Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1725296-Femme-Fatales
by Major
Rated: 18+ · Sample · Crime/Gangster · #1725296
Urban lit.
When you combine four beautiful women, money and the streets of Memphis TN the outcome is Femme Fatales.

Amery is your average good girl gone bad. She spends her days and schools and her nights scheming to pay her tuition. When her ex-boyfriend Rell is released after doing her time she must go legit or end up in jail where she belongs.

Dreyah loves the risk of stealing from men. When one of her old lovers resurface for revenge she is forced to accept the fact that she is human.

Toya’s only concern is getting money to provide for her kids. When love goes wrong she proves she is willing to protect her family at any cost.

Carmen lives her life for her family and friends. When her sister pushes her over the edge she moves to Hawaii and watches everything she loves crumble.


Chapter 1

Amery, Dreyah, Toya and Carmen sat at the bar and scoped out the

crowd; looking for their latest victims. The four women combined made

the only squad in Memphis who were what there name was. They were

Femme Fatale’s and by being heartless they stayed paid.

Amery, the youngest of the four used the money she made from

schemes to pay for college. She was your average good girl gone bad.

After being molested by her father for years and finally telling her

mother she was kicked out for, “ruining their family.” After moving

in with her drug lord of a boyfriend she met the rest of her crew and

realized she had to do whatever she had to do to maintain. Standing

5’1 with a peanut butter complexion Amery drew in the guys with

her beautiful face. Her gray eyes and long jet black hair left men

mesmerized. Being the skinniest of the click and the most known Amery

had the most drama and the most male companions.

Dreyah, the oldest of the four was also their beautician. She began

scheming with the ladies after realizing she didn’t have good enough

credit to open her shop. Scheming got her the shop and scheming

helped her pay her bills. Dreyah’s chocolaty skin and coke bottle shape

combined with her hood model attitude attracted her customers.

Toya was the most hood of them all. With dreams of becoming the

hottest fashion designer, she wanted to be down just because she was

tired of sexing nighas for free. With two kids and a dead end job working

at a clothing store she needed something to help feed her kids. The

red bone of the click with the most experience, Toya was the craziest.



She was the chick that would go after a nigha in the club while he was

with his girl and wonder why she started beefing.

Carmen, the Latina was the newest to the click. After helping Amery

a while back when she got jumped they became close and shortly after

she joined the click. Still living with her parents Carmen helped support

her brothers and sisters and had no intentions of leaving, ever. Being

Latina was her perk. What nigha didn’t want a chick to talk dirty to

him in a different language?

After scoping for a few minutes the ladies decided who they would

pursue and where they would meet up the next morning to dish and

exchange videos. The Femme Fatales got their name one night at a

club. Amery had just ran a scheme on this French photographer. She

had gotten away with all of his equipment and cash and he couldn’t do

anything about it because he was in the United States on the run and he

didn’t want to draw any attention to himself. When he saw Amery and

her friends he began yelling “Femme Fatale.” after finding out that it

meant, a beautiful woman that brings disaster to men, all the girls got

the title tatted on them and that began the legacy of the Femme Fatales.


Dressed in booty shorts and stilettos Amery found her mark. In the

back of the club sat a 40 something male. Not getting any action Amery

spotted his wedding ring after his third shot of Hennessy. The question

was did he have money. Amery walked over to him and noticed he had

on a pretty clean suit. Figuring his wife wasn’t sexing him right and

he was trying to get some young ass she decided to make her move.

“Hey big daddy, what you doing here?”
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