Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1724001-UNSPOKEN-LOVE
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Emotional · #1724001
A short story of how your actions speak louder then words and impact someone's life
         There once was a boy named Shawn who lived a very troubled life. Shawn was a 10 year old boy that everyone made fun of. Other kids his age picked on him, calling him names like Stupid,Dumb ass, Special, and Retard. You see Shawn was mentally challenged. The poor boy didn't know his ABC's, he didn't know how to write for that matter. Shawn wasn't able to keep track of how old he was, because he was able to count high enough. When you first saw Shawn walking the streets, you might think he was homeless. His poor hygiene left him unbathed and unshaven for weeks. There was only 1 person that never made fun of Shawn. His cousin Daniel was always by his side. Shawn and Daniel both would do everything that Shawn wanted to do. The 2 of them would go to malls and movies, head over to the arcade to play video games and enjoy pizza and cokes, or they would simply just admire the beautiful summer day with a bike ride in town. But all of that came at a cost to Shawn. Daniel spent many of hours teaching Shawn the fundamentals of life. Sometimes it was hard for Daniel to teach Shawn new things. Sometimes he would wonder if Shawn would ever learn. Time passed on and the 2 boys became teenagers.Shawn learned a lot of things over the years, impressing Daniel as he went. The 2 broke apart when Shawn and his mother moved out of town. A heartbreaking story if you ever heard one. Both boys went separate ways and lead separate lives. Most people would have thought that Shawn would end up lost without Daniel, but Daniel was the 1 who was lost. After a few more years things got worse for Daniel. After breaking the law he went to prison for 2 years, during which he never saw Shawn. Then after Daniel was released from prison he received a surprising phone call. The voice on the other end of the phone was that of none other then his cousin Shawn. He was coming back to town for good. En-thrilled by the good news Daniel told everyone that his cousin was coming back home and the 2 of them would once again be side by side. That day would never come. The funeral was sweet. He looked his best in that Rosewood casket lined with gold flakes. It was a sad end to a close friendship. He was loved very much by everyone he met.I'm going to miss my cousin Daniel.
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