Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1686127-The-Interview
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #1686127
A ghostly interview
The Interview

Good morning Mr. Christy, how are you? I’m fine thanks for asking. Am I ready for my Interview? Sure, let’s get started. I will start out by saying that I didn’t believe in ghosts. I once thought that when you died that was the end of it. Then I moved into this house. It’s not much but it is my home. I fell in love with it the day I passed and saw the for sale sign. I knew this house was meant to be mine.
The price was unusually low, but I didn’t question why. Somehow I managed to get the down payment together, and closed the deal the following week. It was time to move in. I couldn’t have been more excited. I began to unload the boxes from the moving van.
After the boxes were unloaded, and put in their rooms it was time for bed. I slept like a baby on a pallet in the living room of my new home.
When I woke up the next morning the first thing that went through my mind was pancakes. I went to the kitchen and got my cast iron skillet out of the box marked, pans.
I put on a pot of coffee, and started my batter for the pancakes. With the smell of the coffee wafting through the house, I poured out the batter for the first pancake.
Reaching for the spatula I had just laid down, my hand found nothing. Must’ve moved it I thought. I found it in the dish drain. What really got my attention was that my dirty dishes were rinsed off. I knew I hadn’t done that myself. Thinking that I must be going crazy, I grabbed the spatula, and finished cooking my breakfast.
After I ate what was in my mind the best pancakes ever cooked, I got up to use the restroom. When I came back in to clear the dishes imagine my surprise to find the table cleared, and the dishes rinsed. It was then that I met Sarah Beth.
“May I help”, asked the voice at my side causing me to jump, and let out a scream. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you the voice said again. Daring to look down I saw a little girl at my side. I will be the first to say that I simply feinted. I awoke to find the little girl peering into my eyes. That wasn’t the scary part. It freaked me out that I could see the ceiling through her head.
Scrambling I moved away from her. Stammering I said, “You’re, you’re a ghost. I don’t believe in ghost.” The little girl said, “I’m sorry” I asked the obvious question next, “where did you come from” “I live here”, came the reply. This can’t be happening I said to myself. “Must be losing my mind”, I mumbled. “I sure hope not”, the little girl said. “You seem to be awful nice, I like you”, she said.
“My name is Sarah Beth”, she said. She then did the most adorable thing. She curtseyed and said, “It is a pleasure to meet you”. Moved in a way I couldn’t explain I said, “My name is Stacey” I know this may sound odd, but we became fast friends. She helped me to unpack everything. I couldn’t have got it done as fast as I did without her help.
I know my story is a bit odd, and I can tell from the look on your face that you don’t believe me. Would you like a glass of tea, Mr. Christy? Sarah Beth will you please get our guest some refreshment. Seemingly out of nowhere a glass of tea floats to the table.
Sarah Beth appears and says, “Nice to meet you Mr. Christy. Are you alright? Why you look like you have seen a ghost.”

word count 647
© Copyright 2010 corkern (glcorkern at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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