Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1696757-Life-By-The-Seasons
Rated: · Prose · Other · #1696757
A short prose to the state we're in
When in the state of winter a longing for the summer is far away and fuzzy. We dare not allow ourselves even the wish of its impending entrance thawing our frigid earth and spreading it with warmth, flowers and and butterflies.  Slowly it creeps trying to break through, it falsely gives us coming attractions some days and then it disappears letting us long in vain once more. 

Oh snow you're pretty for an instant, yet even then you're chilly all the more.
You dress our earth in white hiding your harshness to make us feel as though you're warm; however, reality soon checks in. 
Your car is stuck, the road is icy, You need to make allowances for time to get from where you are to where you want to be. 
You are dangerous as well!

Well when winter is finally through and ready to go, in comes the spring and again gives us a glimpse of summer to our longing and tired eyes.
We're happy, happy to see vegetation spring up and some of the geese and some of the ducks that are lost between our vast highways. The birds are singling happy songs now.  It's beautiful to see and more beautiful is the promise of more and better days of warmth to come. 

So, we are left with forever anticipating the coming of the season that most of us adore, almighty summer. and yet there are dangers there too.  The storms finishing up a day of "humid and oppressive air" with thunder and lightning you have to run from.  Well you feel you're in an oven, you're told to take care and hydrate and stay out of the sun ... and then it makes you turn reluctantly away and wonder when the first fistful of air will grace us again and bring refreshing coolness to our roasted bones! 
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