Her sheer proximity in those intimate surroundings was like rain on parched soil. I wrapped my arms around her and she melted in my embrace, pressing her womanly curves against my taut body. "Oh, Rahul. I can't live without you either, I love you so much," she whispered. Our lips met, our mouths locked and our tongues played.

I had not forgotten the delicious taste of her saliva and I partook of it liberally, as if to compensate for the six months of drought in a single moment. Knowing that it turned her on, I planted soft kisses on her long neck. I heard her ardent sighs and sensed her labored breaths.

I kneeled down on the soft grass before her and inserted my head inside her skirt. I pulled down her panties and lavished her sex with kisses. I didn’t need the moonlight to enjoy its beauty, so familiar was I with all its abundant delights. I caressed the outer lips, swollen with need, and licked her pleasure nub. Reveling under the wonderful sounds of her lustful sighs, I rolled my tongue across the length of her slit, before plunging it deep inside. Inhaling the intoxicating odors she emitted, I tongued her to an explosive orgasm and lapped up all her salty cum.

I knew she was ready to receive me. I rose, unfastened my trousers and pushed my underpants to my ankles. My hardness sprang up, engorged and eager. She turned and leaned against the tree with her hands for support and thrust her butt toward me. I bunched her skirt around her waist with one hand and with the other fed my manhood into her honeypot. I pushed slowly, penetrating her unyielding softness. At last, I was ensconced within my darling, my sweetheart, my Goddess. I began to thrust, deep at first, then shallow, slow in the beginning, then fast.

I couldn't ask for anything else. I was making love to the only woman I ever cared for. Without my beloved Luce, the last six months had been a slow tortuous death. Now, feeling her vaginal muscles contract around me, I felt alive again. A heady feeling lightened my mind.My hands reached in front and pulled down her dress, liberating her rounded beauties. Leaning forward, I cupped her breasts, fondling the shapely orbs and squeezing the erect nipples. She arched her head sidewards and our lips pressed. Moaning with delight, I ejaculated inside her. She came at the same time, her orgasm milking my member dry.

We held and kissed each other for a long time. We didn't return to the party, but retired to my hostel room. There was so much to be planned now that we had pledged our lives to each other. There would be hurdles, but I was confident of overcoming them as long as I had Lucy's love. I had to also reserve my ticket to Kenya. From now on, she would never be alone.

Word Count: 865

© Copyright 2010 Prof Moriarty (profmoriarty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1681112-She-Will-Never--Be--Alone-Again