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Rated: GC · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1715085
Damaged lovers find peace and healing in one another's arms.
My vision of what the lovely Lee looks like for the short story Scars.

Warm kisses and saltwater tears bathed Reaper's muscled back as Lee massaged the mended tissue with sandalwood oil. Her fingers and lips caressed the puckered scar where a shotgun blast had almost ended her man's life.

"No reason to cry now," he mumbled into the pillow.

"I almost lost you," she whispered, anguish raw in her voice.

Rolling over, Reaper cupped her firm ass and smiled up at her with a lecherous eyebrow waggle.

"How about a life affirming fuck?"

Laughing, Lee slapped his chest.

"You think sex can cure the common cold!"

"It might not cure it, but I know it will make you feel better for a while. Besides, the stitches are out and the doctor said I'm good to go. How about it my kinky chink?"

"You KNOW my family is Japanese."

Reaper grinned unrepentantly.

"But Jap doesn't rhyme with kink."

"Oh, well than by all means, blaspheme my ancestors for the sake of your pet names," she giggled, rubbing noses with her rough and tumble biker.

Wrapping his hand in her blue-black tresses, he pulled her lips to his. His kisses were languorous, drinking in the taste of her. His MC Brethren would have had a hard time recognizing him these past couple of weeks. As fucked up as it sounded, he had actually enjoyed spending time alone with Lee. They had laughed and talked more in those weeks than in the last year. Who would have guessed he would have still liked a bitch with sex out of the equation?

Not that sex had been completely out of the equation. His kinky chink gave a mean hummer, but for the most part, it had been bed rest and bullshitting. She had spoiled him rotten, waiting on him hand and foot, and entertaining him with hours of strip poker. During those long hours they had talked about shitty childhoods, trust, and love. Neither of them was very good at the last two, but together they seemed to be figuring it out.

Lee stroked her fingers through Reapers mop of dark curls, searching his face for what he was thinking.

"I love you," he murmured.

The words were so soft if it hadn't been for the uncertainty in his ebony eyes, she would have asked him to repeat them.

"I love you too, baby."

Seeing the doubt lurking behind hope, Lee's hands stroked over Reaper's chest, gently teasing his nipples. He shuddered, lean muscles rippling under her palms. Sliding down, she licked one of the tight little nubs, working her way down the hard planes of his abdomen. Relishing the tickle of coarse hair, she rubbed her cheek against the dark whorls, a soft purr marking her pleasure.

Wrapping her fingers around his hardening shaft, she swirled her tongue around the head, darting the tip over the sensitive hole until his hips lifted in need. Engulfing him, she massaged his balls as she hollowed her cheeks and started to bob. Awkwardly, she slipped a hand down between her own thighs. It didn't take long for her juices to coat her fingers. Moaning around Reaper's cock, she fingered her pussy until she was dripping wet.

A mumbled protest spilled from Reaper as she let his cock slip free of her lips. That protest died when she straddled him, rising up on her knees. His hands took possession of her breasts as she slowly inched down until she was impaled. He groaned, lifting his hips in blatant invitation. Biting the tip of her tongue in concentration, Lee pushed herself back up and down, the use of her thigh muscles eerily reminiscent of riding lessons. That thought made her giggle picturing urging Reaper on with the crop. Somehow she had a feeling it would end up on her flanks rather than his. A startled cry tore from her as his hands landed on her hips, driving her down with unexpected force. His cock stabbed deep, sending a jolt of pain and pleasure that drew a scream with every thrust. Her head fell back, her mouth open as he set a bruising pace.

Her breasts jiggled enticingly as she bounced with abandon, short screams tearing from her as he pounded her cervix. The way her perfect bow lips parted and her slanted eyes closed to mere slits was sexy as hell and made him want her all the more. She was so beautiful when she was being fucked. Knowing he was close, he rubbed the rough pad of his thumb over her tiny clit. Her hips jerked at the touch. Flicking his nail over the little bundle of nerve endings, he sent her screaming over the edge, slamming frantically up and down on him until he roared in release, nearly unseating her in his passion. They collapsed into a sweaty heap, hearts pounding and breath coming in ragged gasps.

His fingers slowly drug through her long hair as their breath returned to some semblance of normal. Lee closed her eyes, listening to the steady thump of his heart, thinking how close she had come to losing him. Sending up silent thanks, she vowed to do all she could to erase his scars and let him know what love was.

~ WC ~ 868

Prompt: One of your characters has made a full recovery from a near death accident/illness. Show me how the partners recapture their sexuality. ~ Round 11 ~ 3rd Place Winner

Written for:

The Weekly Quickie Contest  (18+)
Can you excite in 969 words? Romance+ Contest, July Theme: Lists
#1355442 by Dawn Embers

© Copyright 2010 Mara ♣ McBain (irish_hussy69 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1715085-Scars