Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1695502-Rest-Haven-Cemetery-extended-version
by Piper
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Supernatural · #1695502
"Oh, ho...a feisty one. My night just keeps getting better."
      Walking home, had as much appeal as cleaning the fat vats at my new job.  I let the glass door to Burger Hut swing closed and longed for my car.  At least it's cool outside, I thought, slumping my shoulders, as I turned the first corner home.  I chose to take an unfamiliar route, believing it would be a short cut.  With my limited experience of the surroundings, I tried to will myself to be right.  It worked, with one small exception.  It led me through a cemetery.  The gate at the entrance had fallen off its hinge and threatened total collapse at any moment.  The rusted metal plaque, embedded in a nearby column, read Rest Haven Cemetery.  It looked old and, by the lack of upkeep, forgotten.  I had a moment of apprehension, maybe even fear, but it was quickly overridden by my desperate need to wash the Burger Hut out of my hair.  And besides, something seemed to compel me forward.  I wouldn't say I was scared, but my heart raced, and my palms were sweaty as I crossed the threshold, leaving the broken gates behind me.

    I made easy, quick steps, as I whispered my way through the pathless garden of head stones.  Foolish or not, I couldn't help the voice in the back of my mind, telling me to be quiet.  As if  I would wake them  if my footsteps were too heavy or my breathing too loud.  I shook my head to clear it and tried to concentrate on slowing my pulse.  But, before the next beat echoed in my chest I heard a man's voice.

    "And here I thought tonight was gonna be wasted on the dead."

    I spun around and then spun around again.  I couldn't tell what direction the voice had come from.  My heart was in my throat and I tried to swallow it down.

    "Easy sunshine, I can hear your pulse hammering."  His voice was casual, almost flippant.  "You wouldn't wanna tempt me."

    I tried to find my voice, "Who are-"

    "Who am I?" he interrupted.  "I'm the Big Bad."  I could hear him laugh softly, like this was entertainment for him.  "Lurking around the cemetery to scare little girls."

    "Where are you?" I asked, gaining some strength.

    "Right here, love."

    I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.  I whirled around, swinging my arms out of instinct.  His hand met mine just before it made contact.  Part of my brain realized I didn't even see him move.  The other part was too busy concentrating on not crying because it was already too late for not screaming.

    "Oh, Ho...a feisty one.  My night just keeps getting better."

    Facing him now, so close I could see the gold flecks in his sharp green eyes, I bit down an irrational desire to lick my lips.  He was terrifying...and gorgeous.  His dark hair, damp from a presumably earlier exertion, clung in wavy tendrils along his forehead.  His dark clothes blended with the night, but created a stark contrast with the pale hue of his exposed skin.  His hand still held my wrist.  It was cool and oddly soothing.  My initial fear was already dimming for reasons I couldn't explain.  I had every reason to be afraid of him.  Everything about him screamed dangerous.  Even the set of his lips spoke of someone to be feared.
    "Let go of me," I said with more bravery than I felt.

    "I would, but see, you attacked me."  Again, the mocking hint of laughter in his voice. "I've a right mind to turn you over my knee."

    His arrogance erased the last bit of fright, and my natural temper came out.  Good looking or not, he was easily infuriating me.  I balled my other fist, and believing I could catch him off guard I swung, aiming for that irritating, yet somehow sexy, mouth of his.  Like lightning he had my other wrist and without leaving time to think he pinned me against a giant tombstone.  I felt a pain in my shoulder, but before I could yell out he pressed his lips to mine, kissing me with intense urgency.  It started out hard and needful. I should have been scared, disgusted, I don't know...something, but instead I found myself relaxing and kissing him back.  It was as if he sensed it, and both his touch and his kiss grew gentle...even tender.  I found myself wishing it would never stop.  His hands let go of my wrists and instead cupped the sides of my face just as he pulled away. 

    I met his eyes and realized with amazement that they were wet, but more importantly they were gold.  They were the most beautifully stunning sight I had ever seen.  I couldn't take my eyes off of him and I found myself longing for his lips to touch mine again.  It seemed he felt the same, and as he continued to stare at me, I caught the reflection of my own eyes in the black of his pupils.  My eyes were gold too.  I smiled.  Somehow it seemed right.

    "Christine?"  he asked, the playfulness gone.  His gaze was fixed, and unrelenting. 

    I should have felt uneasy, or even fearful, but instead I welcomed the safe familiarity.  There was a small alarm, warning me of irrational madness.  It buzzed incessantly in the back of my mind.  It was the only part of me left that remained objective.  Every other measure of me screamed with no understanding of its reason, it's him...it's finally him.

    "It's been so long, Christine," he breathed, so close I could smell the earthy traces in his scent.

    His thumb brushed against my mouth.  I closed my eyes, and let a sigh escape my lips.  He took a sharp intake of breath, and before there was time to exhale, he was kissing me again.  It was soft at first, then gradually deepened, rivaling in intensity with my quickening pulse.  I couldn't think.  Everything had grown dim around the edges.  I clutched his coat in my fists, and felt the smooth texture of the leather against my arms.  The coolness of his hand elicited shivers, as it drew a path up the side of my body.  It came to rest at the base of my neck, raising the goose flesh from my heated skin.  I became aware of the monolith stone at my back, as he pressed me continually harder against it.  Its rough form bit into the tender flesh of my shoulder. I didn't want to cry out, but couldn't stop the liberation of a small moan. 

    "I've missed you, Christine."

    He pressed harder, capturing my mouth against his and refused it escape. 

    I can't breathe.

    I didn't want it to stop.

    I can't breathe!

    I wanted more.

    I can't breathe!!!

    My instincts took over where my intellect had abandoned me.  Without forethought, my arms started to push and flail against his chest.  I was near panic.  He resisted for a moment, seemingly unaffected by the lack of air, before pulling back.  I gasped for breath, met his eyes, and cringed away from him.  A scream stuck in my throat.  I slid down the stone, coughing, and trying to regain control.  He pulled away, like I'd caught on fire, and turned away from me.  But, I'd seen him.  I'd seen the change and glimpsed the moons reflection off his long fangs.

    "I didn't mean to Christine..."  His tone was soft, and I had to strain to hear.  "...not again.  I'm so sorry."

    I was trembling and felt tears sting my eyes, but yet, I ached for him.  "I'm alright," I tried to reassure us both, but my voice deceived my intent.
    He straightened his shoulders and ran his hand through his hair.  "You're scared of me."  It wasn't a question.

    "No."  I braced myself against the stone and stood up, as if to prove my conviction.  There was every reason for me to be terrified, but I wasn't. 

      He turned around, slowly, meeting my eyes.  "You should be."  He grinned, showing me his fangs.

    I held my breath. 

    His face remained distorted, but his golden eyes contradicted his intimidating tone.  "Run along now, before I hold true to my threat and turn you over my knee."

    I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. 

    "Go on now..."  He waved his hand as if to brush me away.  "...I mean it...GO!"

    I swallowed hard and held my ground.

    "All right Sunshine, listen..."  He took a step forward.  "...it was fun, but..."  He took another step.  "...your human and I'm, well,...not."  Another step and a ragged breath.  "You're not safe with me..."  He was so close I could touch him.  "...so, unless you want this Big Bad..."  His hand shook as he moved the hair from my neck.  "...to lose control..."  He swallowed hard.  My heart pounded.  "...then...you'd...better...RUN!"

    My instincts gained control and I ran.  I sprinted to the far side of the cemetery.  Before I took the last few steps, I turned to see if he was following.  He was gone.  I felt a pang of loneliness I couldn't explain.  I took a deep breath, wiped my eyes, and had one fleeting thought before I resumed my trek home.  Who's Christine?  

Word count:  1549









© Copyright 2010 Piper (stacybaird at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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