Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1691859-Weeping
by Jordi
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1691859
A sister takes her twins place at her new job.
"You did what???" Kate looked across the table at her twin sister, her eyes widening in disbelief. Over the years Lisa had pulled many crazy stunts, often taking advantage of them being identical twins, but this one was definitely the worst one.

"I took the modelling assignment that Philippe was offering. It was too good to turn down," she reached across and helped herself to another piece of the cake that Kate had made that morning.

"But you'd already accepted a job to be the new assistant and companion to Theo Markonis! You can't just turn one job down for another just like that!" Kate shook her head and started to ladle the cake mixture into the tin. She loved baking and often made cakes for selling in the cafe where she worked. Or rather, where she used to work.

"Look, Philippe was offering more than twice what Markonis was plus there's the chance to pick up more assignments whilst I'm out there. Kate, this is my big break. My chance to make it into the modelling world rather than being on the edge." She took a bit of the cake and smiled impishly at her sister. "Besides, I did you a favour as well. You really should be thanking me rather than shouting at me."

Kate stopped her baking and looked at her sister in alarm. What had she done now? "Why?" she asked cautiously, dreading the answer.

"Well, I knew you'd be mad at me for leaving Mr Markonis in the lurch so I thought, seeing as you no longer have a job, that you could take my place." Lisa smiled and took another bite of the cake whilst her sister closed her eyes in despair. What was she going to do with her?

"Don't worry about a thing, Miss Lawson. I'm sure that your sister will be perfect for the job from what you've told me... She has a child, lovely... No, I don't mind about the boy. He'll be very welcome here... Well, you enjoy yourself with your modelling and I'll see your sister and nephew on Monday. Take care." Theo Markonis smiled as he put the telephone down. Sometimes there were days when it seemed that the worst news could become the best news. Today was one of those days and he was certain that life was going to get very interesting from now on. "Mrs Elliott, I need you to open up the Blue Room and prepare it for a young visitor. Oh, and set up the Rose Room rather than the guest wing for my new assistant!" he ordered as he walked down to the kitchen.

"The Blue Room? I'm sure that Master Alex wouldn't want that room opening up," Mrs Elliott looked anxiously at Theo. "I mean, that room hasn't been used since... I don't think he'd want the Rose Room using either, seeing as it's adjoining the Blue Room. He's not going to like this."

"Whether my son likes it or not is beside the point. My new assistant has a young son and the Blue Room is the only room suitable for a young child to sleep in. As the Rose Room adjoins the Blue Room then that would be the most suitable room for his mother to use so that she can be near her son." Theo smiled reassuringly at Mrs Elliott. "Don't worry. I'll deal with Alex about this. You just prepare the rooms. I'll be in my study if you need me, getting some things sorted for next week."

Mrs Elliott shook her head as she watched the retreating figure of her employer. She had worked for the Markonis family for twenty five years and had seen many events and occasions over the years but she felt that the next few weeks were going to be the most volatile that she had ever seen. Still, if Mr Theo wanted those rooms preparing it was not for her to say no to him. She just hoped that he could handle Master Alex when he came home. Picking her keys up off the counter, she headed for the linen store for some new bedding to use in the rooms.

Inside his study, Theo leant against the closed door and sighed. His confident speech to Mrs Elliott had been just an act to cover up his worries over Alex's reaction to what he had done. He wasn't going to like it and Theo could only hope that he would see through his anger and pain and move on.

He walked across to the fireplace and stared at the photographs that lined the mantelpiece. His eyes lingered on one photo of a young, laughing girl holding a smiling toddler for the camera.

"Ah, Marisol, I hope that Alex can find it in his heart to forgive me for what I'm about to do. I know that he still loves you and little Andreas but it is time for him to move on. I feel sure that this young woman and her son can help him. They'll never replace you and Andreas but hopefully they can help him to come back to me."

He closed his eyes, remembering the love and laughter that had filled this house, warming it, making it a home. Feelings that had ended on that terrible day when the light had gone from their lives. Hearts had been broken into tiny pieces, never to be repaired. Theo had watched his son retreat into himself, removing all signs of their existence from his life, building walls around himself so that he wouldn't be hurt again. Theo wanted his son back and he would do whatever was necessary to get him back. It was time for those walls to come down.

© Copyright 2010 Jordi (jordib at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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