Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1697771-Spiteful-Little-Steps-working-title
Rated: E · Article · Other · #1697771
A short article about a small girl trying to run away
First I will post the guidelines so that you know what they are wanting.


Anyone can submit an article. We’ll pick one or more to publish.

Site: ParentDish

Reporting needed: Best notes left by kids "running away" from home.

Writing format and style: This is not for kids who have seriously run away from home. This is for the little ones who ran away for only a few minutes in an angry huff. How did they tell you they were leaving? Did they leave a note? Tell us about it. Remember, this is not for the serious runaway problem. This is just for those amusing little childhood moments of anger we've all been through as both parents and kids.

How we’ll choose what to publish: Publication will be based on the quality of the writing.

Expected publication date: August or September


-All work must be your own and previously unpublished.

-You must disclose all financial interest or personal relationships to people and entities discussed.

-Every source you consult (person, Website or otherwise) must be clearly identified. Use Web links where appropriate, and append additional sources to the end of the article.

-All people quoted must be identified by full legal name and exact title. Any sources with potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed.

- All facts must be accurate and verified.

Suggested word count: 100

Word Count: 153, it was very hard to submit with fewer words.

Spiteful Little Steps

         “You’re not my mom and I don’t have to listen to you,” Amber Autry, a six year old, cried.

         After another heated argument with her step-mom, Kathy Autry, she stomped into her room, packed her little pink Care Bear suitcase, and stormed back into the living room.

         “I’m leaving; I don’t want to be here anymore,” Amber said, pulling the front door open.

         “If you walk out that door I’ll call the police and then you’ll be in big trouble,” Kathy said.

         Amber didn’t care, she wanted her mom. Her little feet pounded down the steps and across the sidewalk. With tears in her eyes, she reached the gate at the end of their property and paused for a few moments. Deciding it was best to deal with an upset step-mom and another day of being grounded than to be arrested by the cops, she sulked her way back inside.


The people in this story are real. The little girl is me, Amber Autry, and the step-mom, Kathy Autry, was mine. Sources are from personal experience.
© Copyright 2010 Amber Autry (amberautry at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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