Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1723742-Conflict---Weekly-Quickie
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1723742
Sometimes the storm isn't just outside...
When Monica opened the door he stood there dripping wet and his eyes were a bit moodier than usual. "What do you want Devon?"

"Let me in. I can't bear the thought of not seeing you tonight."

She sighed in resignation. She had never been able to deny him. "Come in."

As the door closed, he held his hand out to her. "Please, Monica; I need to feel your skin, your warmth. It's been too long. I didn’t want to leave you, but I am back now. You had to have known that I would come back for you."

She pulled away, avoiding his reach. "How could I know that?"

"I'm sorry I hurt you, but I had to go…he's my brother Monica. He needed me."

She sighed and turned away from him. "I know…I just hate it. I don't want to live my life with all this uncertainty, never knowing when you will be back."

"I quit, Monica."


"I quit. I accepted a quiet desk job, here in the Bureau's home office."

"Devon…you can’t expect me to just welcome you back with open arms.”

“We both know that is a lie.” He reached out quickly, pulling her close. His gaze burned into hers and she whimpered softly, knowing that she’d lost the moment his fingers touched her skin.

Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, kissing him. He pulled back a fraction of an inch, “Monica, damn it’s been so long. I can’t wait.”

He lifted her in his arms and went down the hall to the bedroom. He kicked the door open and stepped inside.

“Devon, please…”

He laid her down on the bed and unbuttoned her blouse. His fingers caressed the soft skin of her abdomen. As his hands began to smooth up over her sides and ribs, the thunder crashed outside the window and lightening illuminated the room.

She was breathtaking in that moment and he was helpless to resist that siren’s call. His fingers brushed her nipples through the soft silk, hot to the touch. They hardened instantly, almost painfully.

There was the sound of ripping fabric and then her body was free to his gaze. He cupped her breasts and squeezed enough to bow her back and bring a cry from her lips. Her cries were lost as he ravaged her mouth. He began laying soft kisses down her neck and over her collarbone.

“Devon, please!”

His teeth sank down on one nipple, biting softly, then harder until she made breathless little noises. Her hair was fanned out around her head like a halo of fire and her body was flushed a soft pink, making her skin look so very touchable.

She knelt up on the bed, removing the shirt and the remains of the bra in one smooth motion and pulling the rest of her clothes off. She leaned forward and pulled his shirt off over his head. She pressed kisses at the pulse in the base of his throat. Her fingers worked the button loose on his pants and then the zipper. Moments later he was naked and she realized there was nothing underneath that denim but hot, naked male.

She heard his soft laugh and knew that he was as lost in her as she was in him. The lightning lit up the room again and she gazed up at him, saw him staring at her as if she was salvation. He reached out for her and pulled her to him, kissing her hard, and hungry. He stepped out of his jeans leaving them in a pool on the floor as he pushed her back.

His fingers found her hot center and moved over sensitive places causing a shiver to run over her skin. She arched up off the bed, his fingers teasing at the softness of her. Thunder rumbled through the room and as the noise reached its apex, he leaned up over her and plunged deep inside, filling her waiting flesh. Lighting flashed and he caught the gaze on her face as she came, her body gripping him like a vice.

He rode out the orgasm bowing her body and then began to move, slowly at first, in and out, over and over. He knew just the right momentum to build her back up, bring her back to the ledge, and send her falling again. The intensity built, his thrusts coming faster and faster as she cried his name. Her nails dug into his shoulders and that moment of pain pushed him too far out of control. He yelled her name to the ceiling as she came with him. He thrust deep one last time before collapsing against her, pulling her close.

“Monica, forgive me. I would give anything to take back the pain that I caused you.”

“You just did. Please, Devon, don’t ever leave me again.”

“Baby, you’ll never know what it’s like to be without me again.” He pulled her over him until she was straddling him. She ground her softness against him suggestively. “Monica!” She felt him slide all the way in and knew this was exactly as it should be.

Round 16 - TWQ Entry
Word Count 869
© Copyright 2010 EroGoddess (erogoddess at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1723742-Conflict---Weekly-Quickie