Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1698001-The-Dealer-Shot-the-Player
Rated: E · Prose · Drama · #1698001
don't know what to call this, kinda a sloppy poem
Hope was all i had, hope was all i was, the consequeces of your actions have done no good. Maybe for yourself, but did you think of anyone else? Leading a girl on and stealing her heart. I'm glad i stole it back, you only took a part. You think you're so good, you think you're so bad. I think you're so vain, i think you're so sad. That you have it in you to be so ignorant, like you don't feel a thing. I just don't understand, if i poke you would you bleed? If i pushed you, would you fall? If you gave someone your heart, would you give it to them all? Telling me you're a man who wants quality not quanity seemed like quite the joke, considering since we started talking you've given many girls a poke. Yeah yeah yeah call me what you'd like, but one thing you can never say is that i didn't take you for granted, i enjoyed every single second i was blessed with to be the girl on your mind, but was that even true? or was that just a line? you said all these sweet things cuz you liked the attention or was it the affection we so solemnly shared? When i said that wasn't right but you said it was fine, you sweared. Dang stupid girl always believeing your lies, when i asked you an honest question, "am i wasting my time?" What was it that i got from you? Oh yes thats right, you didn't reply. So i took that as a yes and thats what i've stuck to since then. Never a word from you yet and i dont think you'll wonder where i've been. Too busy house dating, too busy meaningless mating. Too busy sitting around smoking, always too busy, cuz you're always toking. Yeah you think thats funny so go ahead and laugh, but i'm not the one who needs to pull my head out of my ass. These lines may be shit, these rhymes may be weak. But one thing that is strong is your manly instinct. To think that playing with girls is all fun and games, you probably feel good but you should be ashamed because one day when you finally decide to not be so unkind, you'll stumble acorss a girl who will quickly change your mind, but when that times comes and you've fallen so hard, she won't want you back, its the dealing of the cards. What you do to one, another does to you, and when you find that one girl, she'll fucking find someone new.
© Copyright 2010 Heather Marie (heather58946 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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