Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1683360-Mystic-Land-Chapter-7
by E
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Mystery · #1683360
Escape of the Witch
The particular young girl in black opened her eyes, and for a split second, Lollita's face flashed into vision though she was already gone. "Wait...did she...save me?" The young girl asked herself, dusting off dirt from her now bloody dress. In the next room, Lollita smirked at the pressence of Ann and her friends. Ann gasped and fell to the ground in shock. "Sh-she really is a witch!" She exclaimed, backing away. The others had already fled to tell the rest. "Where is som apropreate clothes?" Lollita asked blankly, walking to Ann slowly. "The hell if I tell you!" Ann protested, scrambling to her feet. "Where are some apropreate clothes?" Lollita repeated, growing slightly impatient. "Like I'd tell a lowly witch like you!" Ann persisted, giving Lollita more frustration.

"DON'T ACT AS IF I AM LOWER THAN YOU, COMMONER!" Lollita exploded, viciously grabbing to Ann's ponytail, raising her above her own head. Ann flinched, as a streak of tears rolled down her cheek to the ground. "Where are some goddamn clothes?!" Lollita repeated herself, dropping Ann to fall to the ground. "Like I'd tell you!" She repeated also, showing her stubborn side. Lollita furiously frowned, lunging to Ann's neck. "Tell me!" She persisted, as Ann swiftly searched through her pockets. "I'm not fooling around here!" Lollita snapped, tightening her grip. Lollita then smirked as she began to fiercely force Ann's head to the wall, banging it. "Where can I find some clothes?" She asked peacefully, almost singing. Ann flinched, struggling to breath. She could feel warm blood slowly trickling down the backside of her neck.

"In...the...hamper..." She rasped, struggling for air. Lollita gave her a pitiful look, then went off to the hamper, peering inside. Ann swiftly searched through her pockets, eventually slipping her hand out with a key. Lollita smirked, tossing a robe across her shoulder, turning back to Ann. "Now, how can I get out?" She questioned cheerfully. 'They left me to deal with her alone, so I have no choice.' Ann thought, handing Lollita a key. Of course, she swiftly snatched it away from Ann's grasp, smirking. "Well, well. I thought you'd be a little reluctant on letting me go." Lollita teased.

Ann gave her a disgusted look. "The whole village is after you, so they'll finish you off. It saves me the trouble." Ann lied, staggering up to her feet. "I see..." Lollita giggled, tampering with the lock. "Well, Ann...don't tell me you wish to get friendly with me again?" Lollita questioned slyly. "With a witch like you?" Ann laughed. "Like I'd even consider it!" A distant smile creeped up Lollita's lips as she twisted the key in, unlocking the door. She turned the knob, turning back to Ann. "Just know I'll be after you next." She giggled as she dissappeared into the full moon.
© Copyright 2010 E (bluechama at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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